The Two of Us
Uploaded: November 02, 2011
I was thrilled to photograph these two Monarch Butterflies, together. But, the b/g behind the upper butterfly was less than desirable. I applied three textures to disguise the problem. Each texture with different blending modes, fills and opacities. Textures from ShadowHouse
Exif: F Number: 11, Exposure Bias Value: 2.33, ExposureTime: 1/500 seconds, Flash: did not fire., ISO: 1000, White balance: Manual white balance, FocalLength: 105.00 mm, Model: NIKON D70
Arthur Bohlmann November 02, 2011 0
Very nice composition #1420075Liz blahh November 03, 2011 0
Beautiful! #9779702
Bonnie C. Lackey
November 03, 2011
Mary Dimitriw
November 03, 2011
Christine Lobsinger
November 03, 2011
Anita Hogue November 03, 2011 0
Gorgeous work!
Loan Tran
November 03, 2011
Robert Jensen November 03, 2011 0
beautiful image and perfect selection of textures and blending #9781503Carla Capra Anderson November 03, 2011 0
Michele Peterson
November 05, 2011
Carla Capra Anderson November 07, 2011 0
Thank you, Michele.
Emile Abbott
November 08, 2011
Carla Capra Anderson November 10, 2011 0
Thank you, Emile.
Songbird Cline
December 14, 2011
Arthur Bohlmann December 14, 2011 0
Congradulations Carla #9865596Douglas Pignet December 14, 2011 0
Congrats on this great finalist...way to go!!! #9865673
Songbird Cline
December 14, 2011
Kim Andelkovic December 14, 2011 0
Congrats on your wonderful finalist :-) #9865832
Songbird Cline
December 14, 2011
Liz blahh December 14, 2011 0
Congrats on your finalist Carla! #9865849
Songbird Cline
December 14, 2011
Gord MacEachern December 15, 2011 0
Big congrats on this well deserved fnalist, good luck next round Carla!! #9866674Phyllis H. Burchett December 15, 2011 0
Gorgeous Carla, congrats! #9866902
Songbird Cline
December 15, 2011
Nadia Paul December 15, 2011 0
So glad to see this beauty as finalist - congrats Carla! #9867131
Terry Cervi
December 15, 2011
Debbie E. Payne December 15, 2011 0
Beautifully done, Carla! Congratulations on your Finalist which, by the way, would also look good with GOLD underneath it. Either way, this is a fantastic image. #9867522Tiia Vissak December 15, 2011 0
Congratulations! #9867539Barbara Waldoch December 15, 2011 0
Congratulations on your gorgeous Finalists, Carla! #9867737
Christine Lobsinger
December 15, 2011
Emile Abbott
December 15, 2011
Bojan Bencic
December 15, 2011
Lydia Williams
December 15, 2011
Carla Capra Anderson December 15, 2011 0
Thk U all very much. #9868775Phyllis A. Houghton December 15, 2011 0
Beautiful in every way. Great DD work. Congratulations!! #9869124Freddy Bland December 16, 2011 0
Huge congratulations, Carla!! #9869561JO ANN CLEVELAND December 16, 2011 0
Congratulations on this outstanding finalist Carla....sooo beautifull!jo ann c.
Carol Eade
December 16, 2011
Robert K. Bemus
December 16, 2011
Tiia Vissak December 16, 2011 0
Congratulations on your Winner! #9871729
Terry Cervi
December 16, 2011
Ellen Hodges December 16, 2011 0
Huge congrats on your gorgeous winner, Carla!! #9871788Kim Andelkovic December 16, 2011 0
Fantastic Win, Congratulations ;-) #9871869Cheryl Winn December 16, 2011 0
Exquisite, Carla! #9872029Phyllis H. Burchett December 16, 2011 0
Big congrats Carla on this fantastic winner!!! #9872103Arthur Bohlmann December 17, 2011 0
Michele Peterson
December 17, 2011
Carol Flisak
December 17, 2011
Val Feldman
December 17, 2011
Carla Capra Anderson December 17, 2011 0
There is no way for me to express how exciting this win is!My Friends, I want to thank you for "All" your msgs of congratulations and for sharing this exciting win with me.
Thank You!
