The Way Up
Uploaded: January 07, 2011
Three exposure combination, looking up the parclose stairs from crypt level to nave, Washington National Cathedral.
I've long wanted to capture the broad spiral of the Yellin wrought iron handrail, in combination with the stairs and vaulting.
After many unsuccessful attempts with regular lenses over the years, it was the 10-22 wide angle lens which allowed me
to compose what I'd envisioned. Thank you to the BP community for such enthusiastic support of this image!
Grand Prize Jan. 2011 - Elements of Design; P.O.T.D. 2/5/11; 2011 Photo of the Year - PhotoGroup101;
Featured in "The BetterPhoto Guide to Photographing Light" by Jim Miotke & Kerry Drager, published April 2012.
This photo is now available as a matted print, sold through the Cathedral Store.
Exif: F Number: 8, ISO: 400, FocalLength: 10.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 7D
R. J. Laudenbacher
January 07, 2011
Cailin M. Van Eizenga January 07, 2011 0
Stunning! #9148044
Carolyn M. Fletcher
January 07, 2011
Nikki McDonald
January 07, 2011
Sarah A. Christian January 07, 2011 0
It is outstanding, Christopher! It draws me in to go up the stairs and see what is at the top! A wonderful series! Love the beginning of the handrail. #9148076Fanie Heymans January 07, 2011 0
WOW, Christopher!! This is a instant favorite! Absoluteley gorgeous! I would love to see this as a winner! #9148082
Claudia Kuhn
January 07, 2011
Liz blahh January 07, 2011 0
Superb! #9148324Jane Holestine January 07, 2011 0
Amazing! Beautiful tones and comp #9148341Patti Coblentz January 07, 2011 0
This is absolutely amazing, Chris...everything about it. Going into my favs forever...great work!! #9148385Richard B. Hallick January 07, 2011 0
Wonderful, stunning image. Just perfect in every way. I will be shocked if this isn't a winner. #9148427Karen E. Baumann January 07, 2011 0
You imaged well, Chris!! This is a stunning image, both with composition and tones. Love the details above and the bold curvature of the rail below. Well done! #9148521Donna La Mattino Pagakis January 07, 2011 0
Incredible imagery Chris, beautiful design! #9148640
Dayna Cain
January 07, 2011
Kara L. Hendricks January 07, 2011 0
OHOHOHH!!!!!!!! Chris can you say W I N N E R?????? #9148778Jean E. Hildebrant January 07, 2011 0
I absolutely love the comp, Chris!!! Wonderfully thought out and accomplished! I agree, WINNER! #9148802
Michele Peterson
January 08, 2011
Robert Jensen January 08, 2011 0
All I can say is that this is going straight into my favorites! Where did you find this? #9149289
Ken Smith
January 08, 2011
Thomas E. Hinds January 08, 2011 0
Very beautiful, striking image! #9149481Datha Y. Thompson January 08, 2011 0
EXCELLENT Chris!! W O W :) #9149484Katarina Mansson January 08, 2011 0
Cool POV, excellent details, lovely tones, great comp...I love it! #9149537
Usman M. Bajwa
January 08, 2011
UB. #9149541
Chris Budny
January 08, 2011
For the questions in the comments: Claudia, yes, I used a tripod, with the longest of the 3 exposures being 2.5 seconds.
Robert - this is the primary stairwell between the two levels of Washington National Cathedral, above Georgetown in Washington, DC.
Many of you know that I'm a volunteer tour guide at this cathedral... BP members are always welcome to contact me if visiting DC, and see if we can arrange a private tour... just let me know!
