Uploaded: December 04, 2010
Exif: F Number: 7.1, Exposure Bias Value: 0.33, ExposureTime: 1/800 seconds, Flash: did not fire., ISO: 1000, White balance: Manual white balance, FocalLength: 270.00 mm, Model: NIKON D300
Jeffrey R. Bange January 19, 2011 0
Congratulations Patti on another one of your beautiful flower photos being picked as a finalist and best of luck in the next round. #1345364
Usman M. Bajwa
January 19, 2011
UB. #9172639
Becky J. Parkinson
January 19, 2011
Merna L. Nobile January 20, 2011 0
I can only imagine how proud you must be feeling right now. What wonderful news! CONGRATULATIONS, Merna #9178865Patti Zebchuck January 20, 2011 0
Thank you all very much, I appreciate you taking the time to send me your comments ... I shot this image at the Canadian Tulip Festival - it is an amazing sight!Lea C. Walker January 20, 2011 0
Congratulations Patti! This is an awesome photo... #9181408Michelle Alton January 24, 2011 0
A stunning, and well-deserved WINNER, Patti! Congratulations! #9189431Shawn Jennings January 24, 2011 0
Very nice image, Patti! Congratulations on your win! #9191073Patti Zebchuck January 24, 2011 0
Thank you so much, this image gives me hope that Spring will arrive!!cheers
Patti #9191114
Patti Coblentz January 24, 2011 0
Absolutely beautiful, Patti...congratulations on your win!! #9191288Lea C. Walker January 24, 2011 0
Congratulations Patti! :) This is such an amazing and inspiring work of art. #9191325
Usman M. Bajwa
January 27, 2011
UB. #9197089
Donna La Mattino Pagakis January 28, 2011 0
Congratulations on your win Patti, absolutely gorgeous! #9197920Patti Zebchuck January 28, 2011 0
Thank you very much everyone for your support and comments.cheers,
Patti #9198646
Joy Rector February 01, 2011 0
congrats on the POTD #9205360Mary K. Robison February 01, 2011 0
Congratulations on your double win, Patti. Second Place Winner and now POTD!
Mary Beth Aiello
February 01, 2011
Nancyj E. Hovey
February 01, 2011
Patricia A. Casey
February 01, 2011
Anna Diederich February 01, 2011 0
This is very beautiful, Patti! Congrats on your POTD and your win! #9205449
Susan D. Royce
February 01, 2011
Karen Celella February 01, 2011 0
Congratulations on your gorgeous POTD, Patti. Belated congratulations on your second place award. This beautiful image is well deserving of both exciting awards. #9205474
Jeff Robinson
February 01, 2011
Tammy Espino February 01, 2011 0
Congrats!! :) #9205523Shirley A. Kinney February 01, 2011 0
Awesome, Patti. Beautiful BG. Congratulations. #9205572Richard D. Love February 01, 2011 0
Congratulations, Patti. Wonderful depth and colors. Well done.Rick #9205606
Rosemary Sampson
February 01, 2011
Katarina Mansson February 01, 2011 0
Already a favorite of mine - so happy to see it getting another recognition. It is a beauty! Congratulations! #9205750Bunny Snow February 01, 2011 0
Wow, Patti, this is awesome. You've gone so far since we were in class together struggling. I'm still struggling, while you are shining with beautiful creations, which are also well composed.Congratulations on your coveted POTD and a belated congratulations on your second place winner.
Mirko JIRSA February 01, 2011 0
C'est une superbe photo - bravo - j'ai regardé votre album il est contient de belles photo...toutes mes félicitations..This is a superb photo - cheer - I looked at your album it contains beautiful pictures...congratulations..
Mirko #9205808
SaMi Martin February 01, 2011 0
Beautiful; Congrats Patti on your POTD! #9205816Patti Zebchuck February 01, 2011 0
Well you comments are overwhelming - thank you so much!Patti #9205825
Patti Coblentz February 01, 2011 0
It definitely was worth it, Patti!!! Congratulations on your beautiful POTD! #9205855JO ANN CLEVELAND February 01, 2011 0
Congratulations Patti on the well deserved 2nd Place Win AND your POTD!Absolutely gorgeous!
jo ann c. #9205904
Kimber Wallwork-Heineman
February 01, 2011
Phyllis A. Houghton February 01, 2011 0
Love the slant of the tulip, the beautiful colors, clarity and the water drops. Congratulations on your POTD. Well deserved. #9206068Richard M. Waas February 01, 2011 0
Congrats Patti on a beautiful image and a well deserved POTD!!!! #9206438Daniella Puente February 02, 2011 0
Congrats on this wonderful capture Patti! #9207833Summer A. Kozisek February 02, 2011 0
Gorgeous image Patti, congratulations on your potd! #9208222Donna La Mattino Pagakis February 06, 2011 0
A gorgeous winner and POTD. Double congrats Patti! #9216889Patti Zebchuck February 06, 2011 0
Thank yu so much wow such nice comments and so many of them!Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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