Before layers and alterations...

© Michelle L. Frick

Before layers and alterations...

Uploaded: May 13, 2010


Exif: F Number: 3.2, Exposure Bias Value: 0.33, ExposureTime: 1/125 seconds, Flash: did not fire, compulsory flash mode, ISO: 400, White balance: Manual white balance, FocalLength: 50.00 mm, Model: Canon EOS 5D Mark II


Michelle L. Frick May 13, 2010 0

Here's how the image began... #1268424

Sheila D. Bottoms May 13, 2010 0

I love the use of the filters! You know Im a filter guru! Gogeous! #8609409

Michelle L. Frick May 13, 2010 0

Thank you Sheila! You know, somedays, when there's no makeup, you have to find other ways to make yourself presentable! LOL! #8609412

Maria Warren level-classic May 13, 2010 0

this is awesome nice work!!!! #8609473

Michelle L. Frick May 13, 2010 0

Thank you Maria!! #8609584

Patti Coblentz May 13, 2010 0

I love the effects, Michelle!!

Patti #8609791

Michelle L. Frick May 13, 2010 0

Thank you Patti! #8609793

Donna La Mattino Pagakis May 19, 2010 0

Congratulations on your before and after feature, in the Digital Darkroom newsletter today!! WTG Shell! #8622755

Selena C. Metts May 19, 2010 0

Beautiful Michelle, well done! #8622798

Patti Coblentz May 19, 2010 0

I love this transformation and was really pleased to see it featured in the DD newsletter...congratulations, Michelle!!

Patti #8622809

Michelle L. Frick May 20, 2010 0

Thank you Donna, Selena and Patti! I think it got overlooked for an EFP, so I was surprised to see it in the DD letter, but so excited. I've never been featured like that before. Guess I will be resubbing this unless an EFP suddenly appears!!! Smiles to you all! #8622884

Katarina Mansson May 20, 2010 0

Congrats on being featured in DD Shell! #8623348

Bob Cournoyer level-classic September 03, 2010 0

I really like this!! #8878656

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