Happy Wednesday all - make it a good day!

Resubmit into D&M 03/12 "> Happy Wednesday all - make it a good day!

Resubmit into D&M 03/12 "/>

Grape Expectations

© Val Feldman

Grape Expectations

Uploaded: November 23, 2011


It started off feeding one or two squirrels...then 4 or so...now, we have a "herd" that stops by daily for a handout. This is one of our favorites - an old gal we've dubbed Jeffie - who not only favors pecans over walnuts but expects a few grapes for dessert...no, they're not too spoiled.... :)

Happy Wednesday all - make it a good day!

Resubmit into D&M 03/12

Exif: F Number: 7.1, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/100 seconds, Flash: did not fire., ISO: 250, White balance: Manual white balance, FocalLength: 195.00 mm, Model: NIKON D300


Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe November 23, 2011 0

Wonderful close-up Val. How nice to have pet squirrels. #1425216

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe November 23, 2011 0

Got to take care of the wildlife too!! Wonderful capture Val - Happy Thanksgiving! #9826559

Robert R. Goodman November 23, 2011 0

Hi Valarie,One of these day I hope to as great a photographer as you.That is fantastic my friend.Great clarity,Happy Thanksgiving!!!! #9826569

Robert R. Goodman November 23, 2011 0

Hi Valarie,One of these day I hope to be as great a photographer as you.That is fantastic my friend.Great clarity,Happy Thanksgiving!!!! #9826570

R. J. Laudenbacher level-classic November 23, 2011 0

LOL...your story is hilarious, Val. All I can think is what is for Thanksgiving! LOL LOL....Fabulous shot with exceptional details. #9826655

Monnie Ryan November 23, 2011 0

Just too cute, Val - and the perfect title to go with it! #9826711

Gord MacEachern November 23, 2011 0

SPOILED as spoiled can be Val, I could ship you down a crate full of wild red squirrles, they love to take over the feeders, throwing out seed they don't like, then sit and scold that the feeders are empty, lol..
One of the better captures of these guys I have seen here Val!!
You better whip them up something special for tomorrow, lol... #9826794

Jack Ryan November 23, 2011 0

How cool!!! Excellent clarity...great pose...creative title...so very well done. (Val...local TV says original Idora Park carousel restored and operating in New York area...might be worth a trip...???) #9826818

Patti Coblentz November 23, 2011 0

Yep, you better whip them up something special for tomorrow :) How cute, your little family of squirrels. This is a spectacular capture...looks like a smile in his eyes!
I hope you and your family (all inclusive!) have a wonderful Thanksgiving, Val :))) #9826853

Christine Lobsinger level-classic November 23, 2011 0

Oh my GOD, what a fantastic full framed portrait of one of your buddies Val... Simply gorgeous!!!!
I'm thrilled you offer up excellent, healthy choices for these cuties!!
Smiling CHristine #9826924

Ann Coates level-classic November 23, 2011 0

This is so gorgeous Valarie. I'm so pleased you give them treats. Makes for fantastic photo opportunities too! #9827436

Terry Cervi level-classic November 24, 2011 0

How cute Ms. Jeffie is, Ms. V! So you've got them all spoiled huh? If I come down there will you spoil me too? LOL. Anyway, this is a wonderful shot of your backyard buddy! #9827639

Mary Dimitriw level-classic November 24, 2011 0

Nah....not spoiled at all!! Excellent capture of this furry little friend.

