Mount Rainier and Fog; Black and White

© Mark Windom

Mount Rainier and Fog; Black and White

Uploaded: June 07, 2014 | Entered: June 07, 2014 13:59:02


Mount Rainier rises above a passing fog bank; Mount Rainier National Park, Washington State


Michele Peterson level-classic June 07, 2014 0

Beautiful capture of the Mountain. I see it everyday in living color,(well, on non-cloudy days!) but it sure looks great in B&W! :-) #1575602

Ellen Hodges June 26, 2014 0

Huge congrats on a gorgeous POTD, Mark!! #11071773

Joy Rector June 26, 2014 0

congrats on the POTD #11071789

Richard M. Waas June 26, 2014 0

Congrats on a well deserved POTD!! #11071791

Barbara Socor June 26, 2014 0

An elegant and memorable presentation...Beautiful work! #11071859

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe June 26, 2014 0

Outstanding POTD. Beautiful in B/W. #11071905

Emile Abbott level-classic June 26, 2014 0

Fabulous POTD #11071919

JO ANN CLEVELAND June 26, 2014 0

Congratulations on this fantastic POTD Mark!

jo ann c. #11071922

Daniella Puente June 26, 2014 0

Beautiful photo! #11071965

Mark Windom June 26, 2014 0

Thank you, editors, for the POTD selection and everyone for your comments. It's appreciated. Hard to go wrong at Rainier.... #11072009

Teresa Burnett level-classic June 27, 2014 0

Beautiful capture, Mark!! Congratulations on your POTD!! #11072389

Richard D. Love June 29, 2014 0

Congratulations, Mark...wonderful tones and sense of drama!

Rick #11073311

Lindley Johnson level-classic June 29, 2014 0

This is a gorgeous image, Mark, beautiful in black and white - congratulations on your POTD! #11073725

July 31, 2014 0

Great weather shot. #11096485

Merna L. Nobile July 31, 2014 0

The diversity, quality and edition skills of your photography are amazing. Congratulations, Merna Nobile #11097161

Nikki McDonald level-classic September 02, 2014 0

Beautiful scene and tonal range. Belated congratulations on the POTD and Finalist. #11123937

Kevin M. Woodbury November 23, 2014 0

VERY VERY NICE! What a beautiful scene and great mood. #11193862

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