Rosy Love

© Mary L. Olson

Rosy Love

Uploaded: February 05, 2013


Exif: f/4, 1/30 second, ISO: 800, Focal Length: 100mm


Ellen Hodges February 14, 2013 0

Huge congrats, Mary on a GORGEOUS potd!! Have a great Valentine's Day!! #1514589

Leslie McLain level-classic February 14, 2013 0

Congrats on a beautiful POTD, Mary. #10567642

Richard M. Waas February 14, 2013 0

Gorgeous... Congrats on a well deserved POTD!! #10567654

Joy Rector February 14, 2013 0

congrats on the POTD #10567675

gail byrnes February 14, 2013 0

Beautiful, Mary!! #10567689

Kathryn Wesserling February 14, 2013 0

Totally unexpected and absolutely exquisite. Congratulations, Mary. #10567723

Rosemary Sampson level-classic February 14, 2013 0

Fabulous image! #10567727

Nancy Marie Ricketts February 14, 2013 0

What a fitting capture for today- beautiful rendition of a lovely rose! Congratulations on your POTD, Mary! #10567764

Eivor Kuchta February 14, 2013 0

Beautiful, Mary! Congratulations on your POTD!

Linda S. Smith level-classic February 14, 2013 0

Absolutely gorgeous rose Mary! Perfect capture in every way!!!! Congratulations on a well deserved POTD! #10567790

John D. Roach level-addict February 14, 2013 0

Very nicely done. #10567796

Pamela K. Barrett February 14, 2013 0

This is so beautiful. Love the white with just a hint of pink. It's going into my favorites. #10567797

Terry Cervi level-classic February 14, 2013 0

Congrats on your beautiful POTD, Mary! #10567832

Lana Arcemont February 14, 2013 0

Congratulations on your POTD! #10567871

Frank J. Somma February 14, 2013 0

Sweeeeet! Happy Valentines Day Mary! #10567895

Mary L. Olson level-classic February 14, 2013 0

I woke up late this morning and there was this lovely surprise of POTD and all your good wishes. Thanks to all of you, and Happy Valentine's Day1

Mary Lou #10567897

Phyllis H. Burchett February 14, 2013 0

Gorgeous Mary, congrats on your POTD and Happy Valentines Day to you! #10567930

Debra R. Harder February 14, 2013 0

I agree...this is really beautiful, Mary! Huge congratulations on your outstanding POTD!!! Happy Valentine's Day!!! #10567939

Emile Abbott level-classic February 14, 2013 0

Soft, feminine and beautiful Mary. A perfect choice for POTD on Valentines day. Congrats. #10567946

Connie J. Bagot February 14, 2013 0

Very lovely (I love the way the rose forms a heart shape)---congratulations on a very beautiful POTD! #10567951

Grace Newsom February 14, 2013 0

You did such a great job with the composition and the subtle color tones are awesome! #10567969

Katherine Kuhn February 14, 2013 0

Simply beautiful, Mary! What a wonderful valentine's day rose! Congratulations on your POTD! #10568009

JO ANN CLEVELAND February 14, 2013 0

Totally gorgeous Mary! Very well deserved POTD, hope it get another win!!

jo ann c.


Michele Peterson level-classic February 14, 2013 0

Very beautiful and such a perfect Valentines Day photo! Congratulations! #10568050

Rona L. Schwarz February 14, 2013 0

This is totally outstanding, Mary! The lighting and subtle coloring is spectacular and of course the heart shape is perfect for Valentine's day! Congratulations on this lovely POTD! Hope to see it again with more GOLD! #10568094

Julianne Bradford February 14, 2013 0

Gorgeous! Congrats on this great POTD! #10568098

Donna La Mattino Pagakis February 14, 2013 0

So pretty Mary, a wonderful Valentine's day POTD. Congratulations!! #10568120

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe February 15, 2013 0

Congrats Mary on this Wonderful POTD! #10568487

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic February 15, 2013 0

Great eye to have noticed this rosy heart, Mary. Well rewarded by the Judges, CONGRATZ!!!

UB. #10568629

Mary L. Olson level-classic February 15, 2013 0

Thanks to all -- Phyllis, Debra, Emile, Connie, Grace, Katherine, Jo Ann, Michele, Julianne, Donna, Jeff and Usman.

Mary Lou #10568633

Nadia Paul February 15, 2013 0

So beautiful, and perfect for Valentines - congrats on your POTD Mary! #10568706

Mary K. Robison February 15, 2013 0

Exquisite, Mary Lou ~ a very worthy POTD! Congratulations!
Hope you had a lovely Valentine's Day. #10569054

Terry A. Stoa February 15, 2013 0

Congrats on your superb POTD, Mary Lou!


Mary L. Olson level-classic February 15, 2013 0

Thanks Nadia and Mary and ex-classmate Terry. Great to hear from you all. #10569274

Nancy L. Green level-classic February 15, 2013 0

GORGEOUS floral Mary Lou, CONGRATULATIONS on this wonderful floral!!! <>< #10569643

Laura G. Knight February 16, 2013 0

Mary...beautifully composed and captured...well done. #10570928

Mary L. Olson level-classic February 16, 2013 0

Laura to both of you, Nancy and Laura! And Laura, good to hear from you!

Mary Lou #10571063

Colette M. Metcalf February 16, 2013 0

Beautiful!! Congratulations to you!!! #10571064

Lindley Johnson level-classic February 17, 2013 0

Beautifully soft and exquisite! Congratulations on your well-deserved POTD, Mary. #10571974

Cindy Bendush level-classic February 18, 2013 0

Very pretty - congrats on your POTD! #10572739

Mary L. Olson level-classic February 18, 2013 0

Colllette, Lindley and Cindy - Thanks a bunch! #10573108

Guy D. Biechele level-classic February 22, 2013 0

Perfect for Valentine's Day. Beautiful form and presentation. Congratulations, Mary. #10579051

Deborah Lewinson level-addict March 27, 2013 0

Congrats on your POTD and Finalist, Mary, for this beautiful and excellent image!

Debby #10627203

Nancy Marie Ricketts March 28, 2013 0

Congratulations, Mary, on your gorgeous finalist! #10627559

Randy D. Dinkins level-classic March 28, 2013 0

Great capture, very nice; congratulations! #10627614

Richard D. Love March 29, 2013 0

Congratulations, Mary...just so beautiful!

Rick #10633284

LeAnn Wood March 30, 2013 0

Stunning winner! Congratulations, Mary! #10635061

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