Umbrellas for Sale

© Sylvia Rourke

Umbrellas for Sale

Uploaded: January 28, 2013


Taken at Amber Fort, Jaipur, Rajasthan India

Exif: f/5.6, 1/125 second, ISO: 200, Focal Length: 50mm


Michelle Alton January 29, 2013 0

I hope you brought a few home! I'd buy one! This is a gorgeous image. So sunny. People in Philadelphia walk around with colorful umbrellas more in the sunshine than in the rain. #1511656

Sylvia Rourke level-classic January 29, 2013 0

I wish I had!! there wasn't enough room in our suitcases they were filled with cashmere pashmina's, thank you for comments. #10542956

Martha R. Mazon level-classic January 29, 2013 0

Beautifully seen and captured, Sylvia! #10543221

Donna La Mattino Pagakis January 29, 2013 0

So pretty, great colors and textures. Love this Sylvia! #10543258

Sylvia Rourke level-classic January 29, 2013 0

Thanks Martha and Donna #10543638

Colette M. Metcalf January 29, 2013 0

Very pretty image!!! #10543986

Sylvia Rourke level-classic January 29, 2013 0

thanks Colette #10544007

Joy Rector February 02, 2013 0

beautiful #10550430

Nikki McDonald level-classic February 03, 2013 0

Great colors and patterns, Syl, and I love the background - terrific textural contrast. #10550976

Sylvia Rourke level-classic February 03, 2013 0

Joy and Nikki thank you for stopping by. #10551821

Terry A. Stoa February 17, 2013 0

Great colors, composition and capture, Sylvia! I stayed out of the shop(s) but truly loved the Amber Fort. In our opinion it was as good or better than the Taj Mahal!

I've nominating this for the 101 January Favorites contest... best of luck! #10571791

Mary K. Robison February 18, 2013 0

Congratulations on your well earned POTD! #10572856

Rahul Sharma February 18, 2013 0

very beautiful.... congratulations on your Photo of the Day... #10572866

Kathryn Wesserling February 18, 2013 0

What a wonderful POTD. Congratulations. #10572867

Marilyn Cornwell February 18, 2013 0

Congratulations on this beautiful POTD! #10572889

Diane Dupuis February 18, 2013 0

love it! congrats Sylvia on a wonderful capture and well deserved POTD! #10572904

Joy Rector February 18, 2013 0

congrats on the POTD #10572929

Melinda F. Schneider level-classic February 18, 2013 0

Congratulations, Sylvia, on your POTD with this fantastic image! #10572939

Terry A. Stoa February 18, 2013 0

I love it when I select an image as a monthly favorite that "goes places". Huge kudos on your POTD selection, Sylvia. #10572943

Susan D. Royce level-classic February 18, 2013 0

What a find! Congratulations on your beautiful POTD :-) #10572973

Nikki McDonald level-classic February 18, 2013 0

Huge congratulations on this beautiful and unusual POTD, Sylvia. #10573113

Mary L. Olson level-classic February 18, 2013 0

Great colorful image, Sylvia. Congratulations on your POTD! #10573115

Nancy Marie Ricketts February 18, 2013 0

Congratulations, Sylvia, on your superb POTD! #10573122

Donna La Mattino Pagakis February 18, 2013 0

Yeah Sylvia, this is gorgeous. Whooo hooo, congrats!!! #10573153

JO ANN CLEVELAND February 18, 2013 0

Fannnnnn...tastic! Congrats on this great POTD Sylvia!

jo ann c. #10573231

Ellen Hodges February 18, 2013 0

Huge congrats on a fab POTD, Sylvia!! #10573243

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic February 18, 2013 0


UB. #10573254

Bob Cournoyer level-classic February 18, 2013 0

Congrats, Sylvia, on your POTD.. :-) #10573331

Martha R. Mazon level-classic February 18, 2013 0

Congratulations, Sylvia, on your wonderful POTD! #10573335

Carol Quina level-classic February 18, 2013 0

Congratulations on the POTD! #10573463

Nancy L. Green level-classic February 18, 2013 0

CONGRATULATIONS Sylvia on this wonderful POTD!!! <>< #10573545

Michele Peterson level-classic February 18, 2013 0

Sylvia, I love LOVE this photo. One of my favorites of yours! Big congratulations on your POTD!! #10573753

Sylvia Rourke level-classic February 18, 2013 0

Wow, this is a first for me!!....Thanks everyone #10573795

Dr Silly level-classic February 18, 2013 0

Love the colors. Congratulations, Sylvia on your wonderful POTD. :O)

Chris Budny level-deluxe February 19, 2013 0

Congratulations! I love the warmth of this image, and the beautiful riot of colors in the fabric. #10574040

Nadia Paul February 19, 2013 0

Congrats on your wonderfully colourful POTD Sylvia! #10574194

Jeffrey R. Bange February 20, 2013 0

Congratulations Sylvia on a well deserved POTD, absolutely gorgeous colors. #10575759

Lindley Johnson level-classic February 20, 2013 0

What beautiful umbrellas! Congratulations on your terrific POTD, Sylvia. #10576789

Sylvia Rourke level-classic February 20, 2013 0

Thank you Doc, Christopher, Nadia, Jeffrey and Lindley, very much appreciated. #10576811

Patricia A. Casey level-classic February 24, 2013 0

Catching up with my POTD is lovely! I'll need to look at your gallery to see if you have more images of India. I love Tarun Bose's gallery...always filled with stunning images of India...Congratulations on a delightfully happy capture! #10581246

Sylvia Rourke level-classic February 25, 2013 0

Thank you so much for your comments.Patricai, great appreciated.

Donna La Mattino Pagakis February 25, 2013 0

I'm back again to congratulate you on your finalist. WTG!!! #10583318

Chris Budny level-deluxe February 25, 2013 0

Congratulations once more! #10584053

Martha R. Mazon level-classic February 26, 2013 0

Congratulations on this and your other finalists, Sylvia! Way to go! #10584987

Randy D. Dinkins level-classic February 26, 2013 0

Beautiful, and wonderful comp. Congratulations!! #10585006

Carol Quina level-classic February 26, 2013 0

Beautiful Sylvia! Congratulations! #10585525

Renee Doyle February 26, 2013 0

Wonderful comp and warm tones! Congratulations on this wonderful finalist Sylvia!! #10586948

Sylvia Rourke level-classic February 26, 2013 0

Donna, Chris, Martha, Randy, Carol and Renee many thanks for your comments. #10586999

Terry A. Stoa February 26, 2013 0

Belated congratulations on this Finalist. I don't think it's done yet, we will know soon! #10587054

JO ANN CLEVELAND February 27, 2013 0

Awesome finalist, congratulations Sylvia!

jo ann c. #10588174

Michele Peterson level-classic February 27, 2013 0

Congrats again!!!! #10588552

Daniella Puente February 27, 2013 0

This is a wonderful capture Sylvia congrats! love the tones and how the BG help to the umbrellas colors... #10588754

Sylvia Rourke level-classic March 02, 2013 0

Thank you Terry, Jo Ann, MIchele and Daniella. #10593737

Merna L. Nobile March 17, 2013 0

What a great way to start a new year! Your award winning photographs go from Editor’s Pick to Finalist and hopefully to Gold.
CONGRATULATIONS for the month of January, 2013! #10613082

Richard D. Love March 29, 2013 0

Congratulations, Sylvia...beautifully done!

Rick #10633298

Sylvia Rourke level-classic March 29, 2013 0

Thanks Merna and Rick. #10633413

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