Thank you all very much! Fingers crossed for my new favorite cathedral image! #9149716
Nikki McDonald
January 14, 2011
Chris Budny
January 14, 2011
Lisa J. Boulden
January 15, 2011
Chris Budny
January 15, 2011
Kara L. Hendricks January 17, 2011 0
Congratulations Chris on being this weeks 101 gallery showcase!!! #9167711
Chris Budny
January 17, 2011
Don Johnson
January 20, 2011
Chris Budny
January 20, 2011
Kara L. Hendricks January 24, 2011 0
Just stopping by once more to let you know... I LOVE this Chris... I hope it's sees some SERIOUS contest action... If I were a betting woman, I'd throw down!! #9191102
Chris Budny
January 24, 2011
Anna Diederich January 31, 2011 0
Absolutely LOVE this! #9203873Martin J. Wells January 31, 2011 0
I won't be at all surprised to see this again in the finals, it is faultless. #9203888
Chris Budny
January 31, 2011
Kara L. Hendricks February 02, 2011 0
Just stopping again to admire....:))) #9207987
Chris Budny
February 02, 2011
Martin Cregg February 04, 2011 0
Chris - you know I love this photo. I particularly like the "character marks" on the handrail right at the bottom of the photo. Faltless! If I ever get my act together re the PG101 I would have voted for it there. Is this competing with my Sax Man for a January spot? :) #9212555Kara L. Hendricks February 04, 2011 0
HUGE congratulations Chris on winning the January Photo Favorite of the month at 101!! #9212576Patti Coblentz February 04, 2011 0
Impeccable and a favorite, as I've said many, here is one congratulation to you that I hope will be followed with more kudos from some BP medals in the works...congrats on the 101 POTW fav, Chris :) !! #9212631
Nikki McDonald
February 05, 2011
Chris Budny
February 05, 2011
Michelle Alton February 05, 2011 0
This is a spectacular architectural capture Christopher! A WELL-DESERVED POTD! Congratulations! #9213962Kate Jackson February 05, 2011 0
Brilliant job Christopher! Congrats on the POTD! #9213963Courtenay Vanderbilt February 05, 2011 0
Stopped me in my tracks! Congrats on a well deserved POTD! (PS grew up in Alexandria) #9213976Josh A. Friedman February 05, 2011 0
This is a great shot with a very interesting perspective. Well done! Congrats on the POTD. #9213978Michael McCook February 05, 2011 0
Wow! Knocked me out with this image. I opened my POTD email and was expecting to do my usual glance at a rather nice photo and hit the delete button. But, Bang! this fantastic image pops up. I think you'll see one of the top honors with this one. It's magical. Big Congratulations on this great POTD. #9214008Carmody Baker February 05, 2011 0
Great capture. Congratulations Chris. #9214068
Dominick M. Dimacale
February 05, 2011
Dominick #9214082
Nikki McDonald
February 05, 2011
Linda D. Lester
February 05, 2011
Leslie McLain
February 05, 2011
Deborah Lewinson
February 05, 2011
Debby #9214124
Wanda Knoss February 05, 2011 0
Congratulations Christopher! Love this image! #9214128Karen Celella February 05, 2011 0
Congratulations on your fantastic POTD, Chris! Get ready for the next award! #9214138
Dr Silly
February 05, 2011
Susan Jane Allen
February 05, 2011
Michael Umbreit February 05, 2011 0
Chris - Congratulations on your POTD!! - Mike #9214153Stephen S. Maguire February 05, 2011 0
Marvelous capture!!! Congrats on POTD. #9214163Alan L. Borror February 05, 2011 0
Amazing image, Christopher! Congratulations on your POTD! I am sure we will see this again. #9214166Sue L. Cullumber February 05, 2011 0
Christopher - this is just gorgeous. The tones and comp. are fantastic! Big congrats on your POTD! #9214167Joy Rector February 05, 2011 0
congrats on the POTD #9214168
Kimber Wallwork-Heineman
February 05, 2011
Ryan Murphy February 05, 2011 0
fantastic wide-angle, shot chris! congrats on this POTD! Hope you enjoy your 10-22mm lens as much as I do! #9214197Thomas E. Hinds February 05, 2011 0
Congratulations, Chris, on your POTD! Superb work! #9214200Tammy Espino February 05, 2011 0
Outstanding capture , congrats on your potd!:) #9214202
Ken Smith
February 05, 2011
Cheryl Schneider February 05, 2011 0
Superb! Congratulations. #9214264Richard D. Love February 05, 2011 0
Wow!!! The lines. The shapes. The tones. The composition. This just has it all, Chris. So well done.Rick #9214275
Carolyn M. DAlessandro February 05, 2011 0
Congratulations Christerpher...all I see is perfection.Bravo,well done!!! #9214282Robert Jensen February 05, 2011 0
Glad to see this one again - hope you had a great time with Jim. #9214296Sharon Day February 05, 2011 0
Great shot, Chris!! Congratulations! #9214302Cesar J. La Rosa February 05, 2011 0
Congratulations on this BEAUTIFUL and very well-deserved POTD, Chris!!!Kara L. Hendricks February 05, 2011 0
Boy Usman called this one!!! Couldn't be happier if it was me Chris!! Congrats!! #9214320Anthony L. Mancuso February 05, 2011 0
Awesome image Chris! Congrats on your POTD! #9214322David Phalen February 05, 2011 0
BIG Congrats on a spectacular POTD!! #9214325JO ANN CLEVELAND February 05, 2011 0
Absolute Perfection Chris, hope we see this again..Congrats on this well deserved POTD!
