Jingle Bell

Uploaded: December 08, 2012


Exif: f/10, 13 seconds, ISO: 200, Focal Length: 50mm


Carolyn M. Fletcher level-classic December 08, 2012 0

Jingle all the way to the winners circle! #1502440

Bojan Bencic level-classic December 08, 2012 0

Amazing light and colors, Tammy. Beautiful macro. #10455568

Jack Gaskin December 08, 2012 0


Jack #10455569

Antonio Amen December 08, 2012 0

Very nice photo. #10455571

Linda D. Lester level-classic December 08, 2012 0

Beautiful love the light! #10455597

Mary Beth Aiello level-classic December 08, 2012 0

Love the simpliciy of this, Tammy, and the light. Gorgeous. #10455613

Connie J. Bagot December 08, 2012 0

Great light and colors---love the Christmas feel! #10455639

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe December 08, 2012 0

Outstanding color, detail and capture Tammy! #10455648

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe December 08, 2012 0

Thanks so much Guys. #10455650

Ujjwal Mukherjee December 08, 2012 0

Fabulous colours,superb perspective and capture,Tammy!! #10455668

Joy Rector December 08, 2012 0

gorgeous shot #10455681

Liz blahh December 08, 2012 0

Beautifully captured! #10455726

Claudia Kuhn level-classic December 08, 2012 0

Wonderful comp, lighting and details Tammy. Great seasonal image #10455753

Karen Bacon December 08, 2012 0

wonderful holiday image Tammy!great capture! #10455886

David Phalen December 08, 2012 0

Sooo beautiful!! Love the light!! #10455963

David Phalen December 08, 2012 0

Sooo beautiful!! Love the light!! #10455965

Tiia Vissak December 08, 2012 0

Very cool! #10456025

Terry T. Ruvalcaba December 08, 2012 0

great comp and color, would make a great Christmas card! #10456036

Patrick Rouzes level-classic December 08, 2012 0

Spectacular colors, lighting, comp & close up, Tammy! Well done, indeed!

Mike Clime December 08, 2012 0

Excellent capture and nice light! #10456147

Lynn M. Whitt December 09, 2012 0

Great colors and details. #10456402

Thomas E. Hinds December 09, 2012 0

Absolutely perfect, Tammy! #10456509

Carol L. Fowler December 09, 2012 0

Excellent macro! I think I could use that for a bear bell around here. A few days ago' half the collared bears were still out and about. I am still seeing prints. #10456510

Ellen Hodges December 09, 2012 0

Sooooo very cute and festive, Tammy!! #10456574

Jeffrey R. Bange December 09, 2012 0

Absolutely outstanding take Tammy on such a simple subject, I'm sure we will be see this unique capture again. #10456659

a2o akmal aini othman level-classic December 09, 2012 0

Excellently presented, Tammy. Great lighting & compo #10456788

Stefania Barbier level-classic December 09, 2012 0

gorgeous seasonal capture! #10456813

Colette M. Metcalf December 09, 2012 0

Just beautiful, Tammy!!! #10456897

Neal D. Hatcher December 09, 2012 0

A Big Amen to all #10456935

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe December 09, 2012 0

Thanks so much Everyone. #10456976

Stephen Zacker December 09, 2012 0

Wonderful closeup and lighting. #10457084

Reynaldo D. Reyes level-classic December 09, 2012 0

It's a wonderful capture that eloquently portrays the cheerful mood of the season. Very well done Tammy. #10457773

December 10, 2012 0

WOW... This is really a nice image Tammy. The Details, lighting and comp are really good. The color is not to subtle, but it really stands out nicely.. #10457919

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe December 10, 2012 0

Thanks Guys. #10458040

Robert R. Goodman December 10, 2012 0

Absolutely awesome my friend.Beautiful capture Tammy!!! #10458068

Ken Smith level-classic December 13, 2012 0

I bet we see this again...outstanding, Tammy! #10462758

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe December 13, 2012 0

Thanks Bobby and Ken. #10462775

Tammy Espino December 13, 2012 0

Excellent :) #10463047

Eivor Kuchta December 13, 2012 0

Great idea, Tammy! #10463278

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe December 15, 2012 0

Thanks Eivor and Joanna. #10464612

Phyllis H. Burchett December 18, 2012 0

Beautiful Holiday capture Tammy!!! #10468499

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe December 18, 2012 0

Thanks Phyllis. #10469303

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe December 25, 2012 0

Congrats Tammy on your POTD! Merry Chrismas! #10477983

Linda D. Lester level-classic December 25, 2012 0

Beautiful Christmas Day POTD!
Merry Christmas to you and your family! #10477986

Bojan Bencic level-classic December 25, 2012 0

Perfect photo for the day, Tammy. Congratulations and Merry Christmas! #10477988

Kathryn Wesserling December 25, 2012 0

Clear as a Bell POTD (Oh dear - just had to say that! lollll)

