In Honor of Those Who Served

© Karen Kessler

In Honor of Those Who Served

Uploaded: May 25, 2009


These are flags posted at Memorial Park Cemetery in Memphis, TN, for the Memorial Day weekend. They have the lawn beautifully decorated in honor of those who have served and are now serving our great country to defend our freedoms.

I want to take the opportunity to thank those of you who have made great sacrifices for us!

Shutter: 1/125
Aperture: 8.0
ISO: 200
Picture Style: Landscape
Lens: EF 70-300mm IS
Focal Length: 300mm

Held camera close to the ground to get this effect. Cropped, sharpened and saturated slightly using PS CS3.

Exif: F Number: 8, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/125 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 200, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 300.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 50D


Monnie Ryan May 25, 2009 0

Beautiful, Karen, and a wonderful tribute! #1132395

Cyndy Doty May 25, 2009 0

Karen, a lovely capture and a wonderful sentiment. #7555084

Shelly A. Van Camp level-classic May 25, 2009 0

Beautiful.....Well done. #7555090

Melissa G. Meiselman May 25, 2009 0

Karen this is a stunning shot of these flags taken with amazing shallow DOF/selective focus, vivid color and terrific composition!! This, of course, is a most apt theme for today's holiday! #7555164

Julianna J. Collett May 25, 2009 0

Stunning image - love the dof! #7555433

Kim Kleinschmidt May 25, 2009 0

Fabulous capture and DOF, Karen!
wonderful tribute! #7556205

Karen Kessler May 25, 2009 0

Thank you Monnie, Cyndy, Shelly, Melissa, Julianna and Kim for your compliments and input! I really appreciate you all! #7556357

Joan E. Gerring May 26, 2009 0

Very nice shot Karen! #7556499

Maria A. Gonzalez May 26, 2009 0

Great dof and composition.Very nice tribute to honor those in the Armed Forces who have served this incredible country.Very well captured,Karen. #7556536

Laura E. Swan level-classic May 26, 2009 0

Beautiful. These are the days that I miss living in that USA and the ones that I am very proud to be an American.

Thanks you for this beautiful tribute Sister Karen!


Animated American Flag at half mast Pictures, Images and Photos #7556677

Donna La Mattino Pagakis May 26, 2009 0

A super Memorial Day capture, very inspirational! #7556759

Ron McEwan May 26, 2009 0

Excellent shot for this special day Karen. Being a vertian I appreciate it. #7560159

Karen Kessler May 27, 2009 0

Thank you Joan, Maria, Laura, Donna & Ron! Your comments (and HTML, Sis!) are much appreciated! #7563309

Patricia Seidler June 20, 2009 0

WTG Karen. Congratulations! Good luck in the next round!!!!! #7651336

Patrick Rouzes level-classic June 20, 2009 0

Karen, CONGRATULATIONS on this amazing finalist!!! #7651780

Laura E. Swan level-classic June 20, 2009 0




Huge Congrats! Your Love Of Flags and For Your Country Has Surely PAID OFF!

I'm Soooooooooooo HAPPY FOR YOU! :)

Sister Laura :) #7651788

M.Christine Duncan June 20, 2009 0

Karen!!!! bravo and congrats on this profound finalist image m'dear!!! This is simply beautiful!!! #7651806

Donna La Mattino Pagakis June 20, 2009 0

Excellent work Karen! Congratulations on your finalist! #7651934

Mary Beth Aiello level-classic June 20, 2009 0

Karen -- The composition and DOF are amazing. Huge congrats on this outstanding and well deserved finalist. I just love it. #7651998

Theresa Marie Jones level-deluxe June 20, 2009 0

Salutations! I salute you on your excellent image! #7652010

Sherry McClead June 20, 2009 0

Congrats Karen!!! WTGoooooooo. Truely a wonderful image lovely lady.

Sherrybear #7652032

Sam Britt June 20, 2009 0

Congratulations Karen! #7652040

Christine Lobsinger level-classic June 20, 2009 0

WOW... Karen, amazing Finalist SHOT!!!
Good Luck in the next round!!!

