Under the Sun
Uploaded: November 19, 2010
The Painted Lady (Vanessa cardui)
Exif: F Number: 6.3, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/400 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 100, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 300.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 300D DIGITAL
Tammy M. Anderson
November 19, 2010
Robert R. Goodman November 19, 2010 0
Hi Bojan,Beautiful capture my friend.Excellent color.We have a butterfly here that looks like the Painted Lady that are called West Coast Lady!!!!! #9050894Tiia Vissak November 19, 2010 0
a wonderful close-up! #9050967Patti Coblentz November 19, 2010 0
Beautiful detail, color, and light...all composed to perfection, Bojan.I am going to start betting on your images...LOL. #9051085
Melissa Olsen November 19, 2010 0
Beautiful and so well presented!
isabel C. Zepeda
November 19, 2010
Very nice picture,full of colors and details.
Ysa... #9051300
Gord MacEachern November 19, 2010 0
Hi Bojan, very beautiful image here, a winner in my book!! #9051359Marijana Fajgl November 19, 2010 0
This is so beautiful, Bojan! Fantastic colours, details and composition. #9051834
Bojan Bencic
November 19, 2010
Candice C. Calhoun
November 19, 2010
ccc #9051949
Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna November 20, 2010 0
Sooooooooooo beautiful, Bojan! :-) k #9052215Shirley A. Kinney November 20, 2010 0
Gorgeous, Bojan. Great capture. #9052403Yulianto Soeroso November 20, 2010 0
lovely this clarity #9052680Nadine A. Lewis November 20, 2010 0
EXCEPTIONAL color, comp., lighting, & DETAIL, Bojan!!!! <>< #9053087
Bojan Bencic
November 20, 2010
Renata Gusciora November 20, 2010 0
Stunning capture,Bojan!I love the colors and details,fabulous clarity! #9053878
Bojan Bencic
November 21, 2010
Renee Doyle December 13, 2010 0
So very beautifully captured Bojan!! Congratulations on this wonderful finalist!! #9096943Gord MacEachern December 13, 2010 0
Big congrats on your well deserved finalists Bojan. Good luck next round. #9097271Kerry Hill December 13, 2010 0
Congratulations on your beautiful finalist Bojan!! #9097325Patti Coblentz December 13, 2010 0
Congratulations on this lovely finalist, Bojan! #9097354
isabel C. Zepeda
December 13, 2010
Ysa... #9097449
Marijana Fajgl December 13, 2010 0
huge congratulations, Bojan on your fantastic finalist! Sretno! #9097512Kate Jackson December 13, 2010 0
And many congratulations to you too Bojan! I think yours has a better chance of going further than mine! #9097799
Tammy M. Anderson
December 13, 2010
Melissa Olsen December 13, 2010 0
Perfection, congrats on your finalist! #9098041Jessica Jenney December 13, 2010 0
Congratulations, Bojan on your beautiful finalists! #9098405Marcel J. Fernandez December 14, 2010 0
Outstanding!!! Congratulations, Bojan. #9098545Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna December 14, 2010 0
WTG on your gorgeous finalists, Bojan! :-) k #9098797Jean-Pierre Ducondi December 14, 2010 0
Fantastic - Big congrats on your finalist Bojan.
Lydia Williams
December 14, 2010
Gina Cormier December 14, 2010 0
WOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Congrats!!!!!!!! This is spectacular!!! #9098970Rony Sagy December 14, 2010 0
Congratulations on the wonderful Finalist. #9099394Debra R. Harder December 14, 2010 0
Gorgeous, Bojan! Huge congratulations on your superb finalist! Deb #9099998ALLEN O. HOWARD December 14, 2010 0
N*I*C*E! Congratulations Bojan! #9100088Merna L. Nobile December 14, 2010 0
It is my honor to congratulate and celebrate your award for November, 2010. Merna #9100115Ujjwal Mukherjee December 14, 2010 0
So very beautiful,Bojan!! Congratulations!! #9100780Datha Y. Thompson December 14, 2010 0
Beautiful!! Congratulations Bojan ;) #9100803Stan J. Bendkowski December 14, 2010 0
Fantastic Finalist,Bojan! Big Congratulations. #9100999
Usman M. Bajwa
December 14, 2010
UB. #9101113
Ellen Hodges December 14, 2010 0
Huge congrats on your awesome finalists, Bojan! Very best luck!!! #9101277Tiia Vissak December 14, 2010 0
Congratulations! #9101367
Janet McNeil
December 14, 2010
Joy Rector December 14, 2010 0
congrats on the POTD #9101385Patti Coblentz December 14, 2010 0
So nice to see this as a POTD...just wonderful, Bojan...congratulations!!! #9101395
Usman M. Bajwa
December 14, 2010
UB. #9101415
Tammy M. Anderson
December 14, 2010
Karen Celella December 14, 2010 0
Congratulations on both of your wonderful awards, Bojan! #9101481
Nikki McDonald
December 14, 2010
Susan D. Royce
December 14, 2010
Katarina Mansson December 14, 2010 0
Wonderful macro. Congratulations! #9101599Cathy Barrows December 14, 2010 0
Congrats on your beautiful POTD #9101628Eivor Kuchta December 14, 2010 0
Wonderful composition, Bojan! Congratulations on your POTD! #9101657
Bojan Bencic
December 14, 2010
Carla Capra Anderson December 14, 2010 0
Hi Bojan;JO ANN CLEVELAND December 14, 2010 0
Congratulations on this totally gorgeous POTD and Finalist Bojan!I love it!
