white sandune

© Yulianto Soeroso

white sandune

Uploaded: June 05, 2013


White sandune vietnam

Exif: f/13, 1/30 second, ISO: 100, Focal Length: 70mm


Tarun Bose June 06, 2013 0

Excellent image Yulianto. #1531341

Donna La Mattino Pagakis July 10, 2013 0

What a serene scene and nice image Yulianto. Congrats! #10762326

Nancy Marie Ricketts July 10, 2013 0

Congratulations, Yulianto, on your superb POTD! #10762358

Joy Rector July 10, 2013 0

congrats on the POTD #10762372

Katarina Mansson July 10, 2013 0

Congratulations on your beautiful POTD Yulianto! #10762396

JO ANN CLEVELAND July 10, 2013 0

Absolutely gorgeous Yulianto...Congrats on this great POTD!

jo ann c. #10762466

Millie A. Talarico level-classic July 10, 2013 0

Marvelous POTD Yulianto!! #10762486

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic July 10, 2013 0

Wonderful contrast and comp, Yulianto. CONGRATZ on the POTD!!!

UB. #10762490

Bojan Bencic level-classic July 10, 2013 0

Great composition with beautiful colors. Congratulations on your POTD, Yulianto! #10762512

Ellen Hodges July 10, 2013 0

Congrats on a fabulous POTD, Yuli!!! #10762545

Emile Abbott level-classic July 10, 2013 0

Outstanding composition Yulianto and congrats on your POTD #10762684

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe July 10, 2013 0

Beautiful POTD, Congrats! #10762861

Mary K. Robison July 11, 2013 0

Simply beautiful scene, Yulianto! Congratulations on your well deserved POTD!


Lindley Johnson level-classic July 11, 2013 0

Congratulations on your stunning POTD, Yulianto! #10763791

Richard D. Love August 01, 2013 0

Congratulations, Yulianto...well done!

Rick #10792151

Lydia Williams level-classic March 13, 2016 0

Wow!!! Awesome! :) #11446648

Laura E. Swan level-classic March 19, 2016 0

I love your work, Yulianto!! Congratulations on this great POTD!! You lead such an interesting life! #11448858

Yulianto Soeroso March 20, 2016 1

thank you laura this shot before big rain in white sandunrs hihihi .. we run by atv hihi #11449111

Patrick Rouzes level-classic March 24, 2016 0

Very beautiful scene, Yulianto. I miss seeing your amazing photos. Hope you are doing well.

Yulianto Soeroso March 24, 2016 0

Aha Patrick thanks for your support .. I still xist haha b ut many work I must do ,, and thank iam in good condition after saw total eclipse in palu sulawesi hahaha #11450948

Yulianto Soeroso March 24, 2016 0

Aha Patrick thanks for your support .. I still xist haha b ut many work I must do ,, and thank iam in good condition after saw total eclipse in palu sulawesi hahaha #11450949

Ellen Hodges March 26, 2016 0

You are missed, Yulianto!!! Hope to see some of your fab images soon!!! #11452172

Yulianto Soeroso March 27, 2016 0

Hallo Ellen thank you ...soon I ll show it hahaha see you #11452319

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