Congratulations on this super image, Tammy. #10477989

Kirsten Kiki Kjaer December 25, 2012 0

Congratulations, Tammy! #10477997

Chris Budny level-deluxe December 25, 2012 0

Such great detail and clarity! Congratulations on your POTD, and Merry Christmas! #10477999

Gord MacEachern December 25, 2012 0

Great big congrats on this well deserved POTD Tammy, so very well done!! #10478003

Jeffrey R. Bange December 25, 2012 0

Congratulations Tammy, I knew that when I first saw this posting that we would be seeing it again and what an honor to have it picked as POTD on Christmas Day, well deserved and I'm sure this is not the last time we will be seeing it. #10478013

Joy Rector December 25, 2012 0

congrats on the POTD #10478042

Danny B. Head December 25, 2012 0

Congrats on your beautiful POTD, Tammy! #10478047

Kathleen K. Parker level-deluxe December 25, 2012 0

What a shot!! Full of wonder, too, and mystery, Tammy!! Merry Christmas!!! kk #10478051

Michelle Alton December 25, 2012 0

Beautifully photographed Christmas ornament...so artfully done too.

Merry Christmas, Tammy. Hope it's warm and wonderful. #10478052

Katarina Mansson December 25, 2012 0

Congratulations and Merry Christmas Tammy! #10478053

Michelle Alton December 25, 2012 0

And of course...Christmas congratulations on this very special POTD! #10478054

Anita Hogue December 25, 2012 0

Congratulations on your beautiful Christmas POTD!

Merry Christmas! #10478057

Nancy Marie Ricketts December 25, 2012 0

Congratulations on this endearing POTD, Tammy! #10478066

Ellen Hodges December 25, 2012 0

Huge congrats and a very Merry Christmas, Tammty!!! #10478070

Leslie McLain level-classic December 25, 2012 0

Congrats on a terrific POTD, Tammy. #10478071

Stephen Zacker December 25, 2012 0

Wonderful. Merry Christmas, Tammy and Congratulations #10478076

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe December 25, 2012 0

Thank you all so much. What a great surprise to get POTD on Christmas. Thanks also to the BP staff for choosing my image. #10478080

Eivor Kuchta December 25, 2012 0

Congratulations on your POTD! What a great Christmas present for you. Merry Christmas to you, Tammy! #10478098

Millie A. Talarico level-classic December 25, 2012 0

Wonderful work, Tammy! Happy POTD! #10478101

Connie J. Bagot December 25, 2012 0

Congratulations Tammy! Beautiful choice for POTD! #10478107

Robert R. Goodman December 25, 2012 0

Hi Tammy,Big Congratulations for great POTD!!!! #10478129

Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna December 25, 2012 0

Fabulous POTD, Tammy! WTG! :-) k #10478159

Lydia Williams level-classic December 25, 2012 0

Awesome Tammy...congratulations of your POTD! #10478162

Nancy L. Green level-classic December 25, 2012 0

CONGRATULATIONS Tammy, this is AWESOME!!! <>< #10478175

Andre Larose December 25, 2012 0

Beautiful close up work Tammy! Congratulations on this very festive POTD!

André #10478242

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe December 25, 2012 0

Thank-you all so much! #10478244

Tiia Vissak December 25, 2012 0

Congratulations! #10478266

Mike Clime December 25, 2012 0

Congratulations! #10478276

MELODIE C. ROBERTS December 25, 2012 0


Congratulations Elly May

Merry Christmas!!! #10478300

Mitch Spence level-classic December 25, 2012 0

What a pretty Christmas macro, Tammy. Congratulations on the POTD and a Merry Christmas to you. #10478321

Laura E. Swan level-classic December 25, 2012 0

Wow, Tammy! SO BEAUTIFUL!!!!!!!!


Mary Beth Aiello level-classic December 25, 2012 0

Huge congrats, Tammy, on this beautiful POTD. Merry Christmas to you and yours. #10478359

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic December 25, 2012 0

Great details, color and comp, Tammy. CONGRATZ on the POTD!!

UB. #10478386

Stefania Barbier level-classic December 25, 2012 0

gorgeous POTD, congratulations! #10478390

John Connolly December 25, 2012 0

Congratulations on your POTD Tammy! What a great Christmas present this is! #10478427

Ann H. Belus level-deluxe December 25, 2012 0

Huge CONGRATULATIONS, Tammy! This is gorgeous! Merry Christmas! #10478466

David Phalen December 25, 2012 0

BIG Congrats on a beautiful POTD!! Merry Christmas!

