The Valley Sleeps Under Gemini

© Arthur Rosch

The Valley Sleeps Under Gemini

Uploaded: June 30, 2003


Jacqueline D. Stefano June 30, 2003 0

Love it! Makes me want to sleep outside tonight. Great shot! #43109

Donna Dunbar May 27, 2019 0

Wow , this is an awsome image !!!! #129879

Patricia A. Kuniega May 27, 2019 0

What a stunning image! It's so "other worldly" that I'm waiting for some close encounters... #129894

Murry Grigsby May 27, 2019 0

Wonderful image, Art!! #129901

Leanne M.E. Boyd May 27, 2019 0

Fantastic shot, Art. Awsome!!!! #129922

Claudia Kuhn level-classic May 27, 2019 0

Very nice! Wish I could see that many stars at night! #130002

Dottie Shepherd May 27, 2019 0

Art, A Beautiful piece of work!! #130102

bob cornelison July 30, 2004 0

Another great shot! ~:0) #677516

August 27, 2004 0

how long did you expose this for? or did you paste the night sky on with your telescope and stuff? #737700

Arthur Rosch August 27, 2004 0

There are three layers here. The sky
is a ten minute exposure. the moon
and foreground are quick exposures.
Each layer is laid over the last and
the moonlight is feathered outward
to add realism. Of course, you would
never see so many stars during a full
moon. It's a fantasy image. thanks.

Art #737707

Lori Carlson June 29, 2005 0

Wonderful photo creation Art. I just love the touch of moon peeking over that beautiful landscape. You have an amazing gallery, so that means amazing talent! :0) #1535588

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