Rose Red

Uploaded: December 12, 2006 04:12:55


iso 100, 105mm (Sigma 105ex macro w/ef25II ext tube), f/20 (Av Priority), 30 secs, timer/tripod, 580ex speedlite, room completely dark....experimenting today.. :-)

Exif: FNumber: , ExposureBiasValue: , ExposureTime: , Flash: , ISO: , WhiteBalance:


Sherry Stricklin Boles level-classic December 12, 2006 0

Beautiful deep red color and wonderful droplet clarity, Bob! #570890

Janine Russell level-classic December 12, 2006 0

Bob, very nice color, clarity and detail. #3693103

Dr. Harmeet Singh December 12, 2006 0

Beautiful Presentation.Great colour and details. #3693489

Colette M. Metcalf December 12, 2006 0

Beautiful, Bob!! #3693913

Tonya R. Boles December 12, 2006 0

Nice job. #3693966

Joy Rector December 12, 2006 0

awsome #3694170

Susan Fox December 12, 2006 0

Great macro Bob! Love the composition. #3694351

Kara L. Hendricks January 24, 2007 0

Woohooo Go Bob!!!

Congrats! #3860596

Colette M. Metcalf January 24, 2007 0

Congratulations, Bob!! #3861472

Datha Y. Thompson January 24, 2007 0

CONGRATULATIONS Bob!!! Beautiful :0) #3861759

Bob Cournoyer level-classic January 24, 2007 0

Thank you, thank you, thank you....And I sincerely apologize for not thanking everyone earlier for their comments, too!

Bob #3861896

Janine Russell level-classic January 25, 2007 0

Bob, congratulations on your finalist. #3862453

Melissa G. Meiselman January 25, 2007 0

Bob, this is a stunning finalist!! Congratulations!!! #3863706

Kathleen Brennan January 29, 2007 0

Congratulations, Bob! #3888329

Bob Cournoyer level-classic January 30, 2007 0

Thank you, Janine, Melissa and Kathleen.. :-)
I've been really slow at responding lately.

Bob #3888419

Donna La Mattino Pagakis February 11, 2007 0

Absolutely stunning, great colors and design!! Congratulations Bob.

Your gallery is full of amazing images, I'm so glad I stopped by!!!! #3933937

Hurk (Steve) Hurkett March 02, 2007 0

Beautiful full frame capture, Bob .. I like the rich reds, and DoF, ... Steve #4014441

Bob Cournoyer level-classic March 02, 2007 0

Thanks, Steve!!
And good morning to everyone else, too....:-)

Bob #4014464

Joanne Kramer July 22, 2007 0

Stunning! A perfect rose! Give thanks to its creator. #4537112

Carole L. Parker level-classic January 23, 2010 0

Bob this is beautiful. I love roses... Carole #8323748

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