Classic Halloween
Uploaded: October 24, 2012
While strolling the grounds of Wildseed Farms in Fredericksburg, TX hoping to find some seasonal color somewhere (there isn't much autumn color nature-wise in my corner of Central TX), Chloe, the resident black cat at Wildseed, crossed in front of my path (good thing I'm not superstitious), plopped herself on a palette of pumpkins and waited for me to grab my camera....what a sweetie! :)
Exif: f/5, 1/80 second, ISO 640
Shirley Sicurello
October 24, 2012
Don Christiana October 24, 2012 0
Val, this is a very "EERIE" capture. This is truly a Classic look for Halloween. Chloe's eyes say it all...another winner for this month.Gary Enloe October 24, 2012 0
Great capture Val and how cool that Chloe posed for you around the pumpkins #10381966
John Rivera
October 24, 2012
Robert R. Goodman October 24, 2012 0
Hi Valarie,Great capture for the season my friend.That reminds,still have to get the candy!!! #10381982Monnie Ryan October 24, 2012 0
Very cooperative (and beautiful) kitty! Fabulous Halloween capture, Val! #10382030
Heather Loewenhardt
October 24, 2012
Michelle Alton October 24, 2012 0
Congratulations on the Mark III, Val. Soon I'll be congratulating you on NO LESS than the MT First Prize. I'm daring to hope for MORE!You've done such a magnificent job on this that I'm finding I don't have words.
Your black-on-black detail is outstanding, the eyes all aglow GRIPPING, and the pumpkins...just brilliant in color and richness. Congratulations in advance. It's an award winner in any forum. #10382147
Mary Beth Aiello
October 24, 2012
Lydia Williams
October 24, 2012
Dayna Cain
October 24, 2012
Reynaldo D. Reyes
October 24, 2012
Emile Abbott
October 24, 2012
Tammy M. Anderson
October 24, 2012
Robert Jensen October 24, 2012 0
love it #10382401Tammy Espino October 24, 2012 0
Chole is a champ!! :) A fantastic capture and should be a Oct. Grand prize, in my humble opinion ~ #10382466
Kathy Salerni
October 24, 2012
Nikki McDonald
October 24, 2012
Carol L. Fowler October 25, 2012 0
What a cat! The puuurrrfect poser!!! Exceptional capture and a fav!! (We got another 3 inches of snow last night) #10382749Terry T. Ruvalcaba October 25, 2012 0
picture purr-fect! #10382784
Terry Cervi
October 25, 2012
Terry Cervi
October 25, 2012
Donna La Mattino Pagakis October 25, 2012 0
Incredible work! #10382862Colette M. Metcalf October 25, 2012 0
What a terrific capture!!! #10383517
Linda D. Lester
October 25, 2012
Kara L. Hendricks October 25, 2012 0
What a fantastic Halloween image! Love this!! #10383950
Leslie McLain
October 25, 2012
Ellen Hodges October 25, 2012 0
Such a cute and extremely cool shot, Val! Huge Wow!! #10384128
Val Feldman
October 25, 2012
Anthony G. Comella October 26, 2012 0
Perfect pose, presented perfectly and a winner!!! #10384356Rona L. Schwarz October 26, 2012 0
What an absolutely perfect seasonal image, Val! Chloe was certainly a most cooperative subject, but it was your talent and skill that has made this sing! Exposure and detail on her is flawless and not easy (I know, I have a sable Burmese) and with the pumpkins and beautiful glow and textured BG - this has got to be a winner! #10384469
Val Feldman
October 26, 2012
Julie Burnett October 26, 2012 0
WOW, WOW, WOW, V!! Let me congratulate you in advance! Winner!! #10385128
Val Feldman
October 26, 2012
Chris Budny
October 26, 2012
Val Feldman
October 26, 2012
Phyllis H. Burchett October 26, 2012 0
This is fabulous Val, what a terrific pose and backdrop you found (or should I say found you)! It couldn't have been any more perfect if you had set it up yourself! #10385477
Mary Dimitriw
October 26, 2012
David M. Montero October 26, 2012 0
Outstanding Val!!! Great subject, composition, and treatment. A new Fav for me. #10385610Ujjwal Mukherjee October 27, 2012 0
Superb capture and presentation,Val!! Very impressive work,as always!! #10385975
Nancy L. Green
October 27, 2012
Laura E. Swan
October 28, 2012
How are you dear lady??? I am hanging in there since Dad passed. Sad losing two of my three old kitties plus Dad after that. I am shooting for a BP come back. :) So good to be visiting you today! :D
-Laura :))) #10388072
Nadia Paul October 29, 2012 0
So now you can talk to the animals lol! Everything is perfect my friend and I too think this is destined for GOLD! #10389034
Val Feldman
October 29, 2012
Stephen Zacker October 30, 2012 0
Fantastic Fall and Halloween image. #10394546Ujjwal Mukherjee October 31, 2012 0
Congratulations on your outstanding POTD,Val!! #10396768
Chris Budny
October 31, 2012
Mary L. Olson
October 31, 2012
Terry T. Ruvalcaba October 31, 2012 0
CONGRATS on a well deserved POTD! #10396780Nadia Paul October 31, 2012 0
Knew it was destined for gold - the first now, another next month. Congrats on this gorgeous POTD my friend! #10396785Gord MacEachern October 31, 2012 0
Great big congrats on this wonderful POTD Val, WTG!!! #10396799Cheryl Schneider October 31, 2012 0
What a great shot! Congratulations. #10396801
Gloria Matyszyk
October 31, 2012
Nikki McDonald
October 31, 2012
Joy Rector October 31, 2012 0