Graham Robards June 20, 2009 0

Congratulations little Sister! ~Pat #7652145

Ann Coates level-classic June 20, 2009 0

Sister Laura sent me here and I'm glad she did. This is fantastic and I can see why you got a finalist. Congratulations Karen and truly well deserved. #7652196

Chris Ebben June 20, 2009 0

Congratulations!!! Very good work=^..^= #7652641

Avril Young June 20, 2009 0

Huge congratulations Karen!! well deserved! #7652866

Eugenio Diaz June 20, 2009 0

Huge Congratulations on this STUNNING finalist! AMAZING work and well done. #7653181

Nancyj E. Hovey level-classic June 20, 2009 0


on your well deserving FINALIST! 8o) #7655225

Michelle Alton June 20, 2009 0

A truly awe-inspring finalist! #7655730

Kirsten Kiki Kjaer June 20, 2009 0

A very well deserved finalist, Karen. Big congratulations!!! #7656878

Nadya Johnson June 20, 2009 0

Wonderful capture, Karen! Congratulations on your outstanding finalist! #7658252

June 20, 2009 0

A wonderful capture Karen. The americans do patriotism far better than we brits do which is pretty sad really considering the sacrifices they make.
Many congratulations on your bp finalist. #7658396

Sherran Andersen level-classic June 21, 2009 0

Congrats Karen. Sherran #7659318

Karen Kessler June 21, 2009 0

Wow! Thank you all for your congratulations! I really appreciate it! I just got back on my computer this morning after being away for two days and came back to all these emails! :) #7660916

Jim Huffield June 22, 2009 0

Very nice tribute and wonderful finalist, Karen. Jim #7664980

Karen Kessler June 23, 2009 0

Thank you, Jim! #7667385

Marisol Pastor level-classic June 23, 2009 0

Congratulations Karen on your finalist. Great pov and color! #7670551

Karen Kessler June 29, 2009 0

Thanks, Marisol! #7687731

Laura E. Swan level-classic July 04, 2009 0



Christine Lobsinger level-classic July 04, 2009 0

WOW SIS LAURA>... you sure know how to put on a FIREWORKS DISPLAY!!!!

Karen Kessler July 04, 2009 0

Uwww, COOL Sis! I love your animated insert above! Thank you for adding it here! #7704586

Vincent J. DeSanto July 30, 2009 0

WOW Karen, what a beautiful shot you took here. Man, you composed this one perfectly and I lovew how you played with the DOF. Nice work. #7797401

Karen Kessler July 31, 2009 0

Thank you for your kind comments, Vincent! #7798611

Gail Vitikacs level-classic December 18, 2009 0

Indeed a beautiful finalist....well done! #8227803

Karen Kessler December 18, 2009 0

Thank you, Gail! #8227825

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic May 31, 2010 0

CONGRATZ on your wonderful POTD Award!

UB. #8654163

William C. Raco level-classic May 31, 2010 0

Excellent photo to dedicate for the day
Congratulations on the POTD recognition, Karen #8654237

Kathryn Wesserling May 31, 2010 0

Amen! #8654240

Kim Andelkovic May 31, 2010 0

Congrats Karen on a super POTD....... :-) #8654307

Christine Lobsinger level-classic May 31, 2010 0

Hi Karen, COngrats to you on your Lovely POTD!!!!!
CHRIS #8654363

Joy Rector May 31, 2010 0

congrats on the POTD #8654378

Sheila Pittman May 31, 2010 0

A Great Memorial Day capture, Congrats on the POTD win. #8654418

Nikki McDonald level-classic May 31, 2010 0

Congratulations on the finalist (quite belated) and the POTD, Karen. Glad to see it this morning. #8654441

Robert Jensen May 31, 2010 0

Beautifully captured - glad this one was selected for today. My dad passed away a few years ago and he was in the Army and stationed in Hawaii when it was bombed on Dec 7, 1941. After the war, he was stationed in Tokyo as an MP, where he met my mom. He would have loved this image. Thanks for posting it. #8654528

Dianna Murphy May 31, 2010 0

Thanks for this my son and Dad are Marines! #8654534

Sharon F. Morris level-classic May 31, 2010 0

Beautiful image. Congrats in your Finalist and POTD Karen. #8654623

Richard M. Waas May 31, 2010 0

Congrats Karen on a great Finalist and a well deserved POTD!!! #8654629

Nancyj E. Hovey level-classic May 31, 2010 0

WOW, fantastic

on your POTD! 8o) #8654631

Katarina Mansson May 31, 2010 0

Congratulations on your powerful POTD! #8654639

Sheri Camarda level-deluxe May 31, 2010 0

C O N G R A T U L A T I O N S Karen!

Simple but powerful!