Wishing you and your family a Happy Thanksgiving from your neighbor in the north! #9827693

Heather Loewenhardt level-classic November 24, 2011 0

Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours Val. I think you love this spoiling. Fantastic closeup image. #9827814

Nadia Paul November 24, 2011 0

Ha - great title and story to accompany this wonderful capture Val - she's just gorgeous! Happy Thanksgiving! #9827828

Kenny Metro level-classic November 24, 2011 0

Excellent close-up and details,Val!
Good for you,keep those critters well fed in exchange for these great photo ops,a win win situation:)
Happy Thanksgiving!!! #9827884

Ann H. Belus level-deluxe November 24, 2011 0

How adorable, Val! Love this capture of this little critter; great detail anc color! #9828025

Rona L. Schwarz November 24, 2011 0

What a FANTASTIC close-up and marvelous wildlife (sort of:~)) composition, Val! The details, clarity and lighting are exceptional. Maybe I should start to feed them, too,LOL! Actually, my husband would not be too happy about that - he keeps trying to outwit them since they are so adept at emptying the bird feeders...Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours and be sure to save some leftovers for your furry friends! #9828032

Deborah Lewinson level-addict November 24, 2011 0

Fabulous wildlife capture, Val!

Happy Thanksgiving!
Debby #9828557

Freddy Bland November 24, 2011 0

Exceptional clarity and composition, Val. Looks like he/she is totally content. #9828639

Ellen Hodges November 25, 2011 0

Hope that you had a great Thanksgiving, Val!!! Such a cute capture!!! #9829850

Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna November 26, 2011 0

Magnificent capture of this little cutie, Val! :-) k #9830628

Joannie Bertucci level-classic November 26, 2011 0

Texas squirrels are sooo cute! Excellent capture Val with terrific details and catch-light in the eyes! Be careful Terry, Val may only give you nuts and grapes! :-) #9830727

Julie Burnett November 26, 2011 0

I so love to hear the stories of the T and T'ers, know they're spoiled rotten, but with a face like that, how could you not?? A gorgeous portrait of one contented Jeffie, Val, spoil away!! #9831189

Tammy Espino November 26, 2011 0

How did you get so close? My parents have squirrles at their house and the little beggers run.lol Awesome close up capture!! #9831833

Rony Sagy November 28, 2011 0

What a wonderful close-up. #9833781

JO ANN CLEVELAND November 28, 2011 0

I'm loving this Val ...great find! I think this little guy loves it too...never saw them eating grapes..maybe nobody ever offered them! lol

jo ann c. #9834008

Leslie McLain level-classic November 28, 2011 0

Love your story, Val. Terrific capture and details. #9835399

Nancy L. Green level-classic November 29, 2011 0

Doesn't get any cuter than this, VERY well done!! <>< #9835862

Emile Abbott level-classic November 30, 2011 0

Just way too cute and it is ok to spoil your house friends. Great for the MT, Val. We got about an hour of rain day after Thanksgiving, finally. Still need more. #9839287

Patricia Seidler November 30, 2011 0

This is so cute Val. Great detail in this closeup. Great title too! #9839582

Mary Beth Aiello level-classic December 02, 2011 0

Oh, this is just precious, Val. I put up a bird seed wreath last winter, and the birds loved it. Then one squirrel starting coming... and took it over. Then our Golden, Bailey, started staring out the window and wouldn't move. Then the birds came back, yelling for the squirrel to move on. Then Bailey started barking. Then.... It became really fun to watch. #9843233

Val Feldman level-classic December 03, 2011 0

LOL Mary Beth...sometimes one act of kindness can escalate into a full-scale three ring circus with a lot more participating actors than you could ever imagine! I KNOW the feeling....lol! Thanks so much everyone for stopping by! #9845110

Melissa Olsen December 07, 2011 0

What a totally delightful capture...I truly love these furry little critters even though they come and sit on the fence and tease "my" furry friend, Winston!
Great job! #9852348

Reynaldo D. Reyes level-classic December 09, 2011 0

What a capture Val, love the way you've captured this wide open to show the amzing sharpness and clarity and Jeffie is rewarding you with a close-up treat in exchange for the grape ~ precious interaction indeed. #9855676

Ellen Hodges December 17, 2011 0

Soooooo very cute, Val!! Exceptional in every single way!!! Please give you Mom a big hug for me!!!! #9872575

Michelle Alton April 21, 2012 0

First of all, your title is a sparkling gem! And then there's the image, perfectly posed and perfectly executed. Just wonderful. #10102224

Michelle Alton April 21, 2012 0

Oh...And warm congratulations for having been awarded POTD!!! (How could I forGET?) #10102225

Anne M. Young level-classic April 21, 2012 0

Congratulations - this is stunning!

