
Uploaded: June 26, 2010


Grand Canyon National Park. June 2010 Aerial Session.


Donna La Mattino Pagakis July 17, 2010 0

Great POV, textures and beautiful landscape. A unique image of the Grand Canyon. Congratulations on your POTD Kiril! #1289056

Sylvia Rourke level-classic July 17, 2010 0

Congrats on you POTD. A powerful and inspiring landscape. I like the way you captured the river on a diagonal. It's on my list of places to visit.. Well done. #8769291

Joy Rector July 17, 2010 0

great shot #8769308

Kiril Kirkov level-deluxe July 17, 2010 0

Thank you Donna, Sylvia and Joy ! #8769385

JO ANN CLEVELAND July 17, 2010 0

Awesome capture Kiril!

Congrats on POTD, bet we see this one again!

jo ann c. #8769397

Kiril Kirkov level-deluxe July 17, 2010 0

Thank you Jo Ann ! #8769402

Nancy S. Kruskop July 17, 2010 0

A powerful composition with the warm rocks against that wonderfully green river. Congratulations on you POTD! #8769443

Nancyj E. Hovey level-classic July 17, 2010 0

on your very deserving POTD! 8o) #8769452

Jean-Pierre Ducondi July 17, 2010 0

Excellent composition and texture. Big congrats on our POTD.
JP #8769455

Kiril Kirkov level-deluxe July 17, 2010 0

Thank you Nancy, Nancyj, and Jean-Pierre! #8769457

Sandy Guillory July 17, 2010 0

I'm motion sick, seriously. #8769487

Kiril Kirkov level-deluxe July 17, 2010 0

Same here....But it was GREAT !!!! #8769492

Darryl Wilkinson July 17, 2010 0

Looks like fun ! Congrats on the award! #8769498

Susana Ms Heide July 17, 2010 0

What an amazing sight!!! It must have been GRAND from up there! The colors are fantastic! Congrats on you POTD Kiril! :o) #8769598

Phyllis H. Burchett July 17, 2010 0

Awesome POV and details, Congrats on your POTD! #8769667

Rona L. Schwarz July 17, 2010 0

What a way to see the Grand Canyon! Seriously, I am so impressed by the quality of this aerial capture, Kiril! A wonderful composition, with great textures and amazing clarity! Congratulations a spectacular POTD! #8769735

Laura E. Swan level-classic July 17, 2010 0


Huge congrats on this POTD. An honor to view this image, Kiril!

-Laura Swan #8769845

Cindy Bendush level-classic July 17, 2010 0

Very cool Kiril! Congrats on your POTD! #8769995

Jeff Robinson level-deluxe July 17, 2010 0

Congrats Kiril on your Outstanding and Well Deserved POTD! Jeff #8770063

Bunny Snow July 17, 2010 0

Good eyes, Kiril. All your classes and dedication is paying off. The POV, perspective, lighting --hence, textures, composition capturing the river on a diagonal are all superb, as the judges have recognized with your POTD.

Congratulations. Hope we'll see this again! ~Bunny #8770161

Kiril Kirkov level-deluxe July 18, 2010 0

Thank you Bunny, Jeff, Cindy, Laura, Rona, Phyllis, Susana and Darryl ! #8770376

Kathleen R. Struckle July 18, 2010 0

Great shot. Congrats on POTD!! #8770396

Amanda D. Austwick level-classic July 18, 2010 0

Kiril, this is such a"grand" shot of the Grand Canyon. I love the contrasting green-blue river against the background shades of brown, and the lovely curve at the top. Congratulations!!! #8771026

Kiril Kirkov level-deluxe July 18, 2010 0

Thank you Kathleen and Amanda! #8771068

James Kirk July 19, 2010 0

Great perspective and color contrast. Very nice. Did you charter your own ride. This looks like you were hanging out the side of a helicopter. Talk about vertigo. They frown on that with sightseer rides. #8773322

Kiril Kirkov level-deluxe July 19, 2010 0

It was a plane ride. Thank you James! #8774108

Nancy (Peaches) Harker July 20, 2010 0

WOW, AWESOME pov and capture Kiril!!!
HUGE congrats on your AWESOME POTD! Well Deserved! #8776366

Kiril Kirkov level-deluxe July 21, 2010 0

Thank you Nancy! #8776443

Siete Meeter July 21, 2010 0

Awesome capture Kiril!
Congrats on POTD

Kiril Kirkov level-deluxe July 21, 2010 0

Thank you Siete! #8777596

Richard D. Love August 04, 2010 0

Congratulations, Kiril. Beautiful image with wonderful composition and colors. Well done.

Rick #8805576

Kiril Kirkov level-deluxe August 05, 2010 0

Thank you Rick! #8806702

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