Uploaded: April 11, 2014
Exif: f/20, 1/125 sec, ISO: 125, 85mm
MELODIE C. ROBERTS April 28, 2014 0
This has potential......Making this a favorite!!!
Excellent capture ~S.....Y~!!!!
Lydia Williams
June 02, 2014
Ellen Hodges June 02, 2014 0
Huge congrats on silver and gold, Jeana!!! #11058129
Ken Smith
June 02, 2014
Leslie McLain
June 02, 2014
Kathryn Wesserling June 02, 2014 0
Congratulations on so many fronts (the Finalist, the POTD, and on the fact that your corner of the World is finally getting some rain.) Happy Days, my friend! #11058148Joy Rector June 02, 2014 0
congrats on the POTD #11058165David Phalen June 02, 2014 0
BIG Congrats on a your beautiful POTD!! #11058224Barbara Socor June 02, 2014 0
So very well seen and composed...A beautiful image....Congrats! #11058299
Mitch Spence
June 02, 2014
Teresa Burnett
June 02, 2014
Emile Abbott
June 02, 2014
Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna June 02, 2014 0
WTG on this wonderful POTD, Blondie!!! :-) k #11058365Eivor Kuchta June 02, 2014 0
Wonderful with the warm yellow in front and the stormy skies! Congratulations on your beautiful POTD, Jeana! #11058379
Stacy Lankford
June 02, 2014
Amanda D. Austwick
June 02, 2014
Bojan Bencic
June 02, 2014
Colette M. Metcalf June 02, 2014 0
Big congrats on your POTD, Jeana!!! #11058467
Nancy L. Green
June 02, 2014
Michael Frazier
June 02, 2014
Jeff Robinson
June 02, 2014
MELODIE C. ROBERTS June 03, 2014 0
Do I know how to pick'em or what?? ;0)AWESOME POTD S~~~~~~~Y!!!!
Congratulations my Dear!!!
Nikki McDonald
June 03, 2014
Jeana Clark June 03, 2014 0
Thanks so very much Everyone!!!Thanks Again!!!
~J~ #11058761
MELODIE C. ROBERTS June 04, 2014 0
Move this back up front #11059315
Lindley Johnson
June 04, 2014
Susan Weisensel June 09, 2014 0
I have been without a computer, so I missed this and I am sorry. What a beauty it is and congrats on your PHOTO OF THE DAY!!! #11062461Richard D. Love June 22, 2014 0
Congratulations, Jeana...just gorgeous. Well done!Rick #11069698
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