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe April 21, 2012 0

Congrats Val on your Wonderful storytelling POTD!! #10102246

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe April 21, 2012 0

Congrats on your wonderful POTD, Val. #10102247

Kathryn Wesserling April 21, 2012 0

The story is as cute as the portrait is.

My Dad had the same kind of situation. His favorite would come up on the step and bam on the sliding glass door if Dad didn't bring him the snacks fast enough. #10102265

Deborah Lewinson level-addict April 21, 2012 0

Congratulations on your POTD, Val, for this adorable, engaging and excellent image!

Debby #10102269

Joy Rector April 21, 2012 0

congrats on the POTD #10102296

Linda D. Lester level-classic April 21, 2012 0

Just way too cute! Congratulations on your POT
D! #10102314

Leslie McLain level-classic April 21, 2012 0

Congrats on an adorable POTD, Val. #10102315

Lorna Shutter April 21, 2012 0

Now that's a Grape photo ... and a Grape title!!! I love it! Your clarity and detail couldn't be better! It's definitely a fave for me, Ms. Val! CONGRATULATIONS on your EFP & POTD Awards!!! Photobucket Hope we see this one again!!! :) #10102320

Courtenay Vanderbilt April 21, 2012 0

Totally fabulous portrait, Val! Congratulations on your POTD! #10102337

Carol Eade level-classic April 21, 2012 0

Wonderful shot, Val, and congratulations on your POTD! #10102344

Mary Beth Aiello level-classic April 21, 2012 0

Oh, this is priceless, Val. Huge congrats on this fabulous POTD. #10102381

Nikki McDonald level-classic April 21, 2012 0

Super shot - excellent detail and over the top appeal. Congratulations on the POTD, Val #10102393

Phyllis H. Burchett April 21, 2012 0

Terrific Val, congrats on your POTD!!! #10102400

Lana Arcemont April 21, 2012 0

Adorable! Fabulous Capture!
Congratulations on your POTD!

Don Christiana April 21, 2012 0

Val, great story to go with a terrific photo. Congrats on your POTD. I hope you have a great day. #10102410

Patti Coblentz April 21, 2012 0

Awww, this is so sweet, Val...big congratulations on your POTD! #10102434

Bojan Bencic level-classic April 21, 2012 0

Fantastic photo, Val. Congratulations on your POTD! #10102435

Shirley A. Kinney April 21, 2012 0

Awesome capture, Val. Congrats on your POTD. #10102459

Sara B Coffey level-classic April 21, 2012 0

Love it Val! The image & the title are both superb! Congrats on your POTD.
Sara :) #10102461

Heather Loewenhardt level-classic April 21, 2012 0

Congrats on this wonderful image receiving POTD! #10102469

Rony Sagy April 21, 2012 0

Huge congrats on this fantastic image and terrific title, Val. #10102500

Terry Cervi level-classic April 21, 2012 0

WTG, Ms.V and Jeffie!!! You'll have to give her a few extra pecans and grapes today in honor of her big win! Congrats on a wonderful POTD, Ms.V! #10102507

Ann H. Belus level-deluxe April 21, 2012 0

Huge congratulations on this fantastic image, Val! #10102510

Patricia A. Casey level-classic April 21, 2012 0

Wonderful!....just look at those appreciative eyes....they say it all...congratulations Val.... #10102512

Millie A. Talarico level-classic April 21, 2012 0

How cute, wonderful close-up, Val~! #10102520

Julianne Bradford April 21, 2012 0

So adorable Val! A big congratulations to one of my favorite photographers with such a sensitive tender heart. Your caring always reflects in your subjects eyes :-) #10102526

