Shape & Colors

© jorge scott

Shape & Colors

Uploaded: May 11, 2012


Exif: F Number: 8, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/500 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 400, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 280.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS REBEL T3i


July 30, 2012 0

Very nice! #1477838

July 31, 2012 0

Wonderful abstract design. #10253409

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic July 31, 2012 0

Way too cool, both the colors and design, Jorge. CONGRATZ!

UB. #10253803

jorge scott July 31, 2012 0

Hi, thx for the feedback. In these days muy idea is to focus in simple, everyday things. I´m trying to put more attention in does things that we normally walk in front of them wituout notice. #10254390

Carlos Esteban Solis Fallas August 01, 2012 0

Excelente fotografía Jorge. Muchas felicidades por este grandioso reconocimiento. #10256793

David M. Montero August 02, 2012 0

Very cool design and great colors. Congratulations on you win Jorge! Bravo! #10258714

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic August 02, 2012 0

Thought so, Jorge. HUGE CONGRATZ on landing the Gold Medal!!!

UB. #10259430

JO ANN CLEVELAND August 02, 2012 0

Fannnn...tastic Jorge!

Congratulations on this wonderful 2nd Place Winner! Sooo well deserved too!

jo ann c.

Mary Beth Aiello level-classic August 04, 2012 0

This is just TOO Cool, Jorge. A wonderful find. Huge congrats. #10262307

Susana Ms Heide August 29, 2012 0

Great eye!!! Love the elements of design!! Made me look twice! Many congrats on your POTD Jorge! #10295564

Susana Ms Heide August 29, 2012 0

Oops .... Congrats on your feature and WIN!!! (not POTD)... Sorry :-( A fantastic image no matter what the awards! #10295575

Susan D. Royce level-classic August 29, 2012 0

Yes, congratulations on your selection for the Snapshot newsletter! A stunning capture! #10295586

jorge scott August 29, 2012 0

Thx, for the comments, not a POTD, but I will keep trying. It is really very nice to know that through this window call Betterphot, a work can be seen. #10296344

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