Farm fresh watermelons

© Donna R. Moratelli

Farm fresh watermelons

Uploaded: July 04, 2014 | Entered: July 04, 2014 07:17:35


.A delicious summertime treat


Colette M. Metcalf July 04, 2014 0

Wow! Fantastic, Donna!!!!! Fav! #1578104

JO ANN CLEVELAND July 04, 2014 0

Kool Donna, great set up and colors girl!

jo ann c. #11077985

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe July 04, 2014 0

Cut me a slice!! Wonderful comp, color and Summer capture! #11078048

Joy Rector July 05, 2014 0

wonderful comp #11078502

frank w. degenhardt July 05, 2014 0

Wow, this one stands out. Love the boldness of the colors, that red, then the melons, and that is one beautiful background with the black and white stripes. Bold colors, beautiful shapes, love it Donna. #11078509

Michele Peterson level-classic July 06, 2014 0

I love all of the elements of design in this! Colorful and fun, a fabulous image, Donna! #11079626

Ken Smith level-classic July 08, 2014 0

Now that's very striking...and superb...sure to see this one again, Donna! #11080981

Nikki McDonald level-classic July 14, 2014 0

What a gorgeous display. I love love the color and design elements here, Donna. #11084538

Ken Smith level-classic July 15, 2014 0

No surprise here. Congrats, Donna...super photo! #11085390

Joy Rector July 15, 2014 0

congrats on the POTD #11085394

Deborah Lewinson level-addict July 15, 2014 0

Congrats, Donna, o your striking and delightful POTD!

Debby #11085401

Colette M. Metcalf July 15, 2014 0

HUGE congrats, Donna!!!!! #11085406

Anita Hogue July 15, 2014 0

Congratulations on your beautiful POTD1 #11085407

JO ANN CLEVELAND July 15, 2014 0

Congrats on your well deserved POTD!

jo ann c. #11085454

Ellen Hodges July 15, 2014 0

Huge congrats on a fab POTD, Donna! #11085492

Michele Peterson level-classic July 15, 2014 0

I knew we'd see this again! Congratulations!! #11085504

Donna R. Moratelli July 15, 2014 0

OMG. This came as a big surprise. Thanks everyone!! #11085513

Nancy L. Green level-classic July 15, 2014 0

Nothing like fresh cool water melon on a hot day!!! CONGRATULATIONS on a wonderful POTD!!! <>< #11085603

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe July 15, 2014 0

Congrats Donna on this Fantastic Summer POTD!! #11085761

Evy Johansen level-classic July 16, 2014 0

Wonderful capture, Donna! Congratulations on your POTD! #11085868

Cindy Bendush level-classic July 16, 2014 0

Congratulations on your POTD! #11085914

Teresa Burnett level-classic July 16, 2014 0

Congratulations on your wonderful POTD, Donna!! #11085926

Donna R. Moratelli July 16, 2014 0

Thanks everybody! I enjoyed all of your comments! #11085947

Laura E. Swan level-classic July 16, 2014 0

Striking came to my mind, too, and vibrant! Cheerful and even Italian looking to me. :)

Big Congrats on your getting the big GOLD POTD honor!! :D

-Laura Swan :) #11085987

Emile Abbott level-classic July 16, 2014 0

You can tell it is summer time. I will take a slice. Congrats on POTD Donna #11086251

Lindley Johnson level-classic July 16, 2014 0

Great color and lines - congratulations on your terrific POTD, Donna! #11086256

Carol Eade level-classic July 17, 2014 0

Terrific work, Donna. Congratulations on your POTD! #11086683

Carol Eade level-classic August 30, 2014 0

Congratulations on another terrific finalist! #11120628

Richard D. Love September 13, 2014 0

Congratulations, Donna...wonderful photographic elements and colors!

Rick #11133373

Nikki McDonald level-classic December 19, 2014 0

Absolutely fantastic colors and great composition. Love that black and white background. Belated congratulations on your Finalist and Photo of the Day. #11209340

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