Mary K. Robison April 21, 2012 0

Heartwarming closeup!
Congratulations on your sweet and well earned POTD, Valerie! #10102537

Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna April 21, 2012 0

WTG on this adorable POTD, Val! :-) k #10102567

Val Feldman level-classic April 21, 2012 0

What a great way to jump-start my day and what a wonderful surprise! I'm smiling BIG! Thank you all for your comments. Think I'll go outside and give a couple of extra grapes to Ms. Jeffie, for modeling fees! :) :) #10102586

Michele Peterson level-classic April 21, 2012 0

Lol, this is adorable!! Yes, Ms. Jeffie some grapes, and give yourself a treat, too! Congratulations on a wonderful POTD! #10102594

Hayden Cannon April 21, 2012 0

Simply fantastic work as always Val, I need to get lessons :) I don't know how you do it. A huge congratulations! on your well deserved POTD! you must be ecstatic. #10102612

Amanda D. Austwick level-classic April 21, 2012 0

It is soo cute Val! I love the the details of this little furry one:) Congratulations on your well deserved POTD!!! #10102613

Rona L. Schwarz April 21, 2012 0

Oh wonderful, Val! One of my favorite captures of yours (among many, many) - I've always loved this little guy! And it couldn't happen to a nicer and more talented BP friend! Super congrats on this well-deserved POTD! #10102628

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic April 21, 2012 0

How did you get this close...the grapes I believe. Excellent details, CONGRATZ on the POTD!

UB. #10102629

Debra R. Harder April 21, 2012 0

OMG, Val!! This is absolutely adorable!! Huge congratulations on your fabulous POTD!!! Deb #10102663

Emile Abbott level-classic April 21, 2012 0

Fabulous Val and congrats on POTD. That assures it will be in the last round for gold. #10102720

Thomas E. Hinds April 21, 2012 0

Fantastic closeup image, Val! Makes me smile! Big congratulations on this POTD! #10102721

Ann Coates level-classic April 21, 2012 0

Congratulations on your brilliant POTD Valarie. #10102798

Stephen Zacker April 21, 2012 0

Made me smile :-) Congratulations #10102841

Kathy Cline April 21, 2012 0

Awww, so well deserved!
Congratulations Val! Have a blessed day.

John Connolly April 21, 2012 0

What a fabulous story and capture Val! Congratulations on your POTD! #10103092

Tammy Espino April 21, 2012 0

Congrats on your poTd..Hope everything is going well :) #10103154

Val Feldman level-classic April 22, 2012 0

Thank you all so much for stopping by - I appreciate! ~Val #10103405

Debbie Bray April 22, 2012 0

Hello Val!! Big congratulations from me too, on your really fabulous capture of your little friend eating grapes! He is soo sweet!! #10103673

Nancyj E. Hovey level-classic April 22, 2012 0

HA, aren't squirrels the best subjects.

on your very deserving POTD! 8o) #10103953

Daniella Puente April 22, 2012 0

Congrats Val! this is super :) #10104292

Ellen Hodges April 22, 2012 0

Huge congrats on this adorable POTD, Val!!! Sooo cute and wonderful!!!! #10104400

Bunny Snow April 23, 2012 0

So precious and so wire sharp! Wonderful lighting and detail. And, wonderful kindness of your part, feeding the squirrels. With the dying of our pecan-hickory tree and few nuts the tree(s) put out each year, our squirrels are trying crafting ways to either jump to the bird feeders that are on a wire from the house to a tall tree, or walking like the rats on a hire wire, very carefully to the feeders. I just cannot afford to give the squirrels my bird seed --too expensive. I suspect yours like the grapes both for the fruit and the seed.

Congratulations for your adorable POTD!!! #10104983

Julie Burnett April 23, 2012 0

I've always loved this one, congratulations on this well deserved POTD, Val!! #10105337

Richard D. Love April 28, 2012 0

Congratulations, Val. Perfect timing!