Sent our son and wife back to northern Virginia today to beat the snow due tomorrow. Sounds like you'll be digging out too. #10478486

Guy D. Biechele level-classic December 25, 2012 0

Beautiful Christmas image! Congrats! Happy Holidays! #10478493

Donna La Mattino Pagakis December 25, 2012 0

How exciting, to have a Christmas POTD. Huge congrats!! #10478542

Randy D. Dinkins level-classic December 25, 2012 0

Great close up shot on both bell shots. Big congrats on your Christmas POTD. Very cool gift from BP. #10478586

R. J. Laudenbacher level-classic December 26, 2012 0

A great big congratulations to you Tammy on this beautiful POTD! Merry Christmas! #10478598

Thomas E. Hinds December 26, 2012 0

An awesome image, Tammy! Huge congratulations on this superb POTD! Merry Christmas to you! #10478627

Nancyj E. Hovey level-classic December 26, 2012 0

A HUGE Congratulations on your POTD...

and Happy Holidays to you! 8o) #10478637

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe December 26, 2012 0

Thank you all so much and it was a very nice gift from BP. #10478668

Evy Johansen level-classic December 26, 2012 0

Wonderful image, Tammy! Big congratulations on your POTD! #10478716

Lucy Abrao level-classic December 26, 2012 0

Congratulations on your POTD! #10478746

Terry Cervi level-classic December 26, 2012 0

Congrats on your beautiful POTD, Tammy! Merry Christmas! #10478768

Michele Peterson level-classic December 26, 2012 0

This is so beautiful! Wonderful close up and pretty color! Congratulations, Tammy! #10478800

Heather Loewenhardt level-classic December 26, 2012 0

Congrats on this wonderful image receiving POTD Tammy. Well done! #10478836

Marilyn Cornwell December 26, 2012 0

A perfect to receive a wonderful POTD! Fabulous at Christmas, Tammy! Congratulations to a special BPer! #10479006

Marilyn Cornwell December 26, 2012 0

A perfect image to receive a wonderful POTD! Fabulous at Christmas, Tammy! Congratulations to a special BPer! #10479007

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe December 26, 2012 0

Thank-you so much Ladies. I appreciate you kind comments. #10479012

Susan Jane Allen level-classic December 26, 2012 0

Gorgeous! #10479057

Lindley Johnson level-classic December 26, 2012 0

Beautifully simple, with perfect lighting and composition! Congratulations on your wonderful POTD, Tammy. #10479291

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe December 26, 2012 0

Thanks Susan and Lindley. #10479331

Marijana Fajgl December 26, 2012 0

Big congratulations, Tammy! #10479663

Mary K. Robison December 26, 2012 0

Congratulations, Tammy! A superb macro, and a very worthy POTD! #10479692

Suzanne Crawshaw December 26, 2012 0

Great macro shot! Congrats on your POTD! #10479694

Katherine Kuhn December 27, 2012 0

Congratulations on your spectacular POTD, Tammy! Great color, light & composition! #10479948

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe December 27, 2012 0

Thanks Marijana, Mary, Suzanne and Katherine. #10479965

Jim Baines level-classic December 27, 2012 0

A Texas-sized CONGRATULATIONS on your stunning Photo of the Day, Tammy! #10479971

December 27, 2012 0

WOW, A very big congrats to you and your POTD.. A very well deserved Win for you Tammy.. #10480102

Daniella Puente December 27, 2012 0

Congrats Tammy! is a wonderful close photo :) #10480553

Nadia Paul December 28, 2012 0

Congrats on your outstanding POTD Tammy! #10481427

Nancy Marie Ricketts December 28, 2012 0

Congratulations, Tammy, on this superb finalist! #10482757

Nancy Marie Ricketts December 28, 2012 0

Sorry I jumped the gun, but I'm pretty sure this will be a finalist for December, so get ready! #10482776

frank w. degenhardt December 28, 2012 0

Absolutely beautiful Tammy. Congratulations on the POTD my friend. Fantastic. #10484167

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe December 28, 2012 0

Thanks so much. #10484783

a2o akmal aini othman level-classic December 29, 2012 0

Well done & huge congratulations my friend. Hope you had a great Christmas too. #10486305

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe December 29, 2012 0

Thanks a2o. #10486413

Ujjwal Mukherjee December 31, 2012 0

Congratulations on your POTD making outstanding image,Tammy, I think the Judges had a hard time in selecting only one from your other Christmas images,all were superb!! #10490504

