
© Bill Foxworthy


Uploaded: August 21, 2011


Canon 600mm f/4L, 1/2000, f/8, ISO1000, Manual mode, early morning in Florida pond.

Exif: F Number: 8, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/2000 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 1000, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 600.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS-1D Mark IV


Susan Weisensel August 22, 2011 0

Excellent close up capture Bill. #1402786

Michelle Alton August 22, 2011 0

Gosh, I really love this. He seems to be grinning at you, and it's such a fun shot! #9619687

Linda L. Ruiz August 22, 2011 0

awesome close up #9620063

September 25, 2011 0

WOW! #9690871

Bill Foxworthy September 25, 2011 0

Thanks Susan, Michelle, Linda, and a special thanks the the BP Judge for stopping by and commenting! #9690928

Kay E. Mahoney level-classic September 26, 2011 0

Congratulations on your beautiful finalist, Bill. Good luck in the next round. #9691604

Bill Foxworthy September 26, 2011 0

Rhank you Kay. #9691611

JO ANN CLEVELAND September 26, 2011 0

Congratulations on this wonderful finalist Bill!

jo ann c. #9694884

Bill Foxworthy September 26, 2011 0

Thanks Jo Ann. #9695034

Liz blahh September 26, 2011 0

I knew this was yours! Congrats on your finalist! #9695344

Liz blahh September 27, 2011 0

Congratulations on your winning image! #9698419

Merna L. Nobile September 27, 2011 0

You’re the kind of person who makes the world a better, brighter place…You worked hard for this, you made it happen, and you have a right to be proud. So enjoy these satisfying moments; you deserve every one! Merna


Renee Doyle September 27, 2011 0

Wonderful work as always Bill!! Congratulations! #9698706

Bill Foxworthy September 27, 2011 0

Thanks Liz, Sabrina, Liz, Merna and Renee. My thanks again to the Judge for this pick! #9699065

Bill Foxworthy September 27, 2011 0

Thanks Sabrina. #9699758

Karen Celella September 27, 2011 0

Congratulations on your stunning winner, Bill. #9700171

Bill Foxworthy September 27, 2011 0

Thank you Karen! #9700181

JO ANN CLEVELAND September 27, 2011 0

Congratulations on this AWESOME 2nd Place Gold Winner Bill!

jo ann c. #9700788

Bill Foxworthy September 27, 2011 0

Thank you Jo Ann. #9700791

Evy Johansen level-classic September 28, 2011 0

This is so beautiful! BIG congratulations on your win, Bill!! #9701757

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic September 28, 2011 0

Terrific capture and huge CONGRATZ on the second place Gold, Bill!!!

UB. #9701810

Debbie Bray September 28, 2011 0

Absolutely superb, Bill! Congratulations!!! #9702259

Judy Foxworthy September 28, 2011 0

Thanks Evy, Usman and Debbie. #9702394

Dominick M. Dimacale level-addict September 28, 2011 0

Congratulations Bill on your Win!!!

Dominick #9702485

Bill Foxworthy September 28, 2011 0

Thanks Evy, Usman, Debbie and Dominick.
I forgot I was not signed in on my wife's computer this am. #9702678

Mary Beth Aiello level-classic September 28, 2011 0

Simply beautiful, Bill. Huge congrats. #9702861

Bill Foxworthy September 28, 2011 0

Thanks Mary Beth! #9702862

Monika Sapek September 29, 2011 0

Great capture of this amazing bird! Congratulations, Bill! #9705428

Bill Foxworthy September 29, 2011 0

Thanks Monica! #9705430

David M. Montero September 30, 2011 0

Congratulations on your second place selection Bill! Wonderful clarity and color. #9707005

Bill Foxworthy September 30, 2011 0

Thank you Dave. #9707009

Judy Foxworthy September 30, 2011 0

Big Congratulations, Bill, on your super superb second place win!! WTG!! #9707037

Phyllis H. Burchett October 03, 2011 0

Outstanding work, congrats on your win! #9713350

Bill Foxworthy October 03, 2011 0

Thanks Judy and Phyllis! #9713399

Rona L. Schwarz October 04, 2011 0

WOW! This is sensational, Bill! Huge Congrats on this marvelous Winner! #9714659

Bill Foxworthy October 05, 2011 0

Hi Rona, thanks very much! #9718060

Bill Houghton October 18, 2011 0

Bill, this is an awesome photo. Congratulations on your beautiful win. Have a great week, Bill

If you have time, check out my website:
Bill Houghton Photography

Bill Foxworthy October 18, 2011 0

Thanks very much Bill, Your website is beautiful! #9743536

Inge Linden January 19, 2012 0

Your work is stunning! It's one beautiful photo after another. #9929181

Bill Foxworthy January 19, 2012 0

Thank you Inge, so is yours! #9929476

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BetterPhoto.com All Time Best Photo Contest Editor's Pick BetterPhoto.com Photo Contest SECOND PLACE Winner

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