Daily life

Uploaded: November 25, 2013


f5.6; 1/125sec; ISO640; lens: Sanyan fisheye.



Usman M. Bajwa level-classic November 25, 2013 0

Wonderful pov and capture, Zaw Min!

UB. #1553843

Michelle Alton November 25, 2013 0

A phenomenally wonderful capture and composition. Everything in this image works. A favorite for me. #10906653

Liz blahh January 01, 2014 0

Congrats on your beautiful finalist! #10933056

Anita Bower January 06, 2014 0

A FUN photo! Congratulations. #10938564

Marilyn Cornwell January 06, 2014 0

So lovely. Congratulations on POTD! #10938569

Joy Rector January 06, 2014 0

congrats on the POTD #10938632

Richard M. Waas January 06, 2014 0

Congrats on a well deserved POTD!! #10938701

Susan D. Royce level-classic January 06, 2014 0

Congratulations on your amazing finalist and POTD! #10938757

Nancy Marie Ricketts January 06, 2014 0

Congratulations, Zaw Min, on your beautiful Finalist and POTD! #10938762

JO ANN CLEVELAND January 06, 2014 0

Congratulations on this awesome Finalist and POTD Zaw Min. The only thing...I think it should have got higher than finalist, I would have given it the Gold!

jo ann c. #10938778

Barbara Socor January 06, 2014 0

A wonderful image....Congrats on your memorable Finalist & POTD.... #10938788

Sara B Coffey level-classic January 06, 2014 0

A wonderful silhouette Zaw Min! I love the colors & POV. Congrats on another Winner!
Sara:) #10938797

Lindley Johnson level-classic January 06, 2014 0

Fantastic silhouettes, terrific composition and light. Congratulations on your POTD and finalist! #10938852

Ellen Hodges January 06, 2014 0

Huge congrats on a gorgeous POTD and finalist!! #10938897

Nancy L. Green level-classic January 06, 2014 0

WOW!!! This is AWESOME, CONGRATULATIONS!!! <>< #10939047

Nadia Paul January 07, 2014 0

Congrats on your beautiful POTD! #10939412

Richard D. Love January 07, 2014 0

Congratulations...just so beautiful!

Rick #10939580

Lisa B. North January 08, 2014 0

This made me so happy! What a winner ! Incredible capture!! #10940004

Guy D. Biechele level-classic January 08, 2014 0

Beautiful image. Congratulation on you POTD and finalist! #10940464

Mary K. Robison January 10, 2014 0

Congratulations, Zaw Min, on your well earned POTD/Finalist. #10941584

Deborah Lewinson level-addict January 13, 2014 0

Congratulations, Zaw Min, on your POTD and Finalist for this amazing image!

Debby #10944708

Nikki McDonald level-classic January 14, 2014 0

How delightful! I love all the activity here and the silhouette presentation. Congratulations on the Finalist and POTD. #10945953

Merna L. Nobile January 14, 2014 0

I recently opened my e-mail and found an announcement from Better Photo that the month of November award winners were basking in the glory of finding their name beside their beautiful entry. CONGRATULATIONS!

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BetterPhoto.com Photo Contest FinalistPhotography Contest Photo of the Day

Copyright for this photo belongs solely to Zaw Min (G.T.S)@ Johnson Li.
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