Squash Mix

© Mary Dimitriw

Squash Mix

Uploaded: October 04, 2011


Exif: F Number: 9, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/125 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 200, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 21.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 40D


Robert R. Goodman October 04, 2011 0

Hi Mary,My friend you would like it out here in Jan.We have a huge Squash and Gord festival.Beautiful color and awesome detail.I hope the weather is still nice up north!!! #1412763

Avril Young October 04, 2011 0

oh my goodness, this is just awesome, I have never, never seen squash like these, they are quite beautiful, such lovely colours...actually we don't celebrate Halloween here either...
fantastic photography,lighting and composition... #9714643

Terry Cervi level-classic October 04, 2011 0

What a nice variety you have here, Mary, with wonderful colors and detail! Well done! #9714705

Tiia Vissak October 04, 2011 0

wonderful colors & shapes! #9714809

Mary Dimitriw level-classic October 04, 2011 0

Thank you; Bobby, Avril, Terry and Tiia!

I would love to see that Bobby! Thanks Avril, we have a local farmer down the road and the only one I know of that grows pumpkin seeds from Australia. They are beautiful shades of blue! Halloween is huge here, people decorate like Christmas. LOL #9715095

Courtenay Vanderbilt October 04, 2011 0

Fantastic seasonal capture, Mary! Wonderful colors and crisp details! #9715177

Neal D. Hatcher October 04, 2011 0

Great detail-super color-squash is my favorite vege any way its cooked #9715551

Patrick Rouzes level-classic October 04, 2011 0

Outstanding clarity, tones, colors, textures, lighting & comp here, Mary! Exceptionally captured, my friend! #9715562

Amanda J. Tanner level-classic October 05, 2011 0

Beautiful colors and detail. Nice work Mary! #9716740

Mary Dimitriw level-classic October 05, 2011 0

Thanks; Courtenay, Neal, Patrick and Amanda! #9716851

Heather Loewenhardt level-classic October 06, 2011 0

Beautiful mix of colour and detail. I have never seen blue or red squash before. I think it spices up the mix. Nicely captured Mary. #9719146

Robert K. Bemus level-classic October 06, 2011 0

One of the reasons I love this season...beautiful colors and comp, Mary!! #9719309

Katarina Mansson October 29, 2011 0

Congratulations on your lovely POTD Mary! #9770060

Debbie Bray October 29, 2011 0

Beautiful POTD, Mary! Congratulations on it! The blue pumpkin that you are talking about from Australia, are actually called Queensland Blue, and they are named after the state in which I live. They grow pretty rampantly, and are huge pumpkins. #9770074

Gord MacEachern October 29, 2011 0

Hey Mary, WTG!!!
Big congrats on on this well deserved POTD!!!! #9770083

Marilyn Cornwell October 29, 2011 0

Beautiful composition and colours in this wonderful POTD! Congratulations! #9770086

Marisol Pastor level-classic October 29, 2011 0

Fantastic full frame image, great color. Congrats on the POTD! #9770091

Val Feldman level-classic October 29, 2011 0

WTG! Ms. Mary - a wonderful seasonal capture!! Congrats on this very well-deserved POTD! #9770121

Joy Rector October 29, 2011 0

congrats on the POTD #9770179

Courtenay Vanderbilt October 29, 2011 0

Congratulations on your POTD, Mary! #9770196

Kirsten Kiki Kjaer October 29, 2011 0

WOW! The colors and clarity are amazing, Mary. So natural. Huge congratulations!! #9770245

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic October 29, 2011 0

Nice colorful shot, Mary. CONGRATZ on the POTD!

UB. #9770273

Lorna Shutter October 29, 2011 0

Personally I don't like squash! ... but I love this image! Fantastic colourful capture, Marilyn! CONGRATULATIONS on your EFP & POTD Awards!!!!! :)
Photobucket #9770402

Robert R. Goodman October 29, 2011 0

Hi Mary,A big Congratulations on this beautiful POTD!!! #9770409

Nancy L. Green level-classic October 29, 2011 0


Carla Capra Anderson October 29, 2011 0

Whew Whoo, let the happy dance begin!
;) CC #9770537

Debra R. Harder October 29, 2011 0

I'm doing a jig too...LOL!!! WTG, Mary!! Huge congratulations on your SUPERB POTD!!!! Deb #9770541

Tiia Vissak October 29, 2011 0

Congratulations! #9770571

Kathy Salerni level-classic October 29, 2011 0

Congratulations on this beautiful POTD, Mary! #9770603

Patti Coblentz October 29, 2011 0

Congratulations on this very festive and seasonal POTD, Mary...beautiful! #9770613

Dayna Cain level-classic October 29, 2011 0

CONGRATS Mary on this awesome POTD! #9771166

Mary Dimitriw level-classic October 29, 2011 0

Wow thanks everyone!! What a pleasant surprise. I haven't checked my email in ages and thought I better tackle the 1000+ messages and saw this one.

Thanks again! #9771169

Ellen Hodges October 30, 2011 0

Super huge congrats, Mary!!! Sorry for delay in commenting!! Well deserved and wonderful POTD!!! #9771460

Kenny Metro level-classic October 30, 2011 0

Awesome fall image,Mary! #9771478

Robert K. Bemus level-classic October 30, 2011 0

Congratulations on a well deserved POTD, Mary!! #9771582

Nadia Paul October 30, 2011 0

A wonderful collection Mary - congrats on POTD! #9771667

Amy M. Wilson October 31, 2011 0

Big congratulations on your excellent POTD, Mary!! #9773703

Bob J. Boehm October 31, 2011 0

Love the colours and detail, congratulations Mary.

Christine Lobsinger level-classic October 31, 2011 0

Congratulations Mary, a great mix of colouring! Perfect POV/Comp too...
Lovely POTD!
Smiling Christine #9773860

Mary Dimitriw level-classic November 01, 2011 0

Thanks so much; Ellen, Kenny, Robert, Nadia, Amy, Bob, Christine and Sabrina! #9775490

Louise Souchereau November 03, 2011 0

Congradulations Mary, nice picture such nice colors

Heather Loewenhardt level-classic November 04, 2011 0

Huge Congrats Mary!!! Sorry this was late but this didn't show up in my feed. Love the brilliant colours. #9782415

Orsi November 04, 2011 0

Congratulations,Mary!Very cool! #9784170

Mary Dimitriw level-classic November 05, 2011 0

Thanks; Louise, Heather and Orsi! #9784980

Richard D. Love November 16, 2011 0

Congratulations, Mary. Beautiful colors and textures!

Rick #9807293

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