3 Christmas Elves

© Songbird Cline

3 Christmas Elves

Uploaded: December 13, 2010


The Cline Ladies are at it again, playing dress up as girls love to do. We wish you a very safe, healthy & Merry Christmas!

Exif: F Number: 3.8, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 10/80 seconds, Flash: did not fire, auto mode, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 24.00 mm, Model: NIKON D90


Jack Gaskin December 13, 2010 0

Right back & you and the girls

When will they be doing the RUDOLPH Impersonations??????

Happy Shooting
Jack #1335249

Songbird Cline level-classic December 13, 2010 0

I made a calendar for 2011 with their holiday and seasonal photos. Its hysterical!! #9096435

Phyllis H. Burchett December 13, 2010 0

OMG this is just too cute! Merry Christmas to you too Songbird! #9096518

Carla Capra Anderson December 13, 2010 0

Your girl's are adorable and pretty good sports, too!
;) CC #9097947

Songbird Cline level-classic December 13, 2010 0

Im always looking for dress up ideas for monthly themes and holidays.. so if you have any ideas, please fell free to let me know.. or if you see any cheap costume ideas, Im on the hunt.. Thanks for always looking and the encouraging comments!! #9097969

Michelle Alton December 24, 2010 0

You and the ladies outdid yourselves with this one Songbird. A very well deserved selection for POTD! #9122646

Carolyn M. Fletcher level-classic December 24, 2010 0

This is just adorable. Your girls are amazing..see my shot tomorrow for what happens when you try to dress up Bob. #9122650

Joy Rector December 24, 2010 0

congrats on the POTD #9122661

Janet McNeil level-classic December 24, 2010 0

What a cute capture!! Congrats on POTD!! #9122662

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe December 24, 2010 0

The Cline Ladies are looking good - Congrats on this Wonderful POTD! Merry Christmas to you and yours! Jeff #9122683

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic December 24, 2010 0

Terrific presentation of the season, Songbird. CONGRATZ on the POTD! and Merry Christmas.

UB. #9122687

Kathy Cline December 24, 2010 0

Darling, Adorable, I sure am enjoying all your doggies dressed up. They deserve a GOLD STAR for sitting there and posing perfectly Songbird. All of your Christmas doggie shots have been so entertaining.
Congratulations on a well deserved award! #9122693

Kathy Radford December 24, 2010 0

Absolutely beautiful and congrats, you should get more awards for this one. What a wonderful idea, you are sooo creative. Great that they pose so well for you, that's not an easy feat with most dogs. Have a great holiday. #9122695

Katarina Mansson December 24, 2010 0

How cool!!! Congratulations and Merry Christmas! #9122701

Mary Timman December 24, 2010 0

This is just precious! Congratulations on POTD!
Merry Christmas to you and your family! #9122739

Anthony L. Mancuso December 24, 2010 0

Too funny! Congrats on your POTD Songbird! #9122839

Patti Coblentz December 24, 2010 0

So adorable, Songbird...big congratulations to you and the girls on your POTD! Merry Christmas! #9122845

Jessica Jenney December 24, 2010 0

Congratulations on your adorable POTD! Merry Christmas to you and yours! #9122846

Terry Cervi level-classic December 24, 2010 0

How cute this is, Songbird! Merry Christmas to you and yours! #9122887

Carla Capra Anderson December 24, 2010 0

Hey Girlfriend,
What a wonderful way to celebrate Christmas! CONGRATULATIONS on your POTD.
Have a great Christmas.
;) CC #9122913

Christine Lobsinger level-classic December 24, 2010 0

Hi Songbird.... your gals are beautiful!! Congratulations on your wonderful HOLIDAY POTD!!

Smiling Christine

Nikki McDonald level-classic December 24, 2010 0

How remarkably patient they are, Songbird. Great seasonal color here -- congratulations on the POTD #9123040

JO ANN CLEVELAND December 24, 2010 0

Wayyyyy to cute! Congrats on a well deserved POTD....now....how in the world do you get them to be still long enough to make their pictures, especially all dressed up?! lol

jo ann c. #9123117

Nancyj E. Hovey level-classic December 24, 2010 0

on your very deserving POTD! 8o) #9123223

Songbird Cline level-classic December 24, 2010 0

Thank you everyone for the lovely comments, and appreciating the 3 Cline Ladies ( Sadie, Star & Xena) work at portrait sitting! They are such very good and patient ladies, and who are VERY well rewarded for their dress up skills. I will go tell them that they made the honor of POTD, and give them extra grooming, extra treats and extra rewards, and extra pampering for their job well done! They are very smart and full to play with as they like learning and doing new things which they are well rewarded for. #9123257

