The day after

© Robert K. Bemus

The day after

Uploaded: September 03, 2014 | Entered: September 03, 2014 02:08:51


Exif: f/8, 1/6 sec, ISO: 3200, 300mm


Colette M. Metcalf September 03, 2014 0

Just beautiful!!! #1585375

Tiia Vissak September 03, 2014 0

a beautiful image! #11124934

JO ANN CLEVELAND September 03, 2014 0

Awesome Robert, I love this! #11125098

Anita Bower September 16, 2014 0

Beautiful colors and processing. #11135293

Tiia Vissak September 16, 2014 0

Congrats! #11135299

Colette M. Metcalf September 16, 2014 1

Big congrats to you!!!! #11135302

Joy Rector September 16, 2014 0

congrats on the POTD #11135303

Richard M. Waas September 16, 2014 0

Congrats on a well deserved POTD! #11135314

Deborah Lewinson level-addict September 16, 2014 0

Congrats, Robert, on your gorgeous POTD! #11135317

Carol Flisak level-classic September 16, 2014 0

Beautiful image, Robert... wonderful colors, softness and abstract quality! Congrats on your POTD! #11135327

Errick L. Cameron level-classic September 16, 2014 0

Well done Robert! #11135331

Robert Jensen September 16, 2014 0

Congrats Robert on this beautiful image. Still need to get together some time when you are shooting surfers in HB. #11135406

Emile Abbott level-classic September 16, 2014 0

Gorgeous long exposure capture Robert, love the tones, congrats on POTD #11135420

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe September 16, 2014 0

Beautiful POTD. Congrats! #11135428

Nancy L. Green level-classic September 16, 2014 0

CONGRATULATIONS Robert on this wonderful POTD!!! <>< #11135472

Joy Bello September 16, 2014 0

Congrats on the POTD! Beautiful shot! #11135510

Frederick P. Brown level-classic September 16, 2014 0

Beautiful capture! Congrats on POTD! Love it! #11135512

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe September 16, 2014 0

Congrats Robert on this Outstanding POTD! #11135539

Lindley Johnson level-classic September 16, 2014 0

So beautiful! Congratulations on your fabulous POTD, Robert. #11135541

JO ANN CLEVELAND September 16, 2014 0

Congrats Robert on the greatest Potd!I #11135596

Michael Lynch September 16, 2014 0

Refreshing ! #11135662

stanley sims September 16, 2014 0

Well deserved POTD. Great work. #11135670

Evy Johansen level-classic September 16, 2014 0

Beautiful, Robert! Congratulations on your POTD! #11135687

Teresa Burnett level-classic September 29, 2014 0

Beautiful capture, Robert!! Congratulations on your POTD!! #11147742

Nikki McDonald level-classic January 09, 2015 0

I just love the flow here and the colors. Congratulations on your POTD, Robert . #11221486

Nikki McDonald level-classic January 09, 2015 0

I just love the flow here and the colors. Congratulations on your POTD, Robert . #11221487

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