Uploaded: April 08, 2011
Alan L. Borror April 08, 2011 0
Gorgeous floral macro, Gail! Great full frame and color. #1367801
Agnes Fegan
April 08, 2011
Linda D. Lester
April 08, 2011
Katarina Mansson April 24, 2011 0
Beautiful floral and excellent macro! Congratulations on your POTD! #9366222Joy Rector April 24, 2011 0
congrats on the POTD #9366243
Robert Mann
April 24, 2011
Marilyn Cornwell April 24, 2011 0
ongratulations on POTD! A beautiful Easter image! #9366292
Usman M. Bajwa
April 24, 2011
UB. #9366331
Anthony L. Mancuso April 24, 2011 0
Congrats on your excellent POTD Gail! #9366382
Gail Sullivan
April 24, 2011
Amy M. Wilson April 24, 2011 0
Big congratulations on your beautiful Easter POTD, Gail!! #9366427
Linda D. Lester
April 24, 2011
Patti Coblentz April 24, 2011 0
A beautiful Easter image, Gail...congratulations on your POTD...and Happy Easter! #9366432
Jeff Robinson
April 24, 2011
Anita Hogue April 24, 2011 0
Congratulations on your beautiful POTD! #9366468Graeme yew Chow April 24, 2011 0
Congratulations on your outstanding macro POTD ! Gail. #9366505Carmody Baker April 24, 2011 0
This is beautiful Gail! #9366654
Mitch Spence
April 24, 2011
Jerry Rega April 24, 2011 0
Hi Gail,Please do not misunderstand me, your photo is a great “Photo of the Day” BUT it tells me nothing other than it is very pretty. This is why many of my BetterPhoto friends do not look at contest winners anymore because there is only in most cases a photo title and nothing else.
Your gallery is stunning but, it telling me very little.
Kindest Regards,
Jerry Rega
Jill Odice
April 24, 2011
Terry Cervi
April 24, 2011
Heather Loewenhardt
April 24, 2011
Stephen Zacker April 24, 2011 0
Beautiful. Congratulations #9366814Donna La Mattino Pagakis April 24, 2011 0
A wonderful, cheerful image Gail. Congratulations on your POTD! #9366839
Rita Hill
April 24, 2011
Cathy Barrows April 24, 2011 0
Congrats on your beautiful POTD #9366842Michael M. Petrizzo April 24, 2011 0
Congrats Gail. Beautiful image. #9366843Sandra Anderson April 25, 2011 0
Congratulations on POTD with this lovely image Gail #9367378
Evy Johansen
April 25, 2011
Mary K. Robison April 25, 2011 0
Congratulations on your lovely macro making POTD, Gail! #9367528
Deborah Lewinson
April 25, 2011
Richard D. Love April 25, 2011 0
Congratulations, Gail. Truly a beautiful floral image.Rick #9368102
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