Rick #10112587

Tammy Espino May 02, 2012 0

Congrats on your finalist!! :) :::Big Smile::: #10117112

Ann Coates level-classic May 02, 2012 0

So pleased to see this here Valarie, I hope it goes Gold, congratulations. #10117130

Phyllis A. Houghton May 02, 2012 0

Congratulations on your awesome finalist, Val! #10117202

Inge Linden May 02, 2012 0


Ellen Hodges May 02, 2012 0

Huge congrats and best luck on an awesome finalist, Val!! #10117643

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe May 02, 2012 0

Congrats on a wonderful finalist, Val. #10117815

Debbie Bray May 02, 2012 0

Val, it's got winner written all over it too!! Beautiful image! #10117969

Don Christiana May 02, 2012 0

A HUGE CONGRATS Val on your great Finalist. Hope you have a great ay. #10118063

Robert R. Goodman May 02, 2012 0

A big Congratulations on this beautiful finalist,Valarie!!! #10118161

Heather Loewenhardt level-classic May 02, 2012 0

Congratulations on another wonderful finalist Val. #10118224

Lorna Shutter May 02, 2012 0

I had a feeling this squirrel would be back for more!!! CONGRATULATIONS on your Finalist Award for this FAB capture, Ms. Val!!!!! WTG!!! GOOD LUCK in the next round!!! :)
Photobucket #10118272

Dayna Cain level-classic May 02, 2012 0

Congrats on this awesome finalist Val! #10118286

Terry Cervi level-classic May 02, 2012 0

Here's that sweet Jeffie in the finalist group!! WTG, Jeffie!! And very well deserved too, Ms. V!! #10118338

Joannie Bertucci level-classic May 02, 2012 0

Val, your Jeffie is quite the model...POTD and finalist! Congrats on both!

I want to thank you so much for your thoughtful and supportive words for my recovery! Things are moving along well. I can now hold my camera and it's not too heavy any more! :-)
Joannie #10118574

Patrick Rouzes level-classic May 02, 2012 0

WOW, Congratulations on the double award. I predict another one! WTG, Val! #10118701

Patricia Seidler May 02, 2012 0

Congratulations Val on your two finalists! #10118707

Emile Abbott level-classic May 02, 2012 0

I am so glad to see this cutie again. Congratulations again Val on both superb finalists. #10118900

Gina Cormier May 02, 2012 0

WOW.....not a surprise!!!! :-)

Congrats on this stunning image!!

Does he get coffee after? #10119069

Carol L. Fowler May 02, 2012 0

Hey- Congrats!!! A two-fer!!! #10119623

Phyllis H. Burchett May 03, 2012 0

Congrats Val! #10120131

Rona L. Schwarz May 03, 2012 0

No surprise here, Val! This is going GOLD, I'm sure of it! But so nice to see Jeffie again - I hope you keep rewarding her! Big Congrats on the great Finalist! #10120151

Reynaldo D. Reyes level-classic May 03, 2012 0

A huge Congratulations on this exceptional capture Val. #10120282

Kim Andelkovic May 03, 2012 0

Congrats awesome pic :-) #10120385

Mary Dimitriw level-classic May 03, 2012 0

I'm sorry I missed your POTD Ms. Val but at least I can double congratulate you!! Awesome close up of Jeffie! #10120398

Val Feldman level-classic May 03, 2012 0

Thanks so much everyone! So appreciated!!! ~Val #10121037

Carol Eade level-classic May 04, 2012 0

A wonderful finalist, Val, congratulations! #10121556

Val Feldman level-classic May 04, 2012 0

Thanks, Carol! #10121791

Laura E. Swan level-classic May 04, 2012 0

Ms. Jeffie must be in pecan 7th heaven by now knowing she is famous? Next time we see her she will probably have on grape sized studded diamond ear rings and walnut shaped dinner rings!!

I hope this goes gold. She will want it for her front teeth! HA! :D

Big Congratulations. Pictures, Images and Photos to you BOTH!

