Purple and Gold

© Nadia Paul

Purple and Gold

Uploaded: April 08, 2011


Barbara Waldoch April 08, 2011 0

Awesome composition and detail, Nadia! #1367730

Michelle Alton April 08, 2011 0

Superb floral macro, Nadia! #9340106

Avril Young April 08, 2011 0

Royalty...beautiful colour and detail Nadia.. #9340113

Jack Gaskin April 08, 2011 0

Outstanding Detail & Color

Happy Shooting
Jack #9340260

Julianne Bradford April 08, 2011 0

Beautiful macro Nadia! #9340602

Liz blahh April 08, 2011 0

Beautiful macro & colors! #9340712

Carla Capra Anderson April 08, 2011 0

Hi Nadia;
Love the Simplicity and Elegance in this image. Just lovely.
;) CC #9341004

John Connolly April 08, 2011 0

WOW! What a stunning floral macro capture Nadia! You did a great job with this one! #9341092

Carol L. Fowler April 08, 2011 0

Aren't we all lucky that flowers are back! Awesome macro! #9341213

Nadia Paul April 09, 2011 0

Thanks so much guys! #9341684

Chris Budny level-deluxe September 22, 2011 0

Brilliant macro work, Nadia; congratulations on your POTD! #9684697

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic September 22, 2011 0

Great details and lovely color, Nadia. CONGRATZ on the POTD!

UB. #9684706

Joy Rector September 22, 2011 0

congrats on the POTD #9684735

Sandra Anderson September 22, 2011 0

Gorgeous colour and detail Nadia. Congratulations on POTD. #9684764

Carol Eade level-classic September 22, 2011 0

A beautiful macro, Nadia, congratulations on your POTD! #9684765

Christine Lobsinger level-classic September 22, 2011 0

Stunning Macro Nadia, Congratulations to you on your EP and POTD!
Smiling Chris #9684776

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe September 22, 2011 0

Beautiful details and colors, Nadia. Congrats on your awesome POTD. #9684782

Mary K. Robison September 22, 2011 0

Lovely macro with wonderful clarity and details. Congratulations, Nadia, on your POTD! #9684790

Patti Coblentz September 22, 2011 0

This is stunning, Nadia! Congratulations on your POTD! #9684797

Katarina Mansson September 22, 2011 0

Outstanding macro - congratulations on your POTD! #9684800

Nancy S. Berman September 22, 2011 0

Stunning! #9684806

Marilyn Cornwell September 22, 2011 0

Congratulations on POTD! #9684809

Karen Celella September 22, 2011 0

Congratulations on your wonderful POTD, Nadia! #9684817

Phyllis H. Burchett September 22, 2011 0

Fantastic work Nadia, congrats on your POTD! #9684888

Stefania Barbier level-classic September 22, 2011 0

Congrats on your POTD! #9684935

Linda A. Braddock September 22, 2011 0

Beautiful Image. Congratulations on your POTD! #9684999

Marcel J. Fernandez September 22, 2011 0

Congratulations, Nadia on your Stellar POTD. #9685043

Linda D. Lester level-classic September 22, 2011 0

Awesome.....Congratulations on your POTD! #9685050

Shirley A. Kinney September 22, 2011 0

Gorgeous, Nadia. Congrats on your POTD! #9685064

Michele Peterson level-classic September 22, 2011 0

Very pretty, Nadia! An unusual composition that makes it stand out! Congratulations on your POTD! #9685078

JO ANN CLEVELAND September 22, 2011 0

Congrats on this cool POTD Nadia!

jo ann c. #9685096

Terry Cervi level-classic September 22, 2011 0

Just beautiful, Nadia! Congrats on your POTD! #9685159

Shandel Brown September 22, 2011 0

Way to make the typical flower shot a little more exciting. Nicely done! #9685204

Daniella Puente September 22, 2011 0

Congrats, is a wonderful photo! #9685221

Steve M. Harrington September 22, 2011 0

A lovely, flowing image, Nadia. Good on you! :)
Steve #9685246

Michael Kelly level-classic September 22, 2011 0

Wonderful macro! #9685265

Phyllis A. Houghton September 22, 2011 0

Congratulations Nadia!!!! What an excellent macro. Superb!! #9685270

Kerry Penn level-classic September 22, 2011 0

Wow! Just WOW! #9685501

Debbie Bray September 22, 2011 0

Congratulations on your POTD Nadia, it's beautiful! #9685541

Ian M. Hill September 22, 2011 0

Congratulations Nadia,a worthy potd,a beautiful capture. #9685688

John Connolly September 22, 2011 0

Congratulations on your POTD Nadia! I was impressed with this image from the first time I saw it! #9685698

Raymond Pauly September 22, 2011 0

A fine macro with great detail and colors! Congratulations, Nadia! #9685747

Nadia Paul September 23, 2011 0

Thanks so much everyone - your support is much appreciated! #9685946

Evy Johansen level-classic September 23, 2011 0

Fantastic macro, Nadia!! Wonderful detail! Big congratulations on your POTD! #9686146

Nadia Paul September 23, 2011 0

Thanks so much Evy! #9686400

Bunny Snow September 24, 2011 0

Perfectly beautiful composition, lighting, clarity and sharpness, royal color and tonality. So well envisioned and accomplished. This is definitely a keeper and is inspirational to me, and perhaps to others.

Awesome macro, Nadia! Congratulations of your well executed POTD! #9687668

Deborah Lewinson level-addict September 25, 2011 0

Stunning and inspirational macro, Nadia!

Congratulations on your POTD!
Debby #9690289

Nadia Paul September 26, 2011 0

Thanks so much Bunny and Debby! #9692181

Richard D. Love September 26, 2011 0

Congratulations, Nadia. Just a beautiful image...so well done.

Rick #9694749

Debra R. Harder September 27, 2011 0

This is absolutely GORGEOUS, Nadia!! Huge congratulations on your BEAUTIFUL POTD!!!! Deb #9700789

Nikki McDonald level-classic September 30, 2011 0

Wonderful light and colors and the lines are just beautiful, Nadia. Belated congratulations on the POTD. #9706916

Patricia A. Casey level-classic October 02, 2011 0

A belated congratulations on the POTD, Nadia....lovely macro....the colors and detail are beautiful! Cheers.....=^..^= #9710773

Nadia Paul October 16, 2011 0

Thank you Rick, Debra, Nikki and Patricia! #9737740

Orsi October 25, 2011 0

WooW!!Amazing macro,Nadia!!Huge congratulations!!! #9761927

Nadia Paul October 26, 2011 0

Thanks Orsi! #9763470

Liz blahh January 10, 2012 0

Excellent,congrats! #9911717

Nadia Paul January 10, 2012 0

Thanks Liz! #9911788

Phyllis A. Houghton May 25, 2014 0

A favorite! #11051789

Nadia Paul May 30, 2014 0

Thanks Phyllis! #11055049

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