Heads or Tails?

© Laurence Saliba

Heads or Tails?

Uploaded: November 06, 2013


Exif: F Number: 6.3, Exposure Bias Value: -0.33, ExposureTime: 1/200 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 100, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 200.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 50D


Christine Lobsinger level-classic November 06, 2013 0

Hi Laurence, This is such a Masterpiece - if you ask me..
Fantastic image with crisp clean details, colouring and positioning!
Love your caption too- It compliments your image PER-FECT-LY!
Smiling Christine #1551574

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic January 01, 2014 0

Wonderful details and awesome title, Laurence. CONGRATZ on the Gold badge!!

UB. #10933437

Claudia Kuhn level-classic January 01, 2014 0

Love it, congratulations! #10933761

Linda D. Lester level-classic January 02, 2014 0

Fun shot! Congratulations on your win! #10935012

Renata Gusciora January 02, 2014 0

Big Congratulations on this lovely Winner, Laurence!!!:-) #10935234

Daniella Puente January 03, 2014 0

Congratulations on this great winner Laurence! #10935596

JO ANN CLEVELAND January 03, 2014 0

Congratulations on this super 2nd Place Gold win Laurence!

jo ann c. #10935669

Angie M. Davis January 03, 2014 0

Congratulations on this fabulous winner!! I absolutely adore your title - simply perfect for the image, and your model is adorable. :) #10936332

Emile Abbott level-classic January 07, 2014 0

Huge congratulations Laurence on this wonderful gold winner. Love the title as well. #10939686

Mary K. Robison January 08, 2014 0

Congratulations on your sweet Second Place Gold Winner, Laurence! Great comp and title. #10940200

Sara B Coffey level-classic January 10, 2014 0

Love this one Laurence! Interesting angle w/ the kitty's tail in the frame w/ the head shot.
Congrats on you Gold Winner.
Sara :) #10941838

Merna L. Nobile January 11, 2014 0

I recently opened my e-mail and found an announcement from Better Photo that the month of November award winners were basking in the glory of finding their name beside their beautiful entry. CONGRATULATIONS!

Ellen Hodges January 31, 2014 0

Congrats on the awesome win and being featured in Snapshot, Lawrence!! #10960838

Christine Dalton February 01, 2014 0

Congrats n your second place win Laurence, Great photo and so cute! #10961259

Emile Abbott level-classic February 01, 2014 0

Congratulations Lawrence on your Second place win #10962767

Michelle L. Frick May 01, 2014 0

Congratulations Laurence! #11035434

Merna L. Nobile May 01, 2014 0

So sweet, congratulations! #11036207

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BetterPhoto.com Photo Contest SECOND PLACE Winner

Copyright for this photo belongs solely to Laurence Saliba.
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