Always your,
-LOTW :) #10121938

Tammy Espino May 05, 2012 0

Congrats on your awesome win! :) #10123433

Heather Loewenhardt level-classic May 05, 2012 0

Congrats on this wonderful gold medal win Val. #10123457

Kathryn Wesserling May 05, 2012 0

Oh, yea! Critter did it! Congratulations, Val. #10123470

Robert R. Goodman May 05, 2012 0

Hi Valarie,Big congratulations my friend!!! #10123610

Stefania Barbier level-classic May 05, 2012 0

this image truly makes me smile.... congratulations on your wonderful winner!!! #10123657

Ann Coates level-classic May 05, 2012 0

Congratulations again on another fabulous Gold Valarie. #10123734

Debbie Bray May 05, 2012 0

WoW Val!! Congratulations, well done on your gold winner!! Very well deserved, a fabulous image, right from the beginning!! #10123774

Ellen Hodges May 05, 2012 0

Huge congrats on an awesome winner!!! Big Happy WOW to see both go GOLD, Val!!!! #10123789

Renee Doyle May 05, 2012 0

Congratulations on this wonderful winner Val! #10123843

Hayden Cannon May 05, 2012 0

Way to go Val, congratulations on your second place winner! Well deserved. #10123870

Mary Dimitriw level-classic May 05, 2012 0

Now how amazing is that Ms. Val?? Two awesome Winners. Certainly some great news to share with your mom and lift her spirits. WTG! #10123891

Mary K. Robison May 05, 2012 0

Congratulations on your well earned Gold Winner, Val! #10123992

Julie Burnett May 05, 2012 0

Double Gold! Congratulations again, Val!! You do make it look so easy! :) #10124006

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe May 05, 2012 0

Congrats on your awesome winners, Val. #10124037

Leslie McLain level-classic May 05, 2012 0

Congrats on a beautiful winner, Val. #10124095

Terry Cervi level-classic May 05, 2012 0

WTG, Jeffie!! And you too, Ms.V!!! She's going to want her own room now that she's so famous! A fantastic job and huge congrats on your well deserved double!! #10124210

Orsi May 05, 2012 0

Congratulations,Val!!LOve it!!! #10124258

Monnie Ryan May 05, 2012 0

Congratulations once again, Val! Fantastic capture! #10124270

Don Christiana May 05, 2012 0

WOW...another great GOLD WINNER. Congrats to both you and Jeffie. Val, I think you and Jeffie need to have a celebration party with the "Herd" and have plenty of pecans, walnuts and EXTRA GRAPES. Have a great day... #10124288

Phyllis H. Burchett May 05, 2012 0

BIG congrats Val on your fabulous winners!!! #10124351

Patti Coblentz May 05, 2012 0

Awww...just love this image, Val...big congratulations to you for your gold win!!! #10124356

Bojan Bencic level-classic May 05, 2012 0

Beautiful photo, Val. Congratulations on your win. #10124387

Amanda D. Austwick level-classic May 05, 2012 0

Yeah, I hoped this one one would go to GOLD!!! I'm so proud of your second place GOLD Win!!! #10124505

Gina Cormier May 05, 2012 0

OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOHOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

(on my knees now) (ahhh,,crap....ther're starting to hurt)

(backing out now.......) May I take my leave, My Queen?

Lindley Johnson level-classic May 05, 2012 0

Love the story that goes with this terrific image, Val. Such sharp details and wonderful POV! Congratulations on both the POTD and second place win - well deserved! #10124630

Carol Flisak level-classic May 05, 2012 0

Wonderful image, Val... love the image and the story! Huge congratulations on your very cute and terrific winner! #10124645

Michele Peterson level-classic May 05, 2012 0

Congratulations on this getting another GOLD!! I love this portrait! :-) #10124685

Karen Bacon May 05, 2012 0

Congrats on another fantastic winner Val! #10124815

Carla Capra Anderson May 05, 2012 0

A great pic of this adorable critter.