Carla #9872500
Carol Eade
December 17, 2011
Robert K. Bemus
December 17, 2011
Renee Doyle December 17, 2011 0
Big congratulations on this wonderful First Place Winner Carla!! #9872646Amy M. Wilson December 17, 2011 0
Congratulations on your amazing First Place Winner, Carla!!! #9872648Liz blahh December 17, 2011 0
Congratulations on your First Place Winner! #9872663Michael G. Marshall December 17, 2011 0
Congratulations on your wonderful winning image, Carla! It's a beauty! Michael #9872672
Joannie Bertucci
December 17, 2011
Robert Jensen December 17, 2011 0
Glad to see this again - congrats on a well-deserved win #9872884Joan E. Hoffman December 17, 2011 0
WTG Carla... very beautiful image and well deserved first place!!Whoopee!!! #9872990
Mary Dimitriw
December 17, 2011
Lyn Darlington December 17, 2011 0
WTG.....Huge congrats on your first place winner!!!! #9873059Nadia Paul December 17, 2011 0
Congrats on your beautiful winner Carla! #9873088Mary K. Robison December 17, 2011 0
CONGRATULATIONS on your well earned First Place Winner, Carla! Really lovely image! #9873216Stacey Williams December 17, 2011 0
Congratulations on your first place winner! #9873359
Bojan Bencic
December 17, 2011
Alexander Decoster December 17, 2011 0
Carla congratulationsJessica Jenney December 17, 2011 0
Congratulations, Carla on your beautiful First Place Win! #9873525Karen Celella December 17, 2011 0
Well, your hard work certainly paid off! Congratulations on your fabulous first prize winner, Carla! #9873537
Lydia Williams
December 17, 2011
Nancy Marie Ricketts December 17, 2011 0
Congratulations, Carla, on your fabulous First Place Win! #9873776
Mary Beth Aiello
December 17, 2011
Carla Capra Anderson December 17, 2011 0
thk u so much #9874008Antonio Amen December 17, 2011 0
Wow, I find the title so romantic...but who takes the shot and who gives the titlle?.
Patrick Rouzes
December 17, 2011
Lindley Johnson
December 17, 2011
Randy D. Dinkins
December 17, 2011
Linda S. Smith
December 18, 2011
Robert R. Goodman December 18, 2011 0
A big Congratulations my friend,WTG Carla!!! #9875746JO ANN CLEVELAND December 18, 2011 0
CONGRATULATIONS on this outstanding FIREST PLACE WINNER Carla! Very well deserved!!jo ann c. #9875816
Mary Timman December 18, 2011 0
Congratulation on your beautiful winner! #9875840Carla Capra Anderson December 18, 2011 0
thk u. ur all wonderful n thoughtful! thks 4 sharing this with me. #9875866
Emile Abbott
December 18, 2011
Cindy Bendush
December 19, 2011
Mariann Kovats
December 19, 2011
Usman M. Bajwa
December 19, 2011
UB. #9876818
Gord MacEachern December 19, 2011 0
Hey Carla, how nice is this, WTG my friend, so very much deserved!!!! #9877018Freddy Bland December 19, 2011 0
Congratulations, Carla, on your First Place winner!! #9877286
Lydia Williams
December 29, 2011
Carla Capra Anderson December 29, 2011 0
thk u #9891465Kathryn Wesserling December 29, 2011 0
Your final dd results are gorgeous. Congratulations on being featured in DD#103 and for your monthly Gold.The description you added of the "why" and "how" was really helpful. Now, if only my 'selection' skills would magically improve, I would love to follow your example. #9891725
Jill Odice
December 29, 2011
David M. Montero January 01, 2012 0
Your talent is evident in this wonderfukl work of art. Very talented work Carla. Congratulations on your first place win. Happy New Year! #9896924Anthony L. Mancuso January 06, 2012 0
Congrats on your winner and appearance in DD Carla! #9904525
Irene Colling
January 07, 2012
Sincere congratulations. #9906453
Carla Capra Anderson January 07, 2012 0
Thk u all very much. #9907263Aimee C. Eisaman January 31, 2012 0
Congrats on your win Carla! Not only is this a phantastic capture, but you have turned it into a work of art! :~) #9957452Carla Capra Anderson January 31, 2012 0
Thk u, Aimee. #9957901
Emile Abbott
March 10, 2016
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