reaching for the sun

© Elena Davydova

reaching for the sun

Uploaded: September 16, 2014 | Entered: September 15, 2014 22:10:19


multiexposure with vertical movements

Exif: f/5.6, 1/15 second, ISO: 100, 70mm


Danny B. Head September 16, 2014 1

Love it! #1587194

Elena Davydova level-classic September 16, 2014 0

Thank you, Danny! :-) #11135511

Joy Rector October 10, 2014 0

congrats on the POTD #11155320

Joy Rector October 10, 2014 0

congrats on the POTD #11155321

October 10, 2014 0

Outstanding effect.

Frederick P. Brown level-classic October 10, 2014 0

Wonderful capture! Love it! Congrats on your POTD! Fred #11155405

Nancyj E. Hovey level-classic October 10, 2014 1

AWESOME! Congratulations on your POTD! 8o)

Teresa Burnett level-classic October 10, 2014 0

Beautiful image, Elena!! Wonderful processing!! Congratulations on your POTD!! #11155467

Lindley Johnson level-classic October 10, 2014 0

Congratulations on your lovely and artistic POTD, Elena! #11155468

Barbara Socor October 10, 2014 0

Beautifully conceived and executed! Wonderful effect here.....Congrats on your fine POTD! #11155531

Emile Abbott level-classic October 10, 2014 0

Excellent in camera effects Elena and congrats on awesome POTD #11155580

Emile Abbott level-classic October 10, 2014 0

Excellent in camera effects Elena and congrats on awesome POTD #11155581

JO ANN CLEVELAND October 10, 2014 0

Ohhh Elena! This is gorgeous, hope we see it again...Congrats onyour POTD! #11155632

JO ANN CLEVELAND October 10, 2014 0

Ohhh Elena! This is gorgeous, hope we see it again...Congrats onyour POTD! #11155633

Linda S. Smith level-classic October 10, 2014 0

Fantastic capture and effects Elena! #11155636

Lisa B. North October 10, 2014 0

Just beautiful! Love the effects! Heavenly! Congrats on POTD! #11155637

Elena Davydova level-classic October 10, 2014 0

Thank you all so much!!! Did not really expect such a positive feedback... I'm very glad that you like my picture :-) Multiexposure is a very interesting technique that I'm particularly fond of :) #11155682

Nancy L. Green level-classic October 10, 2014 0

GORGEOUS Elena, CONGRATULATIONS on this wonderful POTD!!! <>< #11155689

October 11, 2014 0

Really--the image is out of focus (intentionally); what is the subject anyway; the greens are yellow and where do you want the eye to go. Really. #11155928

Elena Davydova level-classic October 11, 2014 0

Thank you for your opinion, Bruce! That's right, this is not a traditional image. Not everyone likes that technique. I personally like it and when I make such pictures, for me it's not about the subject or accurate colours. Instead, I want the image to give a feeling or impression, and I think that this technique works well for that. I know that not everyone likes this kind of pictures, like not everyone likes all styles in any art. It's a matter of personal preference. Really :-) #11155954

Pamela Stallings October 11, 2014 0

I really like this photo. How many exposures did you use. I will have to try this. I usually just move the camera using only one exposure. Great job. Cheers, Pam #11156510

Pamela Stallings October 11, 2014 0

I really like this photo. How many exposures did you use. I will have to try this. I usually just move the camera using only one exposure. Great job. Cheers, Pam #11156511

Elena Davydova level-classic October 11, 2014 0

Thank you, Pam! Glad that you like the photo :) I use both ways from time to time. That was 9 exposures, but you can try different number. Think, you'll like this tecnique :-) #11156513

Nikki McDonald level-classic October 27, 2014 0

Cool abstract with nice result. Belated congratulations on your POTD. #11168904

Elena Davydova level-classic October 27, 2014 0

Thank you very much, Nikki! :-) #11169078

Elena Davydova level-classic October 27, 2014 0

Thank you very much, Nikki! :-) #11169079

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