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Uploaded: September 30, 2014 | Entered: September 30, 2014 15:50:55
Exif: f/7.1, 1/40 second, ISO: 400, 100mm
Colette M. Metcalf September 30, 2014 1
Great title for this fantastic capture, Orsi!! #1589074
Jane E. Miller
October 01, 2014
Jeff Robinson
October 15, 2014
Gord MacEachern October 15, 2014 1
Big congrats here on your well deserved POTD Orsi!! #11159058Mary K. Robison October 15, 2014 1
Congrats on this superb macro becoming POTD, Orsi! #11159072
Gail Sullivan
October 15, 2014
Ellen Hodges October 15, 2014 1
Huge congrats on a fantastic POTD, Orsi!! #11159074Danny B. Head October 15, 2014 0
Beautiful details! Congrats on your POTD! #11159075Danny B. Head October 15, 2014 1
Beautiful details! Congrats on your POTD! #11159077Joy Rector October 15, 2014 1
congrats on the POTD #11159092Joy Rector October 15, 2014 1
congrats on the POTD #11159094Colette M. Metcalf October 15, 2014 1
Big congrats to you!!! WTG! #11159095Kalena Randall October 15, 2014 1
Very cool.shot!JO ANN CLEVELAND October 15, 2014 1
MAGNIFICENT Orsi! This is really kool Orsi and so happy to see it was recognized with POTD. Now...let's see it in Gold again!! #11159140
Deborah Lewinson
October 15, 2014
Leslie McLain
October 15, 2014
Anita Hogue October 15, 2014 1
Congratulations on your beautiful POTD! #11159148
Lindley Johnson
October 15, 2014
Lydia Williams
October 15, 2014
Frederick P. Brown
October 15, 2014
Emile Abbott
October 15, 2014
Lisa B. North October 15, 2014 1
Fantastic!! Love seeing this on POTD! Congrats! #11159275
Patricia A. Casey
October 15, 2014
Barbara Socor October 15, 2014 1
A remarkable and utterly fabulous image! Congrats on your memorable POTD! #11159340
Kathy Salerni
October 15, 2014
Tammy M. Anderson
October 15, 2014
Orsi October 15, 2014 1
Thank you very much!!! :) #11159465
Dawn Miller
October 15, 2014
Amanda D. Austwick
October 15, 2014
Nancy L. Green
October 15, 2014
Evy Johansen
October 16, 2014
Michael Lynch October 16, 2014 1
Excellent ! #11159926Orsi October 16, 2014 0
Thank you very much!! #11160017
Teresa Burnett
October 16, 2014
Nadia Paul October 22, 2014 1
Congrats on your wonderful POTD Orsi! #11164809
Nikki McDonald
October 27, 2014
M. Grubb October 30, 2014 1
Love the title, cool photo! Congratulations :-) #11172858Orsi October 30, 2014 0
Thank you! :) #11172895Ellen Hodges October 31, 2014 0
Huge congrats on a fantastic winner, Orsi!! #11174659Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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