Perfect for the day. Remembering all who served and those serving. Dad 20 years in the Air Force- went Home last year, and brother served in Vietnam, One Uncle in the Army, one Uncle in the Navy. Praise God! #8654642

Pamela L. Moore May 31, 2010 0

thank you so much for this picture. I it a great reminder to all of us to thank all the men and women who have served for our freedom. #8654648

Cathy Barrows May 31, 2010 0

Congrats on a fab Memorial Day POTD #8654756

JO ANN CLEVELAND May 31, 2010 0

Beautiful! Congrats on POTD!

jo ann c. #8654834

Patti Coblentz May 31, 2010 0

Congratulations on your wonderful memorial POTD, Karen!

Patti #8654850

Songbird Cline level-classic May 31, 2010 0

I'm proud to be an American
Where at least I know I'm free
And I won't forget the men who died
Who gave that right to me
I gladly stand up . . next to you and defend her still today
Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land
God bless the USA
Well there's pride in every American heart
And its time we stand and say..
That we are proud to be Americans
Where at least we know we're free
And we won't forget the men who died
Who gave that right to you and me. #8654867

Dr Silly level-classic May 31, 2010 0

Congratulations Karen for your POTD that fits today. :O) #8654871

Bill Treadway May 31, 2010 0

Well Done and Well Said! #8654952

ROLAN NARMAN May 31, 2010 0

Huge congrats on your POTD Karen! #8655200

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe May 31, 2010 0

Congrats Karen on your Fantastic POTD!! Jeff #8655249

Songbird Cline level-classic May 31, 2010 0

To all you veterans I Thank you for serving our country! I appreciate your service. I descend from 11 Revolutionary War veterans. My GGG grandfather was in the War of 1812, and I have 3 ancestors who served in the Civil War. My grandpa Frazier was in WWI, and both my parents were in the Navy during WWII, both stationed at Pearl Harbor. My father is a Pearl Harbor survivor. My husband was a field medic for a year in VietNam. We have 2 sons career Air Force one of which is currently deployed. My father in law was a Captain in the Army and ran an Italian POW camp during WWII.
My 5th grade teacher was a Marine who served in the Korean War and we sang the Marine's Hymn everyday after the Pledge of Allegiance. Serving one's country, and appreciating it was ingrained in me from birth.Let us all remember that freedon is not free! #8655317

Donna La Mattino Pagakis May 31, 2010 0

Outstanding POTD Karen, congratulations! #8655389

Laura E. Swan level-classic May 31, 2010 0

SISTER KALENA!!!!!! POTD!!!!!!!!

HA!!!!!!!!!!! YOU GO GIRL!

I love this one and always have!

Thanks for being our wonderful patriotic BP Sister!

American Flag Pictures, Images and Photos

Love, Lala


Karen Kessler June 01, 2010 0

Thank you all so much for your kind comments. I read all of them & it made my day!

I'm happy that you liked the photo - it was my favorite from that photo shoot! I am so thankful for the men and women who protect our freedoms.


Graham Robards June 01, 2010 0

Wonderful to see this one again Karen!~Pat #8656713

Wm Nosal June 01, 2010 0

Beautiful Shot!

Shirley A. Kinney June 01, 2010 0

Beautiful shot, Karen and a beautiful tribute to all those serving our country in any and every branch of service. My son has served in the Navy for 21 years and is at present on a sub at sea for 6 months, the Louisville. Congrats on your POTD...well deserved. #8658285

Stephanie Laird level-classic June 01, 2010 0

Perfect in every way! #8658586

Robert D. Proctor June 02, 2010 0

Outstanding perspective, photo tell's the story. #8659617

Christine Lobsinger level-classic June 04, 2010 0

Hi My Friend... I am happy to visit your gallery today... Good to see this one as a Finalist...WTG!!! It sure is a great story telling SHOT!!!
I'm happy for you!!!

Amanda J. Tanner level-classic June 06, 2010 0

A Huge Congratulations on this Beautiful Tribute. This tells so many stories of Being an American and being proud of all our men serving our country. Wonderful work Karen! #8668709

Richard D. Love June 08, 2010 0

Congratulations. What a wonderful way to pay homage to those who allow us to be free Americans. Well done.

Rick #8679721

Karen Kessler June 09, 2010 0

Thank you for your comments. I have enjoyed reading through them all & seeing how we all feel the same way about our service men & women & what they do for us! #8680307

Carmody Baker September 03, 2010 0

This is truly beautiful! It speaks right to the heart. #8880317

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