Open Seating

© Tamara K. Walker

Open Seating

Uploaded: March 25, 2011


Exif: F Number: 5, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 10/1000 seconds, Flash: did not fire., ISO: 400, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 28.00 mm, Model: NIKON D300


Jeff Robinson level-deluxe March 25, 2011 0

Fantastic find and capture Tammy!! #1364025

Tammy M. Anderson level-deluxe March 25, 2011 0

Great comp. and beautiful snowy capture. #9316722

Jeana Clark March 25, 2011 0

Might be a really cold place to sit, but I would bet the view from there
is beautiful!!!
Awesome capture T!!!

~Bubbles~ #9316728

Robert R. Goodman March 25, 2011 0

Hi Tamara,Not in the hot seat,that is for sure.Beautiful capture Buddy!!!! #9316767

Monnie Ryan March 25, 2011 0

Cool title for an even chillier scene! Beautiful, Tamara! #9316829

Jack Gaskin March 25, 2011 0

BEAUTIFUL But lets keep the LATE SNOW by you...

Happy Shooting
Jack #9317268

John Connolly March 25, 2011 0

You are not trying to tell me this is a spring scene are you Tammy! A wonderfully detailed capture, very well presented! Nice work! #9317396

Wm Nosal March 25, 2011 0

Cool Shot, Tamara! #9317403

Michael Frazier level-classic March 26, 2011 0

Gorgeous winter capture Tamara. I like that red chair. Lol #9317554

Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna March 26, 2011 0

WOW, Tam! You got the snow too? This is a beautiful shot! :-) k #9317560

Susan Weisensel March 26, 2011 0

Wonderful winter shot Tamara. #9318670

Nikki McDonald level-classic April 06, 2011 0

Very cool shot and even better title, Tammy. I got some beautiful captures of my school in this particular snow -- so lovely the way it lay on the branches. #9337956

Chris Budny level-deluxe April 13, 2011 0

I had such fun shooting in DC's last serious snowfall... I love shots like this, where trees and structures are covered in clinging snow. Nicely seen and done! #9348468

Cathy Barrows April 19, 2011 0

Congrats onyour lovely POTD #9358130

Joy Rector April 19, 2011 0

congrats on the POTD #9358135

MELODIE C. ROBERTS April 19, 2011 0

Your title has me scratching my head..

However your image has my face smiling!!

WoooooHoooo My Friend!!

Congratulations on your most deserving and long overdue POTD!!! #9358142

Chris Budny level-deluxe April 19, 2011 0

Congratulations, Tamara, on your POTD today!! #9358143

Mary Timman April 19, 2011 0

Fabulous composition with the touch of red and neat title! Congratulations on your POTD! #9358153

Nikki McDonald level-classic April 19, 2011 0

Add my WoooooHooooo to Mel's! Wonderful composition and selective color -- however natural it may be :) Congratulations on the POTD, Tammy. #9358156

Courtenay Vanderbilt April 19, 2011 0

Congratulations on your POTD, TKW! #9358169

Susan Jane Allen level-classic April 19, 2011 0

Way to go, Tamara!!! Nice work! #9358176

Dominick M. Dimacale level-addict April 19, 2011 0

Congratulations Tamara on your POTD Win!!!

Dominick #9358181

JO ANN CLEVELAND April 19, 2011 0

Think you could get cold buns there? lol

Beautiful Tammy, big congrats on your POTD

jo ann c. #9358238

Patti Coblentz April 19, 2011 0

Fantatic image, Tammy...big congratulations on your POTD!! #9358296

Anthony L. Mancuso April 19, 2011 0

Excellent composition Tamara...congrats on your POTD! #9358321

Linda D. Lester level-classic April 19, 2011 0

Love this....the red adds so much to this. Congratulations on your POTD! #9358323

Tammy Espino April 19, 2011 0

Congrats on this awesome potd :) #9358350

Lydia Williams level-classic April 19, 2011 0

Love it Tammy....congratulations on your POTD... #9358368

Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna April 19, 2011 0

WTG on this incredible POTD, Tam!!! :-) k #9358376

Susan K. Snow April 19, 2011 0

I wouldn't mind that lovely seat today. The humidity in South Louisiana is 84% right now and perspiration is dripping from my body just from moving the hose. Oh, to be in the wintry and beautiful scene, you have captured so well.

You did a wonderful job, Tammy. Congratulations on your POTD!!! #9358383

Anita Hogue April 19, 2011 0

Congratulations on your beautiful POTD! #9358385

Judy A. Lawhon April 19, 2011 0

WTG...TK!!! Beautiful POTD...congrats!! #9358389

Gord MacEachern April 19, 2011 0

Big congrats on this wonderful POTD Tamara!! #9358403

Gail Vitikacs level-classic April 19, 2011 0

Congratulations Tamara! #9358409

David Phalen April 19, 2011 0

WTG Country Girl!! HUGE Congrats on a great POTD!! #9358419

Donna La Mattino Pagakis April 19, 2011 0

Congratulations on your POTD Tamara. Look at all that snow, beautiful work! #9358456

Mitch Spence level-classic April 19, 2011 0

The snowy detail of the tree and the perfectly placed chair are so nice here, Tammy. Congratulations on a great POTD. #9358477

Wm Nosal April 19, 2011 0

Congratulations, Tamara! #9358523

Rona L. Schwarz April 19, 2011 0

Marvelous winter composition, Tammy! Love the fresh snow on the branches and the inclusion of the red chair was brilliant! Wonderful title, too! Many Congrats on a terrific POTD! #9358687

John Connolly April 19, 2011 0

Huge Congratulations Tamara! What a great feat you have achieved here, well done! #9358932

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe April 19, 2011 0

Congrats Tammy on your Well Deserved POTD!! Jeff #9359008

Daniella Puente April 19, 2011 0

Wonderful Tamara! #9359095

Shirley A. Kinney April 19, 2011 0

Great capture, Tamara. Congrats on your POTD. #9359160

Tamara K. Walker level-classic April 19, 2011 0

WOW! Thank you all so very much I appreciate all of you kind words. My first POTD I am honored. #9359164

Richard D. Love April 20, 2011 0

Congratulations, Tamara. Wonderful exposure for a beautiful image. Well done.

Rick #9359295

Mary K. Robison April 20, 2011 0

Lovely winter scene ~
Congratulations on your POTD, Tamara! #9359338

Susan Weisensel April 20, 2011 0

WTG, Tamara on your wonderful POTD.
Kinda funny we are getting snow today and they pick your snow pic. Very happy for you... #9359594

Guy D. Biechele level-classic April 20, 2011 0

Cool shot!! Well seen and photographed. Congrats! #9360013

Rita Hill level-classic April 20, 2011 0

Loving this shot Tamara. Well done, love the composition and contrast. Congrats! #9360161

Ken Smith level-classic April 21, 2011 0

Oh great...just when I was hoping we'd get to spring...up pops this snow photo. Now I know why we had cold weather yesterday, along with hail and slippery driving...cause of YOUR POTD! :-) Congrats, Tammy! #9360784

Nancy L. Green level-classic April 21, 2011 0

CONGRATULATIONS Tammy on this WONDERFUL POTD!!! <>< #9360926

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