Colorful Elements of Hood Ornament Design

© Rob Bishop

Colorful Elements of Hood Ornament Design

Uploaded: July 19, 2010


Exif: F Number: 11, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 10/5000 seconds, Flash: did not fire., FocalLength: 78.00 mm, Model: NIKON D50


Chuck Bruton level-classic July 19, 2010 0

Great eye
Nice auto graphic #1289733

Katarina Mansson August 06, 2010 0

Congratulations on your colorful and wonderful POTD Rob! #8809336

Robert Mann level-deluxe August 06, 2010 0

Great colors and design, Rob! Big congrats on your POTD! #8809420

Joy Rector August 06, 2010 0

great shot, love the comp #8809425

Donna R. Moratelli August 06, 2010 0

Congratulations on your POTD. THis is a very hard subject to capture and you did an awsome job! #8809595

Kimber Wallwork-Heineman level-classic August 06, 2010 0

Congratulations - this is a powerful shot! #8809674

Nancyj E. Hovey level-classic August 06, 2010 0

on your very deserving POTD! 8o) #8809741

Cathy Barrows August 06, 2010 0

congrats on your the design and colors #8809762

Leslie McLain level-classic August 06, 2010 0

Congrats on your very cool POTD. Love the bold colors. #8809974

Donna La Mattino Pagakis August 06, 2010 0

What an eye catching image Rob! Congratulations on your very cool POTD! #8810131

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe August 06, 2010 0

Your work is amazing Rob - Congrats on your Well Deserved POTD! Jeff #8810271

Renee Doyle August 06, 2010 0

Congratulations Rob on this EXCELLENT POTD!!! #8810323

Tommy E. Burgess August 07, 2010 0

Huge congratulations on your outstanding and well deserved POTD Rob!! #8811138

Mary K. Robison August 07, 2010 0

Belated Congratulations on your POTD, Rob! #8811342

Melissa G. Meiselman August 15, 2010 0

Big Congratulations on this gorgeous finalist!!! #8836648

Richard D. Love August 22, 2010 0

Congratulations, Rob. Wonderful combination of form and color. Well done.

Rick #8854984

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