Stream Feeder

© Glenn E. Traver

Stream Feeder

Uploaded: January 23, 2012 | Entered: March 02, 2017 07:00:32


Canon 100-400 L


Michelle Alton January 24, 2012 0

Like a painting... #1438554

Glenn E. Traver January 24, 2012 0

Thank you Michelle ~ GT #9938270

Chris Schlosser January 26, 2012 0

Great composition, colors and capture, Glenn! #9947728

Glenn E. Traver January 30, 2012 0

Thank you Chris ~ GT #9956188

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic June 16, 2012 0

Wow, this is such a pretty nature setting and you captured it well, Glenn. CONGRATZ on the POTD!

UB. #10182235

Katarina Mansson June 16, 2012 0

What a beauty! Congratulations on your POTD Glenn! #10182252

Mary K. Robison June 16, 2012 0

That beautiful bird looks marvelous with the lovely autumn colors above him.
Congratulations on this gorgeous scene being selected as POTD, Glenn! #10182256

Marilyn Cornwell June 16, 2012 0

Congratulations on POTD! #10182298

JO ANN CLEVELAND June 16, 2012 0

Congrats Glen on this wonderful POTD..

jo ann c. #10182299

Debbie Bray June 16, 2012 0

A very beautiful POTD, congratulations on getting one, Glenn! #10182303

Nancy L. Green level-classic June 16, 2012 0

CONGRATULATIONS Glenn on t his AWESOME POTD!!! You have one FANTASTIC gallery as well!!! <>< #10182328

Joy Rector June 16, 2012 0

congrats on the POTD #10182363

Steve D. Hinkle June 16, 2012 0

Hi Glen, a beautiful capture! congrats on your POTD.
Steve #10182382

Cheryl Schneider June 16, 2012 0

Lovely colors! Congratulations, Glen. #10182386

John D. Roach level-addict June 16, 2012 0

Really fine painting with light! #10182413

Patricia A. Casey level-classic June 16, 2012 0

Congratulations on POTD Glenn....lovely capture of an elegant Blue Heron #10182414

Ellen Hodges June 16, 2012 0

Congrats on a gorgeous POTD, Glenn!! #10182440

Cathy Barrows June 16, 2012 0

Congrats on your the fall colors #10182442

Louie Zaninovich June 16, 2012 0

Congrats on POTD! Great comp. & colors. Love your images of the Glens too, beautiful gallery! Louie #10182478

Loan Tran level-classic June 16, 2012 0

Indeed, like a painting. Congratulations. #10182511

Phyllis A. Houghton June 16, 2012 0

Congratulations on your beautiful POTD! #10182527

Maria Coulson June 16, 2012 0

Congratulations, this is so vivid and yes, like a painting. #10182540

Jeffrey R. Bange June 16, 2012 0

Congratulations Glenn on a most deserving POTD. #10182600

Bojan Bencic level-classic June 16, 2012 0

Amazing light and colors, Glenn. Congratulations on your POTD! #10182719

Lisa B. North June 16, 2012 0

That is awesome! Love the leaves surrounding this heron. I have them in my backyard pond and they don't like me coming out with the camera! Just wish I could get something like this! Congrats! #10182721

Craig W. Myers level-classic June 16, 2012 0

So sharp and vivid, it reminds me of a museum diorama. Fine POTD. #10182729

Rita Hill level-classic June 16, 2012 0

Congrats on your POTD. Well deserved.

Andre Larose June 16, 2012 0

Wonderful capture on this beautiful POTD!

Congratulations:) #10182867

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe June 16, 2012 0

Congrats Glenn on your Outstanding POTD! #10182925

Debra R. Harder June 17, 2012 0

Huge congratulations, Glenn, on your BEAUTIFUL POTD!!!! #10184146

Glenn E. Traver June 18, 2012 0

I would like to Thank everyone for all the wonderful and kind comments, I appreciated them very much. ~ GT #10184371

Richard D. Love July 14, 2012 0

Congratulations, Glenn. Just gorgeous!

Rick #10229166

Becky LeMaster March 04, 2015 0

Beautiful capture, Glenn! Love the colors! Congratulations on awards! #11259721

Glenn E. Traver March 05, 2015 0

Thank you Richard and Becky ~ GT #11259865

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