jo ann c. #9214335
Nancyj E. Hovey
February 05, 2011
Les Rhoades
February 05, 2011
Datha Y. Thompson February 05, 2011 0
CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! On its way to the TOP!!! LOVE LOVE LOVE IT :) #9214369Patricia (Pat) C. Exum February 05, 2011 0
Congrats on your POTD, beautiful as all of your work is. Hope all is well with you. I miss DC and coming to the Cathedral to photograph! #9214374
Chuck Bruton
February 05, 2011
Julianne Bradford February 05, 2011 0
What a wonderful use of the 10 to 22 to acomplish this marvelous perspective Chris! A big congratulations on this well deserved POTD! #9214402
Bob Cournoyer
February 05, 2011
Susan M. Hembree February 05, 2011 0
Such a great angle for this, Chris. Truly marvelous! Congrats on your POTD! #9214429
Lisa J. Boulden
February 05, 2011
Shawn Jennings February 05, 2011 0
Very nice work, Chris! Congratulations on your POTD! #9214438Cathy Barrows February 05, 2011 0
congrats on your potd...fab comp #9214444Bunny Snow February 05, 2011 0
Yes!Huge congratulations on your POTD, Chris. #9214458
Charlotte LaBarbera February 05, 2011 0
Congratulations! You've pulled us in - can't wait to see what's at the top of the stairs. Love the tones. #9214474
Rita Hill
February 05, 2011
Anne McKinnell February 05, 2011 0
I think this is one of my favourite photos of the day! Beautiful curves and lines, depth of field and overall composition. Very lovely tones as well. Congratulations! #9214522tony W. austin February 05, 2011 0
WOW WOW WOW.. what else can I say #9214523
Usman M. Bajwa
February 05, 2011
UB. #9214536
Katarina Mansson February 05, 2011 0
I TOLD YOU SO!!! This is just the first yellow badge at BP...I bet...excellent work! Congratulations Chris! #9214544
Mitch Spence
February 05, 2011
Nancy de Flon February 05, 2011 0
Absolutely brilliant, Chris--congratulations! #9214609
Sheri Camarda
February 05, 2011
Patti Coblentz February 05, 2011 0
Beaming brightly, as if it were my own :)) Huge congratulations on your POTD, Chris! The trek on this thread has just begun, I think :) #9214682Raymond Pauly February 05, 2011 0
Beautiful perspective and clarity! Congratulations! #9214697Pamela Koch February 05, 2011 0
Congratulations on this incredible POTD. I agree with many of the previous comments... this will be given many more awards. It is a photo to be VERY proud of. Stunning work! #9214830Lisa B. North February 05, 2011 0
Lucky for us you got your wide angle lens! This was worth the wait and absolutely stunning! Congrats!! #9214888
Kathy Salerni
February 05, 2011
Marcel J. Fernandez February 05, 2011 0
One of the best images that I have viewed in a very long time. Congratulations!! #9214893
Chris Budny
February 05, 2011
Mary K. Robison February 05, 2011 0
Your patience paid off big-time, Christopher ~ this is superb!!