jo ann c. #9101833
Anthony L. Mancuso December 14, 2010 0
Superb detail, color and composition Bojan..congrats! #9101868
Nancy L. Green
December 14, 2010
Jessica Jenney December 14, 2010 0
And congrats on your beautiful POTD!!! #9101957
Nancyj E. Hovey
December 14, 2010
Lydia Williams
December 14, 2010
Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna December 14, 2010 0
WTG, Bojan! Finalist, POTD and next a gold! :-) k #9102010Kate Jackson December 14, 2010 0
You are having a good time at the moment Bojan. But so well deserved congrats again on your POTD! #9102045Jeffrey R. Bange December 14, 2010 0
Congratulations on a well deserved POTD. #9102066
Val Feldman
December 14, 2010
Dianna Murphy December 14, 2010 0
Beautiful work, congratulations. #9102333Donna La Mattino Pagakis December 14, 2010 0
Beautiful composition Bojan, congratulations on your POTD and finalist! #9102373
Garth D. Beatty
December 14, 2010
Stefania Barbier
December 14, 2010
Datha Y. Thompson December 14, 2010 0
And CONGRATULATIONS again on this Beautiful POTD!! WTG :) #9102541
Laura E. Swan
December 14, 2010
Bojan! So beautiful! WOW! First a finalist now POTD???
Awesome my Friend!!! :)
-Laura #9102542
Daniella Puente December 14, 2010 0
Congrats Bojan! a wonderful photo with 2 well deserved seals on it :) good luck next! #9102866
Bojan Bencic
December 14, 2010
Maria Morrow December 14, 2010 0
Beautiful work, Bojan.. Congratulations on your POTD! #9103026Stephen Zacker December 14, 2010 0
Stunning capture and detail. Big Congratulations #9103086Gord MacEachern December 14, 2010 0
This is so great Bojan way to go!!!!
Jeff Robinson
December 14, 2010
Lisa J. Boulden
December 14, 2010
Marijana Fajgl December 14, 2010 0
Big congratulations on your awesome photo of the day, Bojan! #9103274Yulianto Soeroso December 15, 2010 0
beautiful flower compo and color and great congratulation ..your shot ...amazing #9103329Renata Gusciora December 15, 2010 0
Huge congratulations on your beautiful finalist and POTD,Bojan!Well deserved! #9103390Debra R. Harder December 15, 2010 0
Huge congratulations, Bojan, on your beautiful POTD!! Deb #9103644
Carol Eade
December 15, 2010
Nancy (Peaches) Harker December 15, 2010 0
wow Bojan, AWESOME color and clarity
Robert K. Bemus
December 15, 2010
Cesar J. La Rosa December 15, 2010 0
Beautiful composition and wonderful colors. Congratulations on your well-deserved POTD and Finalist, Bojan!!!
Patrick Rouzes
December 15, 2010
Rona L. Schwarz December 15, 2010 0
Fabulous POV and composition Bojan with wonderful clarity and color. Many congratulations on your very well-deserved POTD and your Finalist! #9103984Barbara Waldoch December 15, 2010 0
CONGRATULATIONS on all your finalists, Bojan! #9104195Siete Meeter December 15, 2010 0
Beautiful and so well presented!Mary K. Robison December 15, 2010 0
Lovely macro!