Renata Gusciora December 31, 2012 0

Big Congratulations on this superb POTD, Tammy!!! Happy New Year!!!:-) #10491968

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe January 01, 2013 0

Thanks Ujjwal and Renata. #10492903

Liz blahh January 24, 2013 0

CoNgRaTuLaTiOnS! #10530332

Kathryn Wesserling January 24, 2013 0

This is going to move on up for sure! Congratulations for this Finalist (and mostly surely a Winner.) #10530394

Robert R. Goodman January 24, 2013 0

Congratulations on this beautiful finalist,my friend!!! #10530611

Julianne Bradford January 24, 2013 0

Congrats on this wonderfully detailed finalist Tammy! #10530832

Julianne Bradford January 24, 2013 0

Congrats on this wonderfully detailed finalist Tammy! #10530835

Jeffrey R. Bange January 24, 2013 0

Congratulations again Tammy on yet another finalist photo. I knew the minute I first saw this posting that it would not be the last time we would be seeing it. I will be really disappointed if this doesn't get the GOLD. #10530881

Jack Gaskin January 24, 2013 0

Congrats your almost there and if it does not get Gold the judges should be SHOT & not w/a camera

Jack #10531000

Stefania Barbier level-classic January 24, 2013 0

congratulations on your fantastic finalist!!! #10531527

Neal D. Hatcher January 24, 2013 0

------"GOOD LUCK IN THE NEXT ROUND"---- #10532118

Terry Cervi level-classic January 24, 2013 0

Congrats on a super finalist, Tammy! #10532519

Ujjwal Mukherjee January 24, 2013 0

Congratulations again,Tammy!! #10532647

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe January 24, 2013 0

Thanks so much Everyone. #10532655

Lydia Williams level-classic January 24, 2013 0

Fantastic Tammy, Congratulations on your finalist! #10532748

Bojan Bencic level-classic January 24, 2013 0

WOW! Well done, Tammy! #10532767

Colette M. Metcalf January 24, 2013 0

Once again, congrats!!! #10533146

Lindley Johnson level-classic January 24, 2013 0

Congratulations on another superb finalist, Tammy! #10533382

Nadia Paul January 24, 2013 0

Another beauty - congrats Tammy! #10534077

Tammy Espino January 24, 2013 0

Congrats on another awesome win! #10534151

Thomas E. Hinds January 25, 2013 0

Well, if one beautiful Christmas Finalist wasn't enough, well then, this should certainly be added! Incredible work, Tammy! Love it! #10534836

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe January 25, 2013 0

Thanks Everyone. #10534851

Lucy Abrao level-classic January 25, 2013 0

Beautiful finalist, Tammy. Congratsulations!
Lucy #10535294

Renee Doyle January 25, 2013 0

Congrats on another beauty Tammy!!! #10535331

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe January 25, 2013 0

Thanks Lucy and Renee. #10535888

Emile Abbott level-classic January 25, 2013 0

Congratulations again on another POTD and finalist, Tammy. Nice month. #10536609

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe January 26, 2013 0

Thanks Emile. #10537393

Guy D. Biechele level-classic January 26, 2013 0

Such a beautiful and creative image! Not surprised to see it in the Finalists. Congratulations, Tammy! #10538669

Lydia Williams level-classic January 27, 2013 0

So great to see this again, Tammy! Congratulations and I would like to see another gold! #10538927

Lydia Williams level-classic January 27, 2013 0

So great to see this again, Tammy! Congratulations. I would like to see another gold! #10538931

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe January 27, 2013 0

Thanks Guy and Lydia. #10539134

John Connolly January 27, 2013 0

Congratulations Tammy! A wonderful image with superb color and clarity! #10540081

Amanda J. Tanner level-classic January 27, 2013 0

Congratulations Tammy on POTD and Finalist! Excellent work! #10540142

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe January 28, 2013 0

Thanks John and Amanda. #10541482

Merna L. Nobile February 08, 2013 0

Are you amazed at the vivid colors, sharpness and composition of your photographs? Well the judges are, CONGRATULATIONS you are a winner for the month of December, 2012!

John Connolly February 27, 2013 0

A fantastic capture Tammy! Congratulations on your finalist award! #10588697

Richard D. Love March 29, 2013 0

Congratulations, Tammy. Wonderful light and colors!

Rick #10632471

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BetterPhoto.com Photo Contest FinalistPhotography Contest Photo of the Day

Copyright for this photo belongs solely to Tammy M. Anderson.
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