Sherran Andersen level-classic December 24, 2010 0

Congrats ladies... I was thinking... how about making a calendar for starting say September 2011 for 16 months and give it to your local animal shelter to sell (even though the girls are not shelter dogs). These photos are so well done I think people would get a kick out of it. Just a thought. I just love this photo. #9123276

Songbird Cline level-classic December 24, 2010 0

I did make a calendar for 2011.. several friends bought them at my cost to give to their vets and dog loving friends.. its pretty darn hilarious!! #9123298

Kathy Salerni level-classic December 24, 2010 0

What a beautiful Christmas photo of your GIRLS, Songbird! I love it!! Big congrats on this perfect POTD! #9123355

Rita Hill level-classic December 24, 2010 0

I'm so excited for you girl!!!
Yes, Yes, Yes a POTD for you. What a great Holiday surprise to open up and see your image. I'm so happy for you my friend. A big Congrats and well deserved. Loving the portrait. Excellent lighting and composition. Colors are perfect. Well Done! #9123480

Shirley A. Kinney December 24, 2010 0

This is just one of the cutest Christmas photos I have seen and they look like they are enjoying it. They are adorable, Songbird. Congrats on your POTD...well deserved. #9123504

Kathleen R. Struckle December 24, 2010 0

Adorable image. Congrats on you POTD. #9123527

Chris Ebben December 24, 2010 0

The Cline Ladies certainly look festive. (My girl wouldn't wear her hat, to interested in what Santa had left her!!) Congrats on the POTD & EP. I bet the calendar is great. Have a lovely Xmas & keep taking those wonderful pictures=^..^= #9123603

Phyllis H. Burchett December 24, 2010 0

Big congrats Songbird on this wonderful POTD, Hope ALL the Cline ladies have a fabulous Christmas! #9123627

Kimber Wallwork-Heineman level-classic December 24, 2010 0

this is just hysterical! love it but wondering how you have escaped the animal protection folks #9123743

Songbird Cline level-classic December 24, 2010 0

Thank you all so much.. please have a look at the last page of my gallery to see the Cline Ladie's 3 Wise Men portrait. #9123876

Cathy Barrows December 25, 2010 0

Congrats on your POTD...way too cute #9124006

Evy Johansen level-classic December 25, 2010 0

So cute!! Congratulations on your POTD!! Merry Christmas to you and yours! #9124218

Songbird Cline level-classic December 25, 2010 0

I appreciate all the sweet and lovely comments on the 3 Cline Ladies Christmas Elves portrait. I told the ladies all about the POTD and they had an extra special day of play and pampering! Merry Christmas to all! #9124224

Laura E. Swan level-classic December 25, 2010 0

HA! Why am I not surprised!?! Terrific job here AS ALWAYS Songbird!



Hugs from CANADA!
-Laura #9124241

Richard D. Love December 25, 2010 0

Congratulations, Songbird. So appropriate, yet the logistics must have been mind boggling! Merry Christmas.

Rick #9124539

Graham Robards December 25, 2010 0

Congratratulations Songbird, the ladies look adorable in their Christmas outfits, must be expensive to dress up! Merry Christmas.


Songbird Cline level-classic December 25, 2010 0

If anyone sees any reasonably priced cute seasonal costume items , please let me know as Im always on the hunt for new dress up clothes! #9124794

Donna La Mattino Pagakis December 26, 2010 0

This is such a fun and remarkable portrait Songbird. Congratulations on your POTD! #9125960

Patricia Seidler December 30, 2010 0

Love this. Congrats on your POTD. They are adorable. #9132831

Songbird Cline level-classic December 30, 2010 0

Thank you to all who follow the 3 Cline Ladies seasonal portraits! #9132898

Laura E. Swan level-classic December 31, 2010 0

Oh yes! Many of us DO follow! :))) #9133882

SaMi Martin January 05, 2011 0

This is the BEST! #9144833

Nancy (Peaches) Harker March 11, 2011 0

HUGE Congrats on your AWESOME POTD #9285754

Songbird Cline level-classic March 11, 2011 0

Thank you all SOOO VERY much! #9285830

April Riggs October 12, 2013 0

love this shot #10869002

Chris Ebben October 12, 2013 0

You know it's nearly that time of year again, we'll look forward to seeing them again=^..^= #10869036

Songbird Cline level-classic October 13, 2013 0

Thank you... Dear Sadie, (in the middle) past away so very sadly no more photos with her..I will try and get motivated to do it with the others.
Thanks for looking.. #10870094

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