Gull Point Walker

© Daniel Ruf

Gull Point Walker

Uploaded: October 28, 2011


Exif: F Number: 5, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/50 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 200, White balance: Manual white balance, FocalLength: 153.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II


Mary K. Robison November 29, 2011 0

Gorgeous capture with marvelous light ~
Congratulations on your well earned POTD, Daniel! #1426468

Michelle Alton November 29, 2011 0

Almost miraculous, photographically. Congratulations, Daniel. We've not seen anything like "the end" of this image! #9836704

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe November 29, 2011 0

Congrats on a beautiful POTD, Daniel. #9836713

Joy Rector November 29, 2011 0

congrats on the POTD #9836741

Johnnie Ann Gaskill November 29, 2011 0

Beautiful light!! Great composition, too. Congratulations. #9836757

Karen Celella November 29, 2011 0

Congratulations on your lovely POTD, Daniel. #9836760

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic November 29, 2011 0

Beautiful capture of light and depth, Daniel. CONGRATZ on the POTD!

UB. #9836783

Phyllis H. Burchett November 29, 2011 0

Gorgeous, congrats on your POTD! #9836805

Bill Houghton November 29, 2011 0

Daniel, this is such a beautiful setting. The rays of light put it over the top. Have a great day, Bill

If you have time, check out my new website:
Bill Houghton Photography

Betty Ann Kelly level-classic November 29, 2011 0

Congrats....beautiful light, subject and composition!

Mark Seiter level-classic November 29, 2011 0

congratulations on this beautiful POTD.....awesome lighting #9836900

Daniel Ruf November 29, 2011 0

A total surprise to me...I didn't even know there was such a thing as POTD. Thank you all for your supportive comments and for taking the time to visit the site. #9836907

Susan D. Royce level-classic November 29, 2011 0

Congratulations Daniel! Amazing light capture! #9836931

Sara B Coffey level-classic November 29, 2011 0

Just plain awesome! Love the light composition & leading lines to the subject! Congratulations Daniel on your POTD!
☼ Sara ☼ #9837044

Katarina Mansson November 29, 2011 0

Congratulations on your lovely POTD! #9837055

Rona L. Schwarz November 29, 2011 0

This is magnificent, Daniel! The lighting is exquisite and it is beautifully composed with the line of the road leading to the lone figure. Congratulations on an outstanding POTD! #9837056

Nancy L. Green level-classic November 29, 2011 0

AWESOME work Daniel, CONGRATULATIONS on this wonderful POTD!!! <>< #9837074

Jessica Jenney November 29, 2011 0

Congratulatiosn on your gorgeous POTD! #9837107

Kathleen K. Parker level-deluxe November 29, 2011 0

What a lovely scene, Daniel. That light is to die for! Congrats on your POTD!!
kk #9837127

Shawn Jennings November 29, 2011 0

Beautiful capture! Congratulations on your POTD! #9837130

Daniel Ruf November 29, 2011 0

Thanks to all of you for your response and visiting. #9837285

John Connolly November 29, 2011 0

Congratulations on your POTD, Daniel! The composition and light are really outstanding! Well Done! #9837388

Janice M. Borodezt November 29, 2011 0


This is an absolutely gorgeous picture.
It is definitely a winner.

Congratulations. Best of Luck.

Janice #9837535

Patricia A. Casey level-classic November 29, 2011 0

Congratulations on POTD...Wonderful capture.....I bet we see this one again! Cheers, Daniel! =^..^= #9837851

Daniella Puente November 30, 2011 0

Amazing photo! love everything about it...really wonderful, complete, dreamy...soooo inviting :) #9837961

Ellen Hodges November 30, 2011 0

Huge congrats on an awesome POTD, Daniel!!! WTG!!!! #9838912

Lindley Johnson level-classic November 30, 2011 0

Beautiful light, and a wonderful serene feeling. Congratulations on your terrific POTD, Daniel! #9838927

Nikki McDonald level-classic December 01, 2011 0

"I didn't even know there was such a thing as POTD."

Well now you do know, Daniel. You can sign up to get it delivered to your inbox daily -- doesn't cost a thing extra :) Stunning picture and the tiny figure add a wonderful sense of scale to the magical scene. Congratulations on the POTD. #9841322

Daniel Ruf December 01, 2011 0

Thanks again to all for the special comments. May you all have a special holiday season. #9841517

Sharon L. Doane December 02, 2011 0

Beautiful! Congratulations! #9842313

Amanda D. Austwick level-classic December 02, 2011 0

Gorgeous image and CONGRATULATIONS on this winner! #9842471

Richard D. Love December 06, 2011 0

Congratulations, Daniel. Wonderful light and composition!!

Rick #9850494

Daniel Ruf December 06, 2011 0

Everyone of you have been so kind to visit the site and comment on this image. I am grateful to all. #9850586

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