Classic Oxbow

© Ken Smith

Classic Oxbow

Uploaded: February 13, 2012 | Entered: August 23, 2015 06:30:23


Several hours after sunrise, Grand Teton National Park, Wyoming

F16/ 1/100th sec, ISO 200, 80mm focal length

Exif: F Number: 16, ExposureTime: 100/10000 seconds, ISO: 200, FocalLength: 80.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II


Ken Smith level-classic February 13, 2012 0

One more.. #1443059

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe February 13, 2012 0

I usually always prefer color over B/W and the same is true for me here. Love the colors, reflection and comp. My daughter and son-in-law spent a week in the Tetons this past Fall and she had alot of pics like this. #9980138

Claudia Kuhn level-classic February 13, 2012 0

Gorgeous light Ken, love the golden aspens reflecting in the water #9980139

Carolyn M. Fletcher level-classic February 13, 2012 0

Beautiful, and I'm with Tammy on the color! We got about 1" of snow last night, but not enough to be pretty. #9980150

Gina Cormier February 13, 2012 0

So stunning Ken!!!! #9980230

Michelle Alton February 13, 2012 0

Ken, the color version is such a brilliant image (instant favorite from just viewing the thumbnail) that I was thinking it was a candidate for the GP. If I had only seen the b&w, I'd love it, but in my view the color is way more than spectacular! #9980275

Jack Gaskin February 13, 2012 0


We only hadONE of FOUR days this Fall when they were not doing controlled burns which mess up the views w/smoke haze.

Jack #9980391

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe February 13, 2012 0

Beautifully captured - Great conversion too!! #9980427

Stefania Barbier level-classic February 13, 2012 0

I like both, truly wonderful view of capture! #9980465

Martha R. Mazon level-classic February 13, 2012 0

Positively stunning, Ken! I like them both but I prefer the color version too. The contrast of warm and cool tones is utterly captivating. #9980656

John Connolly February 13, 2012 0

Another jaw-dropper of an image Ken! The B&W version is excellent, but my preference definitely lays with your color version! #9980973

Mike R. Howe February 14, 2012 0

Beautiful images,Ken !!! #9981306

Shelly A. Van Camp level-classic February 14, 2012 0

Amazing beauty.....Well captured, Ken! #9981453

Terry Cervi level-classic February 14, 2012 0

What a gorgeous capture, Ken! #9981580

Chris Budny level-deluxe February 15, 2012 0

Classic Oxbow, Classic Ken... Beautiful work! I like the "faux" IR-type of b/w conversion too. #9984229

Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna February 17, 2012 0

Double **SIGH**, Ken! :-) k #9986220

Bill Houghton February 17, 2012 0

Awesome shot Ken. Your photos are outstanding. Bill

If you have time, check out my new website:
Bill Houghton Photography #9987570

Renee Doyle February 18, 2012 0

LOVE the colour version Ken!! Gorgeous! #9989452

Jill Odice level-classic February 20, 2012 0

LOve both versions! Picture postcard perfect!!! #9992596

Lisa J. Boulden level-classic February 26, 2012 0

Gorgeous light and color, Ken!
~♥~ #10001953

Harriet Feagin level-classic September 14, 2012 0

The color rendition is my favorite. A pristine setting, captured to perfection. #10322009

Chris Budny level-deluxe September 26, 2012 0

Congratulations on this beauty representing the Teton's in today's Snapshot, Ken! #10341940

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic September 26, 2012 0

CONGRATZ Ken on being featured!!!

UB. #10341985

Kathryn Wesserling September 26, 2012 0

More perfection from you, Ken. Glad to see this in SnapShot # 596; I missed it earlier. #10342040

Stefania Barbier level-classic September 26, 2012 0

congratulations for being on Snapshot!!! #10342098

Donna La Mattino Pagakis September 26, 2012 0

Congratulations on your gallery feature Ken. Your photography is a pleasure to view.

Great work!!! #10342213

Jill Odice level-classic September 26, 2012 0

Nice seeing this again in the "Snapshot" email this morning!:-) #10342327

Eivor Kuchta September 28, 2012 0

Congratulations on being featured in the Snapshot, Ken! Beautiful colors! I just got back from a trip up there, but didn't get any clear morning light, due to all wildfires around, in Idaho and Wyoming. #10345074

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