Morning Frost

© Josh A. Friedman

Morning Frost

Uploaded: November 28, 2010


Exif: F Number: 32, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 2/1 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 100, White balance: Manual white balance, FocalLength: 100.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 7D


Melissa G. Meiselman November 29, 2010 0

Outstanding full frame shot taken with ultra sharp detail and great linear elements, Joshua!!

Melissa #1331366

Josh A. Friedman November 29, 2010 0

Thanks very much for the nice feedback. I just got a Canon EF 100mm f/2.8L IS to go with my Canon 7D. This shot was one of my 1st experiments with my new toy!

Josh #9069708

Nikki McDonald level-classic December 09, 2010 0

Beautiful tones, textures and detail, Josh. Congratulations on the POTD. #9088661

Josh A. Friedman December 09, 2010 0

Hi Nikki. Thanks for the nice feedback. #9088676

Joy Rector December 09, 2010 0

congrats on the POTD #9088698

Nancyj E. Hovey level-classic December 09, 2010 0

Gorgeous detailed leaf with wonderful frost!

on your very deserving POTD! 8o) #9088781

JO ANN CLEVELAND December 09, 2010 0

Brrrrr...that is sooo goood I got the chills! lol

Great macro and congrats on your POTD Josh!!

jo ann c. #9088848

Cathy Barrows December 09, 2010 0

Congrats on your gorgeous POTD #9088897

Karen Celella December 09, 2010 0

Congratulations on your terrific POTD, Josh! #9088998

Phyllis H. Burchett December 09, 2010 0

Wonderful! Congrats on your POTD! #9089026

Josh A. Friedman December 09, 2010 0

Joy, NancyJ, Jo Ann, Cathy, Karen & Phyllis -- Thanks for the kind & encouraging feedback. The funny thing about the shot is that I was primarily looking outward that morning -- i.e. I took some shots of a row of houses reflected in the Delaware River (in northern Bucks County, PA) in the beautiful morning light. Only when I was cold & on my way back to my car did my attention turn downward - i.e. to the frost-covered leaves. I debated about setting up my tripod again (the warmth of my car was calling me!). Anyway, I'm happy I took the extra 15 minutes to take some macro shots. #9089046

Michele Peterson level-classic December 09, 2010 0

Josh, great close up! Love the muted colors of the leaves with the frost. Very well done. Enjoy your new lens!! #9089201

Katarina Mansson December 09, 2010 0

Congratulations on receiving a POTD for this beautiful macro! #9089205

Anthony L. Mancuso December 09, 2010 0

Excellent detail and comp Josh..congrats on your POTD! #9089358

Josh A. Friedman December 09, 2010 0

Katrina, Michele & Anthony - thanks very much for the nice comments.

Josh #9089374

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic December 10, 2010 0

CONGRATZ on the POTD award, Josh!

UB. #9090223

Josh A. Friedman December 10, 2010 0

Usman - thank you for your nice feedback.

Josh #9090265

Mary K. Robison December 10, 2010 0

Beautiful macro, Josh ~
CONGRATULATIONS on your well-earned POTD! #9090444

Josh A. Friedman December 10, 2010 0

Hi Mary. Thanks for your kind comments.

Josh #9090665

Richard D. Love December 13, 2010 0

Congratulations, Josh. Wonderful composition and lines. Well done.

Rick #9096416

Rita Hill level-classic December 20, 2010 0

This photo makes me want to sit in front of a warm fire. Well done Josh, I love this image. Worth the 15 min extra you too in the cold weather. Have a great Holiday. #9115644

Josh A. Friedman December 21, 2010 0

Hi Rita & Rick. Thanks for the nice feedback. Yes, I'm happy I took the extra time to take this shot. Have a great holiday.

Josh #9117486

Donna La Mattino Pagakis January 08, 2011 0

Congratulations on your POTD Josh, great details captured! #9150362

Josh A. Friedman January 10, 2011 0

Thanks for the nice feedback, Donna. #9152567

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