Yellow &Birches

© Ann Lyssenko

Yellow &Birches

Uploaded: October 20, 2012


White Mountains, New Hampshire

Exif: f/16, 1/6 second, ISO 200


Lindley Johnson level-classic October 20, 2012 0

Love the yellow leaves along with the white trunks - so pretty, Ann! #1493447

Michelle Alton October 20, 2012 0

Brilliant! #10377828

Ann Lyssenko level-classic October 21, 2012 0

Thanks Lindley and Michelle! Ann #10378393

Leslie McLain level-classic October 22, 2012 0

Beautiful capture and fall colors, Ann. #10379000

Ellen Hodges October 23, 2012 0

Beautiful color combined with the lovely birch trees, Ann!! Hope that you are having a great trip!! #10380239

Ann Lyssenko level-classic November 01, 2012 0

Thanks Leslie and Ellen! Isn't Fall glorious! Ann #10399795

Katarina Mansson November 08, 2012 0

Such a beautiful capture of beautiful autumn! Congratulations on your POTD Ann! #10409343

Marilyn Cornwell November 08, 2012 0

Big POTD Congratulations on this great Fall image! #10409374

Joy Rector November 08, 2012 0

congrats on the POTD #10409382

Leslie McLain level-classic November 08, 2012 0

Congrats on a beautiful POTD, Ann. #10409398

Andre Larose November 08, 2012 0

Beautiful POTD! Congratulations :)

André #10409515

Terry Cervi level-classic November 08, 2012 0

Congrats on your beautiful POTD, Ann! #10409518

Mary L. Olson level-classic November 08, 2012 0

Very pretty image, Ann. Congratulations of the POTD.

Ellen Hodges November 08, 2012 0

Huge congrats on this gorgeous POTD!!! #10409541

Patricia A. Casey level-classic November 08, 2012 0

Beautiful....congratulations on POTD Ann....lovely Fall capture! #10409544

Carol Flisak level-classic November 08, 2012 0

Gorgeous image, Ann... love the warm fall colors and composition! Huge congrats on your well-deserved POTD! #10409547

Val Feldman level-classic November 08, 2012 0

Autumn at it's best! Congratulations on a beautiful POTD, Ann! #10409615

Lindley Johnson level-classic November 08, 2012 0

So happy to see this gorgeous photo as the POTD, Ann! Congratulations! #10409619

Phyllis A. Houghton November 08, 2012 0

Congratulations on your POTD Ann! Gorgeous!!!!!!!! #10409688

Daniella Puente November 08, 2012 0

Beautiful photo congrats! #10409872

Nancy L. Green level-classic November 08, 2012 0

Congratulations Ann on your wonderful POTD!!! <>< #10410169

Stephen Zacker November 08, 2012 0

Fantastic fall image. Big Congratulations #10410331

Ann Lyssenko level-classic November 09, 2012 0

Thanks to all of you for your kind words. This image was taken in the rain on the highway that leads to the road up Mt.Washington. The birches were too marvelous not to stop in the parking lot inspite of the rain. Thanks again! Ann #10410386

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic November 09, 2012 0

Great fall colors and lines, Ann. Huge CONGRATZ on the POTD, the rain made it even more saturated and wonderful ;)

UB. #10410568

Mary K. Robison November 09, 2012 0

Great 3-D look to your colorful capture, Ann.
Congratulations on your well earned POTD! #10410821

Randall J. Scholten November 10, 2012 0

Congrats for your amazing POTD, Ann! Very deserving!!! #10412472

Ann Lyssenko level-classic November 11, 2012 0

Thanks Usman, Mary, and Randall and to all of your for your kind words. Ann #10414035

Richard D. Love November 23, 2012 0

Congratulations, Ann. Wonderful fall colors and lines!

Rick #10430455

Ann Lyssenko level-classic November 23, 2012 0

Thanks Richard! Ann #10430539

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