Bojan Bencic
December 15, 2010
Patti Coblentz December 15, 2010 0
You did it...the ultimate trifecta, my friend!!!...huge congratulations...can I touch you? LOL! Very well done, indeed!!! #9105200Debra R. Harder December 15, 2010 0
WTG, Bojan!! Huge congratulations on your BEAUTIFUL GOLD WINNER!! Deb #9105534
Terry Cervi
December 15, 2010
Marcel J. Fernandez December 15, 2010 0
Double congratulations, Bojan on your Winner and POTD. #9105676Tiia Vissak December 15, 2010 0
Congratulations! #9105702
Tammy M. Anderson
December 15, 2010
frank w. degenhardt December 15, 2010 0
So beautifully done Bojan. It is fitting that it get you a PHOTO OF THE DAY, a FINALIST, and a SECOND PLACE WIN. CONGRATULATIONS on this proud moment for you my friend. #9105918
Stefania Barbier
December 15, 2010
JO ANN CLEVELAND December 15, 2010 0
Big congratulations on your 2nd Place winner....beautifully done I LOVED this Bojan!jo ann c. #9105996
Anita Hogue December 15, 2010 0
Congratulations on your gorgeous winner, Bojan! #9106221Gina Cormier December 15, 2010 0
Congrats on this stunner!!!!!!!!!!!!!! #9106240Nancy (Peaches) Harker December 15, 2010 0
Bojan Bencic
December 15, 2010
Val Feldman
December 15, 2010
Renee Doyle December 15, 2010 0
Fantastic!!! Big congratulations to you Bojan on this wonderful winner!!! #9106720Jeana Clark December 15, 2010 0
~J~ #9106770
Karen Slagle December 15, 2010 0
Congrats Bojan on your fabulous winning image. #9106832Kate Jackson December 15, 2010 0
I am not at all surprised Bojan that I am congratulating you again on this! #9106849Marijana Fajgl December 15, 2010 0
Congratulations, again, Bojan, for your well deserved win! #9106957
Lydia Williams
December 16, 2010
Jessica Jenney December 16, 2010 0
Congratulations, Bojan on your gorgeous winner! #9107148
Robert K. Bemus
December 16, 2010
Nadia Paul December 16, 2010 0
So very beautiful Bojan - congrats on your winner and POTD! #9107300
Claudia Kuhn
December 16, 2010
Rony Sagy December 16, 2010 0
Huge congrats on this double win, Bojan. #9107445
Patrick Rouzes
December 16, 2010
Sam Britt December 16, 2010 0
Big Congrats on this second place winner, Bojan! #9107557Ujjwal Mukherjee December 16, 2010 0
HUGE congratulations on your outstanding POTD and Winner,Bojan!! Super!!!! #9107840Alan L. Borror December 16, 2010 0
Congratulations on this wonderful winner, Bojan! #9108304
Usman M. Bajwa
December 16, 2010
UB. #9108432
Nancyj E. Hovey
December 16, 2010
Bojan Bencic
December 16, 2010
Janet McNeil
December 16, 2010
Kitty R. Rodehorst-Hanna December 16, 2010 0
CONGRATULATIONS on this fantastic win, Bojan! :-) k #9109440
Bojan Bencic
December 16, 2010
isabel C. Zepeda
December 16, 2010
YSA.... #9109584
Maria Morrow December 16, 2010 0
Congratulations on this awesome winner Bojan! #9109692
Nikki McDonald
December 17, 2010
Renata Gusciora December 17, 2010 0
Big congratulations on your amazing winner,Bojan!!!:-) #9110271
Bojan Bencic
December 17, 2010
Ellen Hodges December 17, 2010 0
Huge congrats on a fantastic win, Bojan!! #9111107Donna La Mattino Pagakis December 17, 2010 0
Congratulations on your win Bojan! #9111282
Bojan Bencic
December 17, 2010
Michael Umbreit December 18, 2010 0
Bojan - Double congratulations on this great image!! - Mike #9112688
Bojan Bencic
December 18, 2010
Richard D. Love December 21, 2010 0
Congratulations, Bojan. Wonderful composition and depth. Well done.Rick #9117998
Bojan Bencic
December 21, 2010
Phyllis H. Burchett December 27, 2010 0
This is absolutely gorgeous, a belated congratulations to you Bojan! #9126372
Bojan Bencic
December 27, 2010
Karen Slagle January 25, 2011 0
Belated congrats Bojan on your outstanding winning image. The colors and details are incredible. Thank you for your comments on mine. #9191481
Bojan Bencic
January 25, 2011
Wm Nosal February 02, 2015 0
Beautiful, Bojan!
Bojan Bencic
February 02, 2015
Ed Lauderdale
March 29, 2016
Bojan Bencic
March 29, 2016
Lydia Williams
March 29, 2016
Bojan Bencic
March 30, 2016
freddy kietzmann May 01, 2016 0
Bojan Bencic
May 01, 2016
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