Fete Fun
Uploaded: August 28, 2002
Taken with Olympus Om-10 and 35-70 zoom. Camera prefocussed set at 1/30 sec at f 16 and flash set at 1 stop over exposure. It was a dark dismal day so I added a warming filter to brighten up the colours. I waited until the kid in front turned his head before taking the shot. Note not recommended for those who suffer motion sickness!
Piper Lehman August 30, 2002 0
Adam, this is pretty cool. I take it you were riding behind this guy. What the ambitious photog will do for a shot....Not me, baby. I hate these things!Nice color, matey. Keep 'em coming! #8403
Carolyn M. Fletcher
September 08, 2002
Donna R. Moratelli September 09, 2002 0
Cool Shot Adam but I am with Piper. I don't do rides! Vertigo...... Congrats on placing. It's a great shot!!!!! #13995Adam Bolt September 09, 2002 0
Hmmm... this one was a finalist? Thanks for your comments guys. My way of thinking is a little bit like Piper from last month. I thought that there were other images that I entered that were better but hey! I'll take what ever I can (Considering that I am probaly one of just a handful using a 20 year old plus low spec, manual focus camera)Piper Lehman September 09, 2002 0
Are you serious? This is a great shot, Adam! Should've placed higher in my opinion. Not an easy task, panning. Not to mention panning while moving! It's still panning in my book, even if you weren't moving the camera from side to side. I'm surprised you didn't blow chunks doing this. You deserve first prize for the ride alone. Well done. #14063Terry McCully May 27, 2019 0
F A N T A S T I C SHOT HERE!!!! #115700Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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