Natural Acadia - Tension

© Mark Stevens

Natural Acadia - Tension

Uploaded: June 18, 2010


Acadia National Park

Exif: F Number: 8, Exposure Bias Value: 0.00, ExposureTime: 1/200 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 200, White balance: Manual white balance, FocalLength: 8.90 mm, Model: Canon PowerShot G10


Lydia Williams level-classic July 12, 2010 0

Congratulations, Mark! Well Done and well deserved. #1287564

Nikki McDonald level-classic July 12, 2010 0

Well seen -- great textures and nice shapes. Congratulations on the finalist and good luck in the next round, Mark. #8752606

Donna La Mattino Pagakis July 29, 2010 0

Nice texture, eod, colors and details Mark! a beautiful finalist and congratulations on your POTD! #8792650

Alan L. Borror July 29, 2010 0

Congratulations on your POTD, Mark! Well seen and presented! #8792772

Susan K. Snow July 29, 2010 0

Brenda Tharp would be proud as you've seen and captured many elements of composition and design, texture, lighting and color and details.

Congratulations on your POTD, Mark. This is a beautiful finalist. #8792792

Joy Rector July 29, 2010 0

congrats on the POTD #8792872

Usman M. Bajwa level-classic July 29, 2010 0

Very well seen and lovely composition, Mark. CONGRATZ on the Finalist and POTD Awards!

UB. #8792882

Lydia Williams level-classic July 29, 2010 0

Yay, Mark! Congratulation on your POTD!!

Lydia #8792937

JO ANN CLEVELAND July 29, 2010 0

Great textures and eod of these stones Mark, congrats on your POTD!

jo ann c. #8793003

Shelly A. Van Camp level-classic July 29, 2010 0

Home sweet, Home....Beautiful and congrats on the POTD!! #8793116

Anthony L. Mancuso July 29, 2010 0

Congrats on your excellent POTD Mark! #8793136

Nancyj E. Hovey level-classic July 29, 2010 0

Fantastic image....

on your very deserving Finalist,
and NOW - your POTD! wtg! #8793144

Nancy A. Eaton July 29, 2010 0

"Great capture!", as they say, Mark. Congratulations! #8793202

Laura E. Swan level-classic July 29, 2010 0

A lot could be said about this interesting image, Mark. Mainly, to me, that we might take for granted that many times it's the little things that mean a lot!

Great find and capture. Huge congrats on your POTD and finalist!

-Laura Swan #8793373

MELODIE C. ROBERTS July 30, 2010 0

Congratulations Mark!
An Excellent POTD!! #8794051

Katarina Mansson July 30, 2010 0

Great eye and capture. Congratulations on your finalist and POTD! #8794486

Pamela A. Davis July 31, 2010 0

Great image Mark congrats!!! #8796220

Dianna Murphy August 03, 2010 0

Congratulations on your wonderful POTD!!! #8804035

Richard D. Love August 05, 2010 0

Congratulations, Mark. Wonderful use of light and shadows, textures, and colors. Well done.

Rick #8807497

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