William C. Raco
February 05, 2011
Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna February 05, 2011 0
WTG on this beautiful POTD, Chris! :-) k #9215183Donna La Mattino Pagakis February 05, 2011 0
Congratulations on your incredible POTD Chris!! I am thrilled for you! #9215203
Don Johnson
February 06, 2011
Chris Budny
February 06, 2011
Gail Vitikacs
February 06, 2011
Michele Peterson
February 06, 2011
Graeme yew Chow February 06, 2011 0
Wonderful perspective and tone. Congratulations ! #9215628
Chris Budny
February 06, 2011
Tamara K. Walker
February 06, 2011
Patricia A. Casey
February 06, 2011
Amanda D. Austwick
February 06, 2011
Renee Doyle February 06, 2011 0
Awesome pov and eod capture!! Big congratultions on a fabulous POTD Chris!!! #9216874
Chris Budny
February 06, 2011
Stanley C. Sims February 07, 2011 0
Very well done Chris. Congratulations on the POTD. #9217293
Chris Budny
February 07, 2011
Clyde Smith
February 07, 2011
Guy D. Biechele
February 07, 2011
Chris Budny
February 08, 2011
Chris Budny
February 08, 2011
Martin Cregg February 10, 2011 0
Chris - Congratulations on the POTD and Finalist awards. This is a brilliant photo. #9225083Patti Coblentz February 10, 2011 0
Almost to the top of the ladder where the gold awaits this awesome image, Chris...congratulations on your magnificent finalist!!! #9225144Michelle L. Frick February 10, 2011 0
Congratulations Chris!!! No surprise to see this one and hoping it goes all the way for you! Incredible composition and tones!! #9225179
Mitch Spence
February 10, 2011
Donna La Mattino Pagakis February 10, 2011 0
Congratulations on your excellent finalist Chris!!! I'm so happy for you! #9225308Maxine C. Schnitzer February 10, 2011 0
This is fantastic Chris! I'm sure we'll see this again in the next round. Congratulations!!! #9225393Sarah A. Christian February 10, 2011 0
WTG, Chris!!! Going up, up up just like the stairs! Congrats on your finalist image - well deserved! #9225845Jeana Clark February 10, 2011 0
~J~ #9225897
Nancy (Peaches) Harker February 10, 2011 0
Nikki McDonald
February 10, 2011
Merna L. Nobile February 10, 2011 0
Black and White, Bright Colors, Full Frame or Cropped, it does not matter. You’re a winner! CONGRATULATIONS, Merna #9227470Tammy Espino February 10, 2011 0
Congrats on your finalist!! :) #9227666Erin Appelbaum February 11, 2011 0
Looks like the Grand Prize to me. Outstanding image. Peter #9227829
Usman M. Bajwa
February 11, 2011
UB. #9228563
Karen Celella February 11, 2011 0
Congratulations on your fabulous finalist, Christopher. #9228881Kara L. Hendricks February 11, 2011 0
Woohooo!!!!!! I told you so!!!... Only I said.. GOLD... It's nice in silver... But DOUBLE GOLD will be better!!!!HUGE congrats on this one and your others Chris!! #9229388
ALLEN O. HOWARD February 11, 2011 0
An incredible finalist. Congratulations! #9229639
Michele Peterson
February 11, 2011
Naomi Weiser February 11, 2011 0
congrat, its a great image! #9229915Katarina Mansson February 11, 2011 0
No surprise here...I predict 1st or grand prize next...Congratulations on your finalist ... until then! #9230266
Chris Budny
February 11, 2011
Don Johnson
February 11, 2011
Guy D. Biechele
February 11, 2011
Renee Doyle February 12, 2011 0
I'm betting another Gold badge for this beauty Chris!!! Congratulations! #9232994Robert Jensen February 12, 2011 0
I knew this was a winner the second I saw it - keep 'em coming. #9233054
Chris Budny
February 12, 2011
Leslie McLain
February 12, 2011
Amanda D. Austwick
February 12, 2011
Donna La Mattino Pagakis February 12, 2011 0
Wow, this is just awesome Chris. I am so happy for you! Congratulations on your GRAND PRIZE WIN!!! #9233541Renee Doyle February 12, 2011 0
What did I just say!!!! HUGE congrats to you Chris on this awesome and so deserving Grand Prize Winner!!!! WTG!! #9233554Shawn Jennings February 12, 2011 0
WTG Chris!!! Congratulations on this well deserved Grand Prize Winner!!! #9233558
Usman M. Bajwa
February 12, 2011
UB. #9233568
Bob Cournoyer
February 12, 2011
Nikki McDonald
February 12, 2011
Linda D. Lester
February 12, 2011
Datha Y. Thompson February 12, 2011 0
WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!! I am soooooooo HAPPY for you Chris!!! Excellent GPW!!!!! WTG :) #9233664Datha Y. Thompson February 12, 2011 0
WOOOOOOOOOHOOOOOOOO!!! I am soooooooo HAPPY for you Chris!!! Excellent GPW!!!!! CONGRATULATIONS :) #9233674David Phalen February 12, 2011 0
Told ya!! An amazing image!! HUGE CONGRATULATIONS on a great GRAND PRIZE WINNER!!!! #9233689
Robert Mann
February 12, 2011
Michelle Alton February 12, 2011 0
Incredible image Christopher. Congratulations on this spectacular GP win! Awesome work! #9233696
Terry Cervi
February 12, 2011
Kara L. Hendricks February 12, 2011 0
DOUBLE GOLD.....DOUBLE GOLD... Who said it???Man.. I am dancing for you!!! We all knew it was GP material...!!!
