Kitty Kono: "I just pretend I'm a Deer!
Uploaded: May 16, 2014 | Entered: May 16, 2014 04:13:09
I've LONG been a huge fan of the work of BP member, Kitty Kono. Her wildlife photography is STELLAR (IMHO) and I practically drool when I view her images.
So last week I contacted Kitty and asked if it would be possible for me (and two photo club friends ) to meet up with and shadow her on one of her shoots at Valley Forge National Park.
She graciously and enthusiastically said that she would LOVE to show us around her "spots."
Yesterday was the day...and WHAT a day it was to be!
(See the discussion area for three more photos)
Kitty--Thank you SO MUCH for the education and your patience and GREAT humor. Though we were soaked to the skin, had soggy socks, and were digging gnats out of our ears and other facial orifices, we had a ball and came home with new appreciation for the skills, patience, and passion of the intrepid wildlife photographers that you personify.
Exif: F Number: 6.3, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/250 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 640, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 100.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark III
Michelle Alton May 16, 2014 0
-----------Monnie Ryan May 16, 2014 0
And a great time was had by all! Wonderful photos of this special day, Michelle! #11045925Candace M. Cleveland May 16, 2014 0
Thank you for sharing this. Enjoyed this very much. Wonderful photos. #11045933
Kitty R. Kono
May 16, 2014
Tammy Espino May 16, 2014 0
Great captures and story!! Anything is possible with a lens that size!! Envious here :) #11046020
Terry Cervi
May 16, 2014
John Connolly May 16, 2014 0
It sounds like you had a very rewarding day out with your cameras and friends Michelle! OH to be young again! #11046217David Phalen May 17, 2014 0
What a fabulous day that must have been!! Took the opportunity to visit Kitty's BP Gallery. In addition to her outstanding photographs I was struck by the absence of EPs and Finalists. A clear indictment of BP's judging IMHO!! #11046256Katherine Kuhn May 17, 2014 0
Sounds like a shoot to remember for sure! Great documentary shots of Kitty in action! #11046289Renata Gusciora May 18, 2014 0
It sounds like a thrilling experience!So cool! What a terrific portrait and it tells the story,love it, Michelle! I am sure you had lots of fun!:-) #11046977Ujjwal Mukherjee May 18, 2014 0
I enjoyed going through your story telling images of what sounds like a wonderful and rewarding day that you all had,Michelle!! the one 'Where's the Fox, Kitty?' is one of those pictures that say a thousand words - should be a contest entry! #11047217Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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