congrats on the POTD #10396831
Linda D. Lester
October 31, 2012
Katarina Mansson October 31, 2012 0
Congratulations on this cool POTD Val! Excellent work. #10396837Marilyn Cornwell October 31, 2012 0
What a wonderful POTD! Congratulations Val! #10396838
Carol Eade
October 31, 2012
Usman M. Bajwa
October 31, 2012
UB. #10396863
Carol Flisak
October 31, 2012
Dayna Cain
October 31, 2012
Brenda L. Bentley
October 31, 2012
Julianne Bradford October 31, 2012 0
You rock girlfriend! This gorgeous cat recognises the master when she sees her :-)....Puurfect Halloween capture! #10396931Don Christiana October 31, 2012 0
Val, from the first time I saw this perfect Halloween image, I knew it was a winner. A HUGE CONGRATS on your well deserved POTD. We will see this again as a GOLD WINNER. Happy Halloween :). #10396934Tammy Espino October 31, 2012 0
I love this photo, big congrats!!!!!!! :) BOO #10396940
Terry Cervi
October 31, 2012
Michelle L. Frick October 31, 2012 0
Happy Halloween! Congratulations on your exquisite POTD!!! #10396959Robert Jensen October 31, 2012 0
Really well done - love it #10396961Phyllis H. Burchett October 31, 2012 0
Fabulous!!! Congrats Val on your POTD! #10396964
Val Feldman
October 31, 2012
Kathryn Wesserling October 31, 2012 0
The story is as cool as is the image. You couldn't have done it better if you had planned the scene. Congratulations, Val. #10396983
Tammy M. Anderson
October 31, 2012
Nancyj E. Hovey
October 31, 2012
on your very deserving POTD! 8o) #10397008
Eivor Kuchta October 31, 2012 0
What a nice cat, sitting down for a pose like that for you! Of course, you were also ready with the camera. Such a great composition, lovely colors and a perfect selection for the POTD. I'm sure we'll see this again in the contest. Congratulations and Happy Halloween, Val! #10397012Andre Larose October 31, 2012 0
Wonderful capture! Congratulations on your POTD!André #10397018
Susan Williams October 31, 2012 0
Fabulous POTD, Val! Congratulations! #10397106Kate Jackson October 31, 2012 0
You certainly made the most of your opportunity. I so enjoyed this image Val!!
Patricia A. Casey
October 31, 2012
Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna October 31, 2012 0
WTG on your fantastic POTD, Val! :-) k #10397143
Nancy L. Green
October 31, 2012
Leslie McLain
October 31, 2012
Lydia Williams
October 31, 2012
Rona L. Schwarz October 31, 2012 0
We all knew this was destined for greatness, Val! Congratulations on this superb POTD!! Next up, more GOLD! #10397269Anita Hogue October 31, 2012 0
I believe this beautiful kitty brought you good luck! A fabulous capture, Val! Congratulations on your POTD! #10397407Pamela Koch October 31, 2012 0
Absolutely a perfect capture. Beautiful. Congratulations on POTD. #10397419
Ann Coates
October 31, 2012
JudyAnn Rector
October 31, 2012
Bill Coulter October 31, 2012 0
Right Place, Right time!
Val Feldman
October 31, 2012
Bojan Bencic
October 31, 2012
Lindley Johnson
October 31, 2012
Jeff Robinson
October 31, 2012
Stephen Zacker October 31, 2012 0
I'm not suprised! :-) Congratulations #10397826
Michele Peterson
October 31, 2012
Daniella Puente October 31, 2012 0
LOVE this Val! great image :) #10397913Howard A. Lawless November 01, 2012 0
Great capture of the Spirit of Halloween. Congrats on POD #10398110Thomas E. Hinds November 01, 2012 0
Beautiful capture, Val! Big congratulations on this POTD! Awesome! What a beautiful and accommodating kitty! #10398204Mary K. Robison November 01, 2012 0
Superb Halloween capture, Val!Chris Ebben November 01, 2012 0
Kidding she didn't know what day it was!! Congratulations on this wonderful POTD. Well spotted & taken. You no doubt know Chloe & she feels comfortable around you, it certainly shows. Very well done=^..^= #10398505
Kimber Wallwork-Heineman
November 01, 2012
Ellen Hodges November 01, 2012 0
Huge congrats on a fabulous POTD, Val!! Absolutely wonderful!! #10399583Gina M. Savage November 02, 2012 0
Wow...this is stunning! Yay...congrats on the POTD! #10400348Julie Burnett November 02, 2012 0
CONGRATULATIONS, VAL!! I'm so behind the times I'm just seeing this now!! But it's no surprise, as many others, I knew it was destined for Gold!! Now on to double!! :) :) #10400572
Cindy Bendush
November 03, 2012
Mary Dimitriw
November 03, 2012
Guy D. Biechele
November 05, 2012
Deborah Lewinson
November 07, 2012
Hearty congrats!
Debby #10407625
Lisa B. North November 07, 2012 0
So appropriate! Great composition! Lisa #10407697
Ann H. Belus
November 13, 2012
Rony Sagy November 14, 2012 0
Congratulations on this fantastic POTD, Val. What a terrific capture. #10418772Richard D. Love November 23, 2012 0
Congratulations, Val. Wonderful textures...and that stare!Rick #10430116
Summer A. Kozisek January 22, 2013 0
Phenomenal capture!! #10527159Karen Slagle March 21, 2013 0
Beautiful Val....Love the editing and the black cat, looks like my Romeo. #10618203Anita Bower December 10, 2013 0
A perfect Fall photo. BEautiful cat and beautiful light. Good job. #10919021
Jill Odice
April 01, 2014
Reynaldo D. Reyes
March 22, 2015
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