Uploaded: January 27, 2011
These two small adolescence bears along with their mother, form a small "gang" and intimidate larger males into giving up their fish. Each by themselves would become victims of the larger bears----together they are a threat. Large males routinely eat cubs.
They have just observed another bear catching a fish.
Exif: F Number: 5, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/500 seconds, Flash: did not fire., ISO: 1000, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 100.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS-1D Mark III
R. J. Laudenbacher
January 27, 2011
Gregory R. Gaskin January 27, 2011 0
Absolutely stunning capture. Just when I don’t think you can post a more fantastic shot you go and prove me wrong once again. #9196843Kathy Cline January 27, 2011 0
SO COOL I feel like Im watching National Geographic Kathy! Is this Alaska? #9196957Carla Capra Anderson January 27, 2011 0
Amazing!Linda L. Ruiz January 27, 2011 0
Earl Blansfield January 27, 2011 0
Kathy, what can I say other than wow. I dream of sitting where your camera is!! Love the detail, color and composition. Nice work. Earl #9197184Joanne E. Bohenstengel January 28, 2011 0
This is as close as I care to get to these magnificent animals. Great detail & capture!!!! #9199085
Linda D. Lester
January 29, 2011
Michelle Alton February 13, 2011 0
Brilliant work on this superb capture, Kathy. #9237213
Usman M. Bajwa
February 13, 2011
UB. #9237219
Robert Mann
February 13, 2011
Janet McNeil
February 13, 2011
Katarina Mansson February 13, 2011 0
Congratulations on your stunning POTD Kathy! #9237264Mary K. Robison February 13, 2011 0
Excellent capture, Kathy!Karen Celella February 13, 2011 0
Congratulations on you fabulous POTD, Kathy! #9237295Bill Houghton February 13, 2011 0
Beautiful shot Kathy. Congratulations on your POTD.If you have time, check out my website:
Bill Houghton Photography
Chuck Bruton
February 13, 2011
Richard M. Waas February 13, 2011 0
Fabulous image Kathy and a well deserved POTD!! #9237314
Bojan Bencic
February 13, 2011
Anna Diederich February 13, 2011 0
Incredible capture Kathy! Congrats on your POTD! #9237320
Nancyj E. Hovey
February 13, 2011
Joy Rector February 13, 2011 0
congrats on the POTD #9237348
Nikki McDonald
February 13, 2011
Joyce S. Court February 13, 2011 0
Definitely a POTD capture. Awesome interpretation of bear behavior. You can almost see what they are thinking. #9237414Patti Coblentz February 13, 2011 0
Fantastic image and POTD, Kathy...congratulations! #9237420Kathy Cline February 13, 2011 0
Linda D. Lester
February 13, 2011
Anthony L. Mancuso February 13, 2011 0
Stunning image Kathy, congrats on your POTD! #9237527
Nancy L. Green
February 13, 2011
JO ANN CLEVELAND February 13, 2011 0
Outstanding capture Kathy, also enjoyed the history of the cubs..Congrats on this marvelous POTD
jo ann c. #9237572
Shirley A. Kinney February 13, 2011 0
Awesome capture, Kathy. Congratulations on your POTD. #9237577
Patricia A. Casey
February 13, 2011
Cathy Barrows February 13, 2011 0
Congrats on your POTD...precious #9237622Julianne Bradford February 13, 2011 0
What great timing to capture them both with the same moves Kathy. Congrats on this terrific POTD :-) #9237654
Mitch Spence
February 13, 2011
Kimber Wallwork-Heineman
February 13, 2011
Phyllis H. Burchett February 13, 2011 0
Great shot, congrats on your POTD! #9237780
Laura E. Swan
February 13, 2011
Huge congrats, Kathy, on your POTD!
-Laura :) #9237781
Debra R. Harder February 13, 2011 0
This is an AMAZING image, Kathy!! Huge congratulations on your OUTSTANDING POTD!! Deb #9237803
Ilene Samowitz
February 13, 2011
Anne McKinnell February 13, 2011 0
A beautiful portrait of bears in their environment. Love how you caught them just as they were both looking away, so cute! Congratulations on your POTD! #9237921Tammy Espino February 13, 2011 0
What an awesome capture! Congrats on your potd :) #9238112
Erica Murphy
February 13, 2011
Sylvia Rourke
February 13, 2011
Colleen Bevacqua February 14, 2011 0
I love this shot! I was just at Brooks Falls this fall and saw a couple of sub-adults being really bad boys! This caught my attention because it reminded me of them. Looks like you love wild life too. Colleen #9238668
Jeff Robinson
February 14, 2011
Bunny Snow February 14, 2011 0
EVERYTHING IS PERFECT! Your envisioned image was magnificent on its own, but with the composition of the water and the grizzlies, the beautiful tonality, sharpness and detail made this image unsurpassed!What an outstanding capture on your part. Congratulations on your POTD. Hope to see this again in the winner's circle. WOW! #9238689
Kathleen K. Parker
February 14, 2011
Rona L. Schwarz February 14, 2011 0
Absolutely fantastic wildlife capture of these two grizzly cubs, Kathy! Bunny said it best - perfect! Congratulations on a superb POTD! #9238858
Denny E. Barnes
February 14, 2011
Graeme yew Chow February 14, 2011 0
A fantastic wildlife image. Big congratulations kathy.You know it is big honour that can be selected for POTD winner. Cheers ! #9239027Toni Riggs February 14, 2011 0
Fantastic capture! Congrats! #9239030Daniella Puente February 14, 2011 0
A beauty, fabulous photo Kathy, congrats! #9239973
Evy Johansen
February 15, 2011
Jeffrey R. Bange February 15, 2011 0
Congratulations Kathy on a beautiful and well deserved POTD. #9241151Richard D. Love February 15, 2011 0
Wow! Congratulations, Kathy. Truly a deserving win. Capturing the bears in unison just makes the image. So well done.Rick #9241831
Michael Umbreit February 16, 2011 0
Kathy - Congratulations on your POTD!! - Mike #9245347
William C. Raco
February 16, 2011
Anne M. Young
February 18, 2011
Lisa B. North February 19, 2011 0
Incredible shot! Love their hairdos! Would have loved to be by your side when you took this! Lisa #9248933Nancy (Peaches) Harker March 11, 2011 0
HUGE Congrats on your AWESOME POTD #9285729Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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