Court of Nefertiti

© Arthur Rosch

Court of  Nefertiti

Uploaded: January 05, 2003


The Leonid Meteor Shower of 2001 was an event of a lifetime. I saw thousands of meteors, and photographed a couple dozen. Here is a great Leonid streak passing alongside Orion. Below, on Earth, is an evocative sculpture in stone.


Gary H. Minish level-classic January 06, 2003 0

Another nice combo, Art! I don't believe I saw the first version. On this one, there is a black edge on a lot of the rock at the skyline that gives it a little too much contrast and gives away the overlapped images. You might try softening that a bit. Hoping to see more of these images! #17824

Arthur Rosch May 27, 2019 0

Actually, Gary, I painted in the black
to give it more contrast! Guess I
need to find that happy medium. there
was a very 'digity' green edge to
the rocks. I'll keep after it till
I get it right. the prints are fantastic. I just opened an exhibit
in a local restaurant. Art #38273

Murry Grigsby May 27, 2019 0

PS takes a while to get the right touch. It's easy to over do it. I'm speaking from experience. I thought about your work last night as I watched "Touched By An Angel". The story was about a large meteor about to hit earth. They had a really nice telescope and reference the belt of Orion (I think).

Murry #38313

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