
© G .G. Leger


Uploaded: September 14, 2010


Exif: F Number: 3.5, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 10/2000 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 50, White balance: Auto white balance, FocalLength: 44.40 mm, Model: DiMAGE A200


Deborah Lewinson level-addict October 05, 2010 0

Congratulations on your beautiful POTD!


William C. Raco level-classic October 05, 2010 0

Wonderful color, focus, DoF and composition.
Beautiful photo, G
Congratulations on the POTD #8948145

Anita Bower October 05, 2010 0

Very, very nice. Love the attitude of the flower, the background, the colors. Well done. #8948302

Nikki McDonald level-classic October 05, 2010 0

This is a wonderful capture of this pretty, graceful prairie cone flower with its petals blowing in the breeze. Congratulations on the POTD. #8948306

Joy Rector October 05, 2010 0

congrats on the POTD #8948309

Nilesh J. Bhange October 05, 2010 0

Congratulations on POTD ! Excellent photograph ! #8948324

Susan Cliett October 05, 2010 0

Congrats on POTD, it's stunning!! #8948351

G .G. Leger October 05, 2010 0

Wow, How blessed I am that this photo was picked for this. You always want a photo to be delightful for the eye and in this sense I am overjoyed that it brought that reaction! God Bless you all! Have a great Day! #8948358

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic October 05, 2010 0

Lovely details, color and dof, GG. CONGRATZ on the POTD Award!

UB. #8948474

Katarina Mansson October 05, 2010 0

Congratulations! #8948502

G .G. Leger October 05, 2010 0

Thanks so much Usman and Katrina, blessings to both of you! #8948511

Linda D. Lester level-classic October 05, 2010 0

Wonderful shot....congratulations on your POTD! #8948586

Anthony L. Mancuso October 05, 2010 0

Excellent comp, color and lighting..congrats on your POTD! #8948611

G .G. Leger October 05, 2010 0

Thank you Linda and Anthony, I was really excited about this. I can't wait to see all of your beautiful galleries!
There is so much talent on this site, truely gifts from God! #8948636

JO ANN CLEVELAND October 05, 2010 0

Absolutely gorgoeus G.G. great colors and dof..

Congrats on your POTD!

jo ann c. #8948661

Cathy Barrows October 05, 2010 0

Congrats on your potd...i think your shot deserves a title so here it is"If I Only Had A Petal" or " A Bit Underdressed" #8948662

G .G. Leger October 05, 2010 0

Thanks Sabrina and Cathy! Cathy I think I just love both of those titles. Is there a way to change a title? Those are just great and thank you for giving it a name. Smile! A Bit Undressed is fantastic! #8948696

Rita Hill level-classic October 05, 2010 0

Wonderful image G.G.L. simply beautiful and stunning photo. Much deserving of POTD! A great example of something so simple can be something so splendid. #8948822

G .G. Leger October 05, 2010 0

Thanks Rita, I find the Creator really has so many gifts to observe in this wonderful earth! He is so Awesome and I am soo.. grateful for all of them! #8948831

Michele Peterson level-classic October 05, 2010 0

G.G., this photo IS truly a gift from God. For you to have been able to take it, and for the rest of us to be able to enjoy. Congratulations! <>< #8948877

Kathleen R. Struckle October 05, 2010 0

Congrats. on your outstanding POTD!! #8948894

Nancyj E. Hovey level-classic October 05, 2010 0

on your very deserving POTD! 8o) #8948941

Lisa J. Boulden level-classic October 05, 2010 0

Such a stunning floral, G.G.
Sweet. Soft. Serene.

More title suggestions:
'The Last Dance' or 'Her Final Hoorah'

Congratulations on your lovely POTD.
Blessings, Lisa♥ #8949005

G .G. Leger October 05, 2010 0

Thanks Nancyj and Lisa.Lisa those are great titles! Where are you guys when I need you! Sometimes I just go blank trying to give titles to some of them! Blessings to both of you ! #8949009

Ivan Chacon October 05, 2010 0

Beautiful POTD!!! :) #8949044

Karen E. Baumann October 05, 2010 0

Congratulations on this lovely POTD! love the colors and tones, the DOF, the comp... all of it! #8949071

G .G. Leger October 05, 2010 0

Thanks Ivan and Karen, blessings to you! #8949152

Donna La Mattino Pagakis October 05, 2010 0

Congratulations on your POTD, incredible beauty! #8949523

Stanley C. Sims October 05, 2010 0

Very, very nice. Congratulations. #8949590

October 05, 2010 0

GG - how exciting to see one of your photos again that is so beautiful. I love the composition and perspective and the way the blurred out background has such movement going in the shape of the flower itself. I know other flowers were there that created this but sometimes when it is blurred out too much you don't get that effect. Great job. #8949852

G .G. Leger October 05, 2010 0

Thanks Stanley and Ellen! Ellen, how have you been, good to see you here. Hope you are still enjoying your photography, this is the best website with so many talented photographers!
Blessings! #8949930

Shirley A. Kinney October 06, 2010 0

Awesome, G.G. The composition is just gorgeous. And congratulations on your POTD. Well deserved. #8950331

G .G. Leger October 06, 2010 0

Thank you! God's blessings! #8950351

Richard D. Love October 13, 2010 0

Congratulations, G.G. Excellent depth and comp. Well done.

Rick #8964570

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