Lonely Lilly

© Michael Frazier

Lonely Lilly

Uploaded: September 05, 2012


Shot of a Day Lilly after watering. f/11, 1/160sec, iso 400, 105mm Focal Length, Lens Canon 24-105 F/4L w/extension tube.

Exif: F Number: 11, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/160 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 400, White balance: Manual white balance, FocalLength: 105.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS DIGITAL REBEL XTi


Dominick M. Dimacale level-addict September 05, 2012 0

Lovely image here, Michael!

Dominick #1484667

Ken Smith level-classic February 26, 2013 0

Way to go, LbJR....Macro man!! Congrats to you! #10584878

Nikki McDonald level-classic February 26, 2013 0

The clarity and detail on that drop are amazing, Mike. Congratulations on the finalist and good luck in the next round. #10585123

Debra R. Harder February 26, 2013 0

Excellent close-up, Mike! Superb details, color and comp. Huge congratulations on your brilliant finalist! #10586302

Renee Doyle February 26, 2013 0

Fantastic close up Mike!! Congrats on this wonderful finalist! #10587006

Colette M. Metcalf March 01, 2013 0

A BIG congrats to you on this beautiful Win!!!! #10590966

Ken Smith level-classic March 01, 2013 0

Whoa...Flower Boy has gold. Way to go, Mike!! Whoo hop!! :-) #10591051

Michael Frazier level-classic March 01, 2013 0

Thanks everyone for the nice comments. #10591274

Rahul Sharma March 01, 2013 0

Amazing Clarity.... Many congratulations on this well deserved winner.... #10591504

Debra R. Harder March 01, 2013 0

So happy to see this beauty win, Mike! Yeah! Huge congratulations on your gorgeous GOLD WINNER!! #10591613

Renee Doyle March 02, 2013 0

WTG Mike!!! BIG congrats to you on this wonderful winner!!! #10592305

JO ANN CLEVELAND March 03, 2013 0

Fabulous! Congratulations on your wonderful 2nd Place GOLD Winner Mike!

jo ann c. #10593988

Merna L. Nobile March 17, 2013 0

What a great way to start a new year! Your award winning photographs go from Editor’s Pick to Finalist and hopefully to Gold.
CONGRATULATIONS for the month of January, 2013! #10613060

Debra R. Harder March 20, 2013 0

Hi Mike...Huge congrats on being featured in Snapshot!! #10617263

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BetterPhoto.com Photo Contest SECOND PLACE Winner

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