Red Cadillac

© Rob Bishop

Red Cadillac

Uploaded: August 06, 2012


Exif: F Number: 10, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 10/8000 seconds, Flash: did not fire., ISO: 400, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 18.00 mm, Model: NIKON D3100


Allen Hughes August 06, 2012 0

Sa-Weet!! Excellent shot and presentation of this iconic classic. #1478922

Joy Rector September 04, 2012 0

congrats on the POTD #10307752

Marilyn Cornwell September 04, 2012 0

Congratulations on this dynamic POTD! #10307768

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic September 04, 2012 0

Great details and vibrant colors look cool here, Rob. CONGRATZ on a cool POTD!!

UB. #10307774

Nikki McDonald level-classic September 04, 2012 0

Wonderful colors, Rob - the sky reflected in the chrome is terrific with that red. Great lines in your composition design, too. Congratulations on the POTD. #10307790

Jill Odice level-classic September 04, 2012 0

Wahoo, POTD! OK, you are now officially a Photo Rock Star my friend :-)This one went into the favs :-) #10307799

JO ANN CLEVELAND September 04, 2012 0

Big congrats on this wonderful POTD Rob!

jo ann c. #10307801

Katarina Mansson September 04, 2012 0

Congratulations on your cool and beautiful POTD Rob! #10307833

Mary K. Robison September 04, 2012 0

Congratulations on your colorful POTD, Rob! #10307844

Mariann Kovats level-classic September 04, 2012 0

Gorgeous colors and comp.! Congrats on your POTD! #10307923

Carol A. Grady September 04, 2012 0

Wonderful capture Rob. Congrats on your POTD #10307976

Susan M. Smith September 04, 2012 0

A super cool capture and presentation Rob! Congrats on your POTD! #10308170

Lindley Johnson level-classic September 04, 2012 0

Fabulous graphic lines and awesome color! Congratulations on your POTD, Rob! #10308540

Donna La Mattino Pagakis September 05, 2012 0

Vibrant, eye catching and cool. Congrats Rob! #10308812

Ellen Hodges September 05, 2012 0

Huge congrats on a fabulous and colorful POTD, Rob!!! #10308818

Chuck Bruton level-classic September 05, 2012 0

Congratulations on POTD, great shot ! #10309999

Richard D. Love September 12, 2012 0

Congratulations, Rob. Wonderful colors and details!

Rick #10319660

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