Emile Abbott level-classic May 05, 2012 0

I told you that a POTD was the road to GOLD. Wow Val what a month two Golds to hand on the wall. Awesome my Texas friend. #10124941

Rona L. Schwarz May 05, 2012 0

Told you so, Val! Knew this was going straight to the Gold, my friend! What a terrific, terrific month - TWO GOLDS! Yea for Jeffie and for you!! HUGE CONGRATULATIONS!!! #10125170

Val Feldman level-classic May 06, 2012 0

To everyone - Heartfelt thanks and appreciation for stopping by with your words of congratulations! You people are the best! ~Val #10125300

Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna May 06, 2012 0

WTG on this fantastic winner! :-) k #10125343

Laura E. Swan level-classic May 06, 2012 0

Congratulations Pictures, Images and Photos
!!! On Your Outstanding Gold Winner !!!

Bring on the nutted jewels!!! Ha! #10125366

Carol Eade level-classic May 06, 2012 0

Another big congratulations, Val, WTG! #10125942

Debra R. Harder May 06, 2012 0

Oh...this is so adorable, Val! Huge congratulations on another OUTSTANDING GOLD WINNER!! Deb #10125999

Chris Budny level-deluxe May 06, 2012 0

Wonderful close up, Val; how nice to have a supply of ready and willing models! Congratulations! #10126052

Amanda J. Tanner level-classic May 06, 2012 0

Congratulations Val! #10126473

Stephen Zacker May 07, 2012 0

Made me smile. Congratulations, Val #10126749

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic May 07, 2012 0

CONGRATZ again Val, now on the Second Place Winner!!

UB. #10127037

Merna L. Nobile May 10, 2012 0

Well here we are, through thick and thin. It is a joy to be able to be supportive and to congratulate each other for another month of magnificent photographs during May, 2012. I send all of you my very best, Merna Nobile #10131582

Mary Beth Aiello level-classic May 10, 2012 0

Just outstanding, Val. Huge congrats on this beautiful winner. #10132682

David M. Montero May 12, 2012 0

Congratulations on scoring gold, and POTD, with this marvelous capture Val! #10134973

Thomas E. Hinds June 10, 2012 0

Sorry I missed congratulating you on time for this lovely Winner, Val! I hope later is better than never! #10174493

Jim Baines level-classic January 11, 2013 0

HAHAHAHAHA!!! I'm tellin' ya right now, Val, you and this li'l doll would WIN any contest on the planet!! She is so precious and you presented her to us just perfectly!!

Never drop your guard around those incisors!!! I have seen them penetrate to the bone, glance off and go all the way through the finger. OUCH!!! Not mine, thank goodness! #10508811

Colette M. Metcalf November 01, 2013 0

LOVE it:0) #10887007

Laura E. Swan level-classic December 15, 2013 1

Skimming your beautiful gallery at the moment! :D This is such a FAV for me! I HOPE YOU ARE DOING GOOD!



-LOTW :D #10922594

Reynaldo D. Reyes level-classic March 12, 2015 0

A huge Congrats on this double gold award. Great work. #11264353

Wanda-Lynn Searles level-classic November 10, 2015 0

Just adorable!! Awesome close up and into my favorites! #11397522

Cindy Bendush level-classic February 06, 2016 0

Terrific close up capture! Congratulations on your double gold badges! #11431913

Mary K. Robison March 18, 2016 0

Val, this sweet shot deserves every Gold Award it gets. Congratulations! #11448188

Joanna Kovalcsik level-classic January 31, 2017 0

Absolutely charming with a stellar title, Val...love your story! :o) #11558463

Nikki McDonald level-classic January 31, 2017 0

What incredible detail and I love the pose! Beautiful photo, Val. Congrats on the Win and POTD! #11558511

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BetterPhoto.com Photo Contest SECOND PLACE WinnerPhotography Contest Photo of the Day

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