HUGE congratulations Chris!!!!!!
Did I say.. WOOHOO!?!?! #9233710
Phyllis H. Burchett February 12, 2011 0
BIG Congratulations on this stunning Grand Prize Winner!!! #9233735ALLEN O. HOWARD February 12, 2011 0
B*R*A*V*O!!! #9233736anonymous February 12, 2011 0
Huge congratulations Christopher on your Outstanding Grand Prize Win! #9233744Melissa McCabe February 12, 2011 0
Congrats on this well-deserved win (and on your new lens!) -mm #9233753Patti Coblentz February 12, 2011 0
Overwhelmed w/excitement for you, Chris...huge congratulations on your GRAND PRIZE win..fantastic!!! #9233772Jean E. Hildebrant February 12, 2011 0
OH MY! How exciting for you Chris!! I know this is a special image to you and with good reason! Loved it the first moment I saw it! Huge congrat's to you!!! #9233800Tammy Espino February 12, 2011 0
Congrats on the big win, Chris! :) #9233815
Agnes Fegan
February 12, 2011
Nancy (Peaches) Harker February 12, 2011 0
Patrick Rouzes
February 12, 2011
Susan M. Hembree February 12, 2011 0
Who would have ever guessed? LOL! This is just amazing & well deserved, Chris, beyond words. Congratulations on the GP win! #9233869Brian #9233874
Nancyj E. Hovey
February 12, 2011
Barbara Socor February 12, 2011 0
A brilliantly conceived and executed shot....Superior in all respects! Congrats on this stunning Grand Prize win! #9233907Rona L. Schwarz February 12, 2011 0
WOW! All the accolades are certainly so well-deserved, Chris! Somehow I missed it on all its earlier prize-winning is simply indescribable, brilliant, and certainly the best B&W image I have yet seen at BP! It's so complex and well-executed. Kudos to your vision to your technical expertise, and to your artistry. Many fine congratulations on this superlative Grand Prize Winner! #9234011Violeta Harrington February 12, 2011 0
Perfection in every way. Congratulations for the Grand Prize win! #9234036Cesar J. La Rosa February 12, 2011 0
A very well-deserved Grand Prize, indeed!!! I'm so happy to see this WONDERFUL photograph as the BIG WINNER, Chris!!! Congratulations, my friend!!!
Michele Peterson
February 12, 2011
Dominick M. Dimacale
February 12, 2011
Dominick #9234174
Monika Sapek February 12, 2011 0
Exceptional tones and composition! So well seen and done! Huge congratulations on your fantastic Grand Prize Winner, Christopher!Karen E. Baumann February 12, 2011 0
AWESOME, Chris!!!! This is great news! So excited for you... Hope you print and hang it some place where you can be reminded of the journey... a fine achievement!!! Congratulations! #9234209
Bojan Bencic
February 12, 2011
Katarina Mansson February 12, 2011 0
This was its´ destiny from the start! HUGE congratulations on this well-deserved and OUTSTANDING GP Chris! #9234232Debra R. Harder February 12, 2011 0
This is a great image, Chris!! Huge congratulations on your GRAND PRIZE WINNER!! WTG!! Deb #9234251Lynne Morris February 12, 2011 0
WTG Chris, Huge Congratulations on your Grand Prize Win, so well deserved, this is awesome. #9234449Marilyn Cornwell February 12, 2011 0
Congratulations, Chris! This is an inspiring and wonderful image! #9234520
Gail Sullivan
February 12, 2011
Alan L. Borror February 12, 2011 0
Congratulations on a truly outstanding image! #9234609Donna W. Neal February 12, 2011 0
Loved this from the moment I saw it, Outstanding work and well deserved GRAND PRIZE WINNER!!! CONGRATULATIONSJessica Jenney February 12, 2011 0
Congratulations, Chris on your stunning Grand Prize Win! #9234694
