Formosan Deer in Captivity--"After"

© Mary N C. Taitt

Formosan Deer in Captivity--"After"

Uploaded: March 19, 2006


f/4.5, 1/90s, 135mm, ISO 400, Belle Isle, detroit MI


Mary N C. Taitt March 19, 2006

Here are the imprisoned at Belle Isle. #411870

Kate Jackson March 22, 2006

That is so sad Mary! Wish you could let them out!!! Love the frost on those trees. Could spring be on the way?
Looks like this could be the start of a very thoughtful series. #2559950

Mary N C. Taitt March 22, 2006

Thank you Kate, for your kind and thoughtful comments. What would I do with this if it were a series? I love series, but I'm not sure where to go with it. #2561510

Shelly A. Van Camp level-classic March 22, 2006

Beautiful animal and Picture. :) #2561822

Mary N C. Taitt March 22, 2006

Thank you so much, Shelly. :-) Mary #2562391

John Connolly March 22, 2006

Thank you for sharing these wonderful images with us Mary, it is so sad to see wild beasts held in captivity. #2562635

Kate Jackson March 22, 2006

I was thinking that because you said IN THIS CASE the before was better than the after that you would do ANOTHER CASE where the before was worse than the after.
Guess I was wrong then! #2562663

Mary N C. Taitt March 22, 2006

Thank you John and Kate for your kind and thoughtful comments!!

Normally, When we show before and afters, the AFTER is the one we worked on and are submitting and the before is not as good. I was using it in a different way than normal.

But actulally there are cases where the AFTER is better--in this case, the after would be better for the deer if they were released back onto the island.

Bt there are certainly animals coming back from near extinction or from ad situations.

In Detroit, things seem to be going steadily downhill. They closed the aquarium and are threatening to close the zoo and possibly the conservatory. What will be left? Aieee!

Maybe the series would inlude some of each--the fish at the aquarium and the drained pools, the Lions on their perches on the hillside and the empty parking lot.

I do like series, I just need a way to embrace them and understand them!!!

XOX #2562963

Dawn Leslie March 22, 2006

Beautiful capture you have here Mary, I love the effects you used here. Beautiful animal! #2565234

Mary N C. Taitt March 24, 2006

Thank you Dawn and Kevin for your kind comments!!! Mary :-) #2572696

Jenny D April 01, 2006

You made a beautiful image! #2598463

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