Natures Litter

© Kenny Metro

Natures Litter

Uploaded: December 21, 2010


Exif: F Number: 8, Exposure Bias Value: -0.33, ExposureTime: 1/25 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 400, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 72.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 7D


Joy Rector January 05, 2011 0

congrats on the POTD #1341446

Anita Bower January 05, 2011 0

Gorgeous. Perfect composition, light, brightness, colors. #9143891

Patti Coblentz January 05, 2011 0

Congratulations on your wonderful POTD, Kenny...amazing detail, color, and clarity!! #9143930

Sara B Coffey level-classic January 05, 2011 0

Great shot Kenny! This is so simple & beautiful. I like the title too:)Congrats on your POTD ! Sara #9144125

JO ANN CLEVELAND January 05, 2011 0


Congratulations on your POTD kENNY!

jo ann c. #9144226

Nancyj E. Hovey level-classic January 05, 2011 0

on your very deserving POTD! 8o) #9144271

Rita Hill level-classic January 05, 2011 0

Congratulations on your POTD!
Very nice and sharp image. #9144286

Dianna Murphy January 05, 2011 0

congratulations on your POTD feature. #9144305

Richard D. Love January 05, 2011 0

Congratulations, Kenny. Wonderful composition and colors.

Rick #9144808

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic January 06, 2011 0

Huge CONGRATZ on your POTD, Ken!

UB. #9145401

Laura E. Swan level-classic January 06, 2011 0

RETRO! HA! Hello! Happy New Year and CONGRATS on the POTD award for this neat picture.

Nature is great. It recycles too! :D If you come back to this spot in a few years there might be a tree there.

Great job!

-Laura #9145520

Kenny Metro level-classic January 06, 2011 0

It's quite an honor to receive a POTD.
Thank you all for your comments.
Happy New Year!!!

Katarina Mansson January 06, 2011 0

Congratulations on your POTD! Excellent shot! #9145563

Mary K. Robison January 07, 2011 0

Belated Congratulations on your POTD, Kenny! Eye-pleasing colors, comp, and clarity. #9147650

Donna La Mattino Pagakis January 07, 2011 0

Nicely seen colors, design and textures Kenny! Congrats!! #9148674

Kenny Metro level-classic January 08, 2011 0

Thanks,Katarina,Mary & Donna for the encouraging words! #9149524

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