Claudia Kuhn
February 12, 2011
Courtenay Vanderbilt February 12, 2011 0
Not surprised at all..this is a perfect phiSpiral! Congratulations! #9234788Cathy Barrows February 12, 2011 0
Congrats on your GP this one #9234902Melissa G. Meiselman February 12, 2011 0
Huge congratulations, Christopher on this dazzling and most deserved grand prize winner!! #9234935Wanda Knoss February 12, 2011 0
Congratulations on this wonderful win!! #9235024
Ken Smith
February 12, 2011
Emile Abbott
February 12, 2011
Lindley Johnson
February 12, 2011
Erin Appelbaum February 12, 2011 0
Well deserved Christopher. I knew this would be Grand Prize. Congrats. Peter #9235209
Mary Beth Aiello
February 12, 2011
R. J. Laudenbacher
February 12, 2011
R. J. Laudenbacher
February 12, 2011
Lydia Williams
February 12, 2011
Kimber Wallwork-Heineman
February 12, 2011
Lisa J. Boulden
February 12, 2011
Mitch Spence
February 12, 2011
Nadine A. Lewis February 12, 2011 0
OUTSTANDING and well deserved, Christopher!!! CONGRATULATIONS!!! <>< #9235496Julianne Bradford February 12, 2011 0
A huge congratulations Chris on this magnificent Grand Prize winner! I can't wait to learn from the master :-) WTG! #9235565Michael Umbreit February 12, 2011 0
Chris - Huge congratulations on your big win!! - Mike #9235653
Don Johnson
February 12, 2011
Mick Burkey February 12, 2011 0
WTG, Chris!! HUGE Congratulations. You've come a long way, my friend, and here's the proof. A beautiful image well deserving of the Grand Prize. #9235693Kay Beausoleil February 12, 2011 0
Wow, this is superb, Chris. Hearty congratulations on your Grand Prize win!!! #9235709
Rita Hill
February 12, 2011
Susan Jane Allen
February 12, 2011
Ryan Murphy February 12, 2011 0
Congrats on the incredible journey this well-deserving image has been on! #9235759Richard B. Hallick February 12, 2011 0
Just outstanding. Congratulations #9235765Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna February 12, 2011 0
WTG on your GRAND prize win, Chris! :-) k #9235902
Mariann Kovats
February 12, 2011
Karen Celella February 12, 2011 0
It doesn't get any better than GRAND PRIZE, Chris! Huge congratulations to you for this very well deserved, awesome winner! CHEERS! #9235998
Denny E. Barnes
February 12, 2011
JO ANN CLEVELAND February 12, 2011 0
Grand Prize and very well deserved Chris, so happy for you!jo ann c. #9236335
Chris Budny
February 12, 2011
I'm so happy with this! I've been a BP member for 64 months, and have learned so much here. Every month I pretty much drool over the Seconds, Firsts and Grand Prize images selected, always admiring them and wishing I could create images that good. To finally have an image of mine included in the ranks of other Grand Prize winners I have long looked up to, coveted and respected, is a bit overwhelming today---but so very thrilling and exciting!
Thank you again, for all the support and encouragement!! And if any BPers make it to DC sometime, look me up and I'll be happy to share a cathedral tour with you! #9236410
Charlotte LaBarbera February 12, 2011 0
Thank YOU for your response and for the honesty and humility with which you have expressed your gratitude. I can tell from the many posts I have read concerning your work that you are well-liked and well-respected as a person as well as a photographer.CONGRATULATIONS! Love everything about the image. It stays with you long after you have turned away from it. #9236427
Jeana Clark February 12, 2011 0
WELL DONE!!!!!!!
