"all horns & rattles"
Uploaded: April 14, 2012
That is cowboy lingo for "fit of temper" which Goose was throwing at this moment! I had just groomed him and turned him out into a fresh beautiful pasture to run around a bit & he decided he didn't want to go back to his other pasture, hence the little fit about being caught. He really is a good boy, honest ;-) (edited slightly in DPP & IP)
Exif: F Number: 7.1, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/500 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 800, White balance: Manual white balance, FocalLength: 200.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 7D
Liz blahh April 14, 2012 0
What ever lingo it is,it is quite beautiful! #1456524
Zita A. Strother
April 15, 2012
Linda S. Smith
April 15, 2012
Chelsy L. Yeater April 23, 2012 0
Great shot Momma! Love it. #10104654
Linda S. Smith
April 23, 2012
Marilyn Cornwell April 26, 2012 0
Congratulations on this great POTD! #10109677
Patricia A. Casey
April 26, 2012
Usman M. Bajwa
April 26, 2012
UB. #10109695
Katarina Mansson April 26, 2012 0
Congratulations on your impressive POTD Linda! #10109698Richard M. Waas April 26, 2012 0
Congrats Linda on a well deserved and beautiful POTD!! #10109702Joy Rector April 26, 2012 0
congrats on the POTD #10109706Kathryn Wesserling April 26, 2012 0
Wow! You sure caught the power and beauty on this one! (and the touch of cranky, too.) Congratulations for the POTD. #10109710
Susan D. Royce
April 26, 2012
Virginia Kickle April 26, 2012 0
Love the photo! Looks so much like my half-Arabian horse, Scooter. #10109740
Terry Cervi
April 26, 2012
Andre Larose April 26, 2012 0
Beautiful horse! Congratulations on this great action capture and well deserving POTD.André #10109873
JO ANN CLEVELAND April 26, 2012 0
What an awesome capture Linda! Congrats on the POTD, very well deserved, looks like a winner to me!jo ann c. #10109955
Linda L. Ruiz April 26, 2012 0
Congrats! wonderful shot. #10109979
Linda S. Smith
April 26, 2012
Sally Keenan April 26, 2012 0
Absolutely gorgeous! #10109981Daniella Puente April 26, 2012 0
Wonderful photo! congrats :) #10110055
Karen K. Givens
April 26, 2012
Linda S. Smith
April 26, 2012
Cathy Barrows April 26, 2012 0
Congrats on your excellent POTD #10110276
Linda S. Smith
April 26, 2012
Amanda D. Austwick
April 26, 2012
Beth OMeara
April 26, 2012
Jeff Robinson
April 27, 2012
Mary K. Robison April 27, 2012 0
Gorgeous capture of your handsome horse and his surroundings, Linda.
Linda S. Smith
April 28, 2012
Richard D. Love April 28, 2012 0
Congratulations, Linda. Beautiful light and perfect timing!Rick #10112634
Linda S. Smith
April 28, 2012
Millie A. Talarico
April 28, 2012
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