Strong wind

Uploaded: December 29, 2014 | Entered: December 29, 2014 08:19:11


Exif: f/5.3, 1/160 second, ISO 450, 95mm


Jeff Robinson level-deluxe January 18, 2015 0

Great Winter capture Mado - Congrats on your POTD!! #1603993

Deborah Lewinson level-addict January 18, 2015 0

Congrats on your POTD, Madaleine, for this wonderful winter image! #11226678

Sara B Coffey level-classic January 18, 2015 0

Congratulations on your POTD Madeleine! The bright blue jacket & trim really draws the eyes into the scene. #11226715

Joy Rector January 18, 2015 0

congrats on the POTD #11226723

Susan D. Royce level-classic January 18, 2015 0

Congratulations, Madeleine! Great seasonal POTD. #11226728

Linda A. Waterhouse January 18, 2015 0

Great! Fabulous! Congrats, but HOW did you stabilize your camera? #11226736

Lindley Johnson level-classic January 18, 2015 0

Congratulations on your terrific POTD, Madeleine. #11226788

Madeleine Guenette January 18, 2015 0

Thank you so much Betterphoto and to each of you for your comments. Linda, it was snowing heavily and I open the door and took this people from my porch. Luck was with me. #11226805

Madeleine Guenette January 18, 2015 0

Thank you so much Betterphoto and to each of you for your comments. Linda, it was snowing heavily and I open the door and took these people from my porch. Luck was with me. #11226806

Frederick P. Brown level-classic January 18, 2015 0

Great capture! Congrats on POTD! Love it! Fred #11226832

George R. Thomson January 18, 2015 0

Yup. Carry your camera every day. #11226841

Nancy L. Green level-classic January 18, 2015 0

Oh my but that looks COLD!! CONGRATULATIONS Madaleine on this wonderful POTD!! #11227073

Teresa Burnett level-classic January 19, 2015 0

Poor kids!! Looks like tough going!! Wonderful capture, Madeleine!! Congratulations on your POTD!! #11227255

Ann Lyssenko level-classic January 20, 2015 0

Wonderful storytelling with color to accent the B&W look and strong motion from left to right. Congratulations on your POTD Madeleine! Ann #11228267

Nikki McDonald level-classic January 23, 2015 0

Whoa, I can feel the cold and the wind here. Great image, Mado. Congratulations on your POTD . #11230258

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