~J~ #9236438
Gail Vitikacs
February 12, 2011
Joseph T. Pilonero February 13, 2011 0
Ausome perspective, Christopher! I am in DC area often and have not even gone to the Washington National Cathedral. I love the Shrine of the Immaculate Conception. I guess I'll have to see the spot where you took this fab shot. Congrtulations on the huge win! Keep shooting. TED #9236559Philippe Vieux-Jeanton February 13, 2011 0
Brilliant Grand Prize! Big Congratulations Christopher!!! #9236626
Tamara K. Walker
February 13, 2011
Rolando Rosito February 13, 2011 0
Big congratulations Christopher!! very deserving Grand Prize Winner!! #9236704Angie M. Davis February 13, 2011 0
Congrats Christopher! This is just stunning! Love everything about it! #9236742
Dr Silly
February 13, 2011
Sharon Sawyer February 13, 2011 0
Chris, HUGE congratulations on your outstanding & well deserved POTD & Grand Prize Win!!! #9236947James Reininger February 13, 2011 0
I am waiting from Frankenstein or Dracula to appear. Stuning image. Great job lighting. #9236969
Chris Budny
February 13, 2011
Robert Jensen February 13, 2011 0
I am so happy this was selected - I am still amazed at the quality of your images, because you haven't been shooting very long, yet your images look like they were taken by a seasoned professional. Keep up the great work, and I can't wait to come out there and meet you some day. #9237604
Patricia A. Casey
February 13, 2011
Guy D. Biechele
February 13, 2011
Lois Adomite February 13, 2011 0
Perfection, huge congratulations on this win. #9237959Vicki Hunt February 13, 2011 0
This is beautiful. I love this cathedral as many do. I will look for this view when I go back this year....A huge congratulations! #9238525
Chris Budny
February 13, 2011
Laura E. Swan
February 14, 2011
The Viewer Gets Completely pulled in with the line of the railing. WOW! This is an amazing image, Chris!
-Laura Swan #9238637
Anna Diederich February 14, 2011 0
I LOVED this the first time I saw it! Huge congrats on y our well deserving grand prize win! #9238714
Chris Budny
February 14, 2011
Mark Seiter
February 14, 2011
Chris Budny
February 14, 2011
Patricia (Pat) C. Exum February 14, 2011 0
Chris, Congratulations on your Grand Prize! #9240593Patricia (Pat) C. Exum February 14, 2011 0
Chris, Congratulations on your Grand Prize! #9240594Debra Booth February 14, 2011 0
Congratulations on your well-deserved win, Christopher! What a fabulous image. #9240732
Chris Budny
February 15, 2011
Mary K. Robison February 15, 2011 0
Christopher, when this fantastic capture was selected as a POTD, I fully agreed with the bp judges.Gina Cormier February 15, 2011 0
Congrats on this spectacular image!!!!! #9242168
Chris Budny
February 15, 2011
Theresa Marie Jones
February 15, 2011
Chris Budny
February 16, 2011
Clyde Smith
February 19, 2011
Chris Budny
February 19, 2011
Usman M. Bajwa
February 21, 2011
UB. #9252461
Katarina Mansson February 21, 2011 0
The winning never ends (and it shouldn´t!!!) with this one - congratulations again Chris! #9252472Sarah A. Christian February 21, 2011 0
Congratulations, Chris, for being selected as POTM!
Dr Silly
February 21, 2011
David Phalen February 21, 2011 0
BIG Congrats on the 101 POTM!! #9253059
Chris Budny
February 21, 2011
Deborah Lewinson
February 21, 2011
Hearty congratulations on your magnificent win!
Debby #9254147
Susan Fox February 22, 2011 0
A huge congratulations on your fabulously wonderful grand prize image!!! #9254421David M. Montero February 22, 2011 0
Congratulations Christopher. Great shot. #9255685
Chris Budny
February 23, 2011
Bill Houghton February 27, 2011 0
This is an outstanding winner. Congratulations. Bill #9263539
Chris Budny
February 27, 2011
Marisol Pastor
February 27, 2011
Chris Budny
February 27, 2011
Susana Ms Heide February 27, 2011 0
A belated but heartfelt congrats on this huge success for you Chris!!! This image has received nothing but RAVE reviews ever since you shared it with us!!! When I look at it I feel like I could almost grasp on to the railing and walk up the stairs, because your angle makes the image seem dimensional! WOW!!! WAY TO GO Chris!!!!! #9264756
Chris Budny
February 28, 2011
Martin J. Wells March 01, 2011 0
Chris, I just saw that you are the grand prize winner. Fantastic news and many congratulations (albeit a bit late)!!The comments say it all, this is a truly outstanding image.
