Tail Fin

Uploaded: December 14, 2010


Tail fin of 1951 Cadillac reflecting image of 1940 Chevrolet

Statesboro, GA

Exif: F Number: 20, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 8/10 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 100, White balance: Manual white balance, FocalLength: 38.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS REBEL T1i


Paul Judy January 02, 2011 0

Oscar...Great image! I love it! #1340503

Oscar J. Pung level-classic January 02, 2011 0

Thanks Paul. Have you been to Yosemite lately?
Happy New Year.
Oscar #9138557

Paul Judy January 03, 2011 0

Hi Oscar,

I was in Yosemite in late-October and did a lot of shooting for the Composition class. I've not been back since then, but am hoping to go again in Feb.

BTW...thanks for picking me as a Favorite Photographer...I knew photos could be selected as favorites, but I didn't realize that photographers could be selected. Where do you go to designate someone as a favorite? #9139474

Oscar J. Pung level-classic January 03, 2011 0

Hi Paul,
When you go to someone's gallery, there is an "Add Favorite" button in the column on the left under "Send BP Mail."

By the way, that cute dog needs a camera!

Nikki McDonald level-classic January 07, 2011 0

Love the way this capture plays with my mind -- very well seen and captured, Oscar. Can't have been easy to stay out of the reflection yourself :) #9148165

Oscar J. Pung level-classic January 07, 2011 0

Thanks Nikki, I appreciate your comments. Actually, the hardest part was keeping my umbrella out of the picture! Wish I had 3 hands.
Oscar #9148253

Patti Coblentz January 08, 2011 0

This is a fantastic abstract, Oscar...congratulations on your POTD! #9149670

Joy Rector January 08, 2011 0

great shot #9149711

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic January 08, 2011 0

Great eye and composition, Oscar. CONGRATZ on the POTD Award!

UB. #9149721

Anthony L. Mancuso January 08, 2011 0

Awesome image Oscar...congrats on your POTD! #9149754

Kathleen K. Parker level-deluxe January 08, 2011 0

How clever, Oscar! Marvelous POTD! Congratulations, KK #9149814

Linda D. Lester level-classic January 08, 2011 0

This really tricks the eye....love it!
Congratulations!!! #9149850

Nancyj E. Hovey level-classic January 08, 2011 0

on your very deserving POTD! 8o) #9149890

Kathryn Wesserling January 08, 2011 0

This is really cool. The way you positioned yourself created a special dynamic - almost as though the fin was on the Chevrolet. #9149908

JO ANN CLEVELAND January 08, 2011 0

How clever, and very well seen and taken Oscar!

Congrats on your well deserved POTD!

jo ann c. #9149932

Nikki McDonald level-classic January 08, 2011 0

How very cool to have this as the POTD today, Oscar. It is, as everyone has said, very clever and quite arresting. I know the three hands situation well -- luckily my husband is frequently around to provide the extra(s). Congratulations! #9149937

Phyllis H. Burchett January 08, 2011 0

Congratulations on this very cool POTD! #9149952

Cathy Barrows January 08, 2011 0

congrats on your fantastic POTD #9150147

Donna La Mattino Pagakis January 08, 2011 0

Nicely seen reflections and details. Congratulations on your incredible POTD Oscar! #9150347

Paul Judy January 08, 2011 0

Congratulations on another POTD! Great image! #9150364

Ahmad Al Mousa January 08, 2011 0

Waaaw nice ..congratulations #9150456

Richard D. Love January 08, 2011 0

Congratulations, Oscar. Wonderful composition and reflections.

Rick #9150507

Pamela Koch January 09, 2011 0

I love the way you have captured the reflection of the Chevrolet. This has been added to my favorites! Congratulations on a VERY well deserved POTD.
Happy Shooting,
Pamela #9150697

Katarina Mansson January 09, 2011 0

Excellent find and capture. Congratulations on your POTD! #9150980

Mary K. Robison January 09, 2011 0

Congratulations on your well earned POTD, Oscar! #9151035

Oscar J. Pung level-classic January 09, 2011 0

Thanks everyone! Your comments are much appreciated. They make cold, drizzly day photography well worth the effort.
Oscar #9151374

Donna R. Moratelli January 11, 2011 0

EXCELLENT!! Great choice for a winning POTD! #9155469

Dianna Murphy January 11, 2011 0

congratulations on your POTD. #9156864

Merna L. Nobile January 20, 2011 0

I can only imagine how proud you must be feeling right now. What wonderful news! CONGRATULATIONS, Merna #9178978

Oscar J. Pung level-classic January 20, 2011 0

Thanks Merna. It was a wonderful surprise. #9180126

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