regards, martin #9267804
Chris Budny
March 01, 2011
Cathy M. Britcliffe March 01, 2011 0
Congratulations on your Grand Prize win, Christopher!Cathy :) #9268113
Chris Budny
March 02, 2011
Nancy (Peaches) Harker March 11, 2011 0
HUGE Congrats on your AWESOME POTD #9285731
Chris Budny
March 12, 2011
Paula Showen March 16, 2011 0
This is an outstanding composition! It's a perfect piece for B&W. Congratulations (even though I'm a bit late) on this gorgeous work! #9294716
Chris Budny
March 16, 2011
Jill Battaglia July 06, 2011 0
I'll just add my congrats and my two cents to say how outstanding this is!! :-) #9510773
Chris Budny
July 06, 2011
Carlton Ward
August 30, 2011
Chris Budny
August 30, 2011
Nadia Paul September 23, 2011 0
What a stunning image this is Christopher - congrats on your GP win and POTD - so well deserved! #9686550
Chris Budny
September 26, 2011
Alex T. Mizuno October 15, 2011 0
Belated congratulations on your Grand Prize and POTD Chris! Your POV is really inspiring. I was impressed again when you visited SF. Your view of architecture is quite unique and fresh. I can learn a lot from your work. #9737318
Chris Budny
October 16, 2011
Jill Odice
October 24, 2011
Chris Budny
October 24, 2011
Anna M. Halasz November 09, 2011 0
Love IT ! ~A~ #9792683
Chris Budny
November 09, 2011
Summer A. Kozisek November 15, 2011 0
This image is spectacular, great composition, HDR work, and b&w presentation. Congratulations on your well deserved gold!! #9805048
Chris Budny
November 15, 2011
Rudi Reiner
November 18, 2011
Chris Budny
November 18, 2011
ALLEN O. HOWARD November 22, 2011 0
Magnificent. There are not enough wonderful adjectives to describe this image! #9825171
Chris Budny
November 23, 2011
Antonio Amen December 02, 2011 0
Everything is perfect in this picture, well done.
Chris Budny
December 02, 2011
Gayle Johnson January 13, 2012 0
This is definitely one of my all time favorites. Classic. Congratulations! #9918273
Chris Budny
January 15, 2012
Reynaldo D. Reyes
February 28, 2012
Chris Budny
February 28, 2012
Jill Odice
March 03, 2012
Chris Budny
March 03, 2012
Stephen Zacker March 28, 2012 0
Fantastic perspective. Congratulations #10062928
Chris Budny
March 28, 2012
Gary Enloe April 06, 2012 0
This is fantastic Christopher. Outstanding POVA big CONGRATS on being a winner
Well deserved! #10077952
Chris Budny
April 06, 2012
Katherine Kuhn April 12, 2012 0
Beautiful composition and tones! #10087318
Chris Budny
April 12, 2012
Dayna Cain
April 27, 2012
Chris Budny
April 27, 2012
Michael S. Baker May 02, 2012 0
Hi Christopher; I was at this very spot a few weeks ago and thought of your image here. I tried to reproduce it (imitation is the best form of flattery, they say). I couldn't get a similar shot. This is a great image-- really nice work here! #10118276
Chris Budny
May 02, 2012
Shelly A. Van Camp
May 15, 2012
Chris Budny
May 15, 2012
Carol Eade
May 18, 2012
Chris Budny
May 18, 2012
Yulianto Soeroso June 06, 2012 0
dreaming #10170002
Chris Budny
June 06, 2012
JO ANN CLEVELAND July 13, 2012 0
Sooo kool Chris..I just visited Linda's gallery and she has posted this with your guidance...she nailed it too!Wonderful gallery...
jo ann c. #10227889
Chris Budny
July 14, 2012
Dayna Cain
September 05, 2012
Chris Budny
September 05, 2012
frank w. degenhardt September 07, 2012 0
POTD and Grand Prize Winner. This picture deserves both honors. Congratulations my friend. #10312859
Chris Budny
September 07, 2012
Dayna Cain
October 03, 2012
Chris Budny
October 04, 2012
Chris Budny
January 22, 2013
Mike F. Anderson May 19, 2013 0
WOW!!! Patience and perseverance. The ability to see it, envision it, execute it, and produce it. Just outstanding Christopher! #10699329
Chris Budny
May 20, 2013
Harriet Feagin
November 24, 2014
Ellen Hodges March 27, 2016 0
Huge Congrats on Triple Gold, Chris!!! #11452240
Chris Budny
March 27, 2016
Lydia Williams
March 27, 2016
Chris Budny
March 27, 2016
Errick L. Cameron
July 10, 2016
Chris Budny
July 10, 2016
Leslie Carson Wolfe January 16, 2021 0
Absolutely beautiful image, so graceful and compelling. Definitely makes me want to explore those stairs and hallways! Congratulations on your well-deserved awards, Chris! #11867571Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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