Constantine Wire
Uploaded: November 02, 2002 17:41:49
Used to keep people out or in.
Henny Grevelink November 02, 2002 0
WoW! Thomas what a great shot! Minimal, simple with beautiful lights and composition! ;>) #12104Cathy M. Gromball May 27, 2019 0
I agree with Henny. Excellent shot Thomas!Cathy :) #20609
Patricia Marroquin May 27, 2019 0
Congrats on making finalist with this, Thomas. I agree with Henny and Cathy; this is so simple yet so stunning. #31988Debi Hom May 27, 2019 0
Congratulations Tom! It is so nice to see a few of my classmates show up as finalists in the contest. This is a very striking photo! #32428Cathy M. Gromball May 27, 2019 0
Congratulations Thomas!Cathy :) #32430
Damian P. Gadal May 27, 2019 0
Congrats!!!Reminds me of my dentists office, don't know why, but it does..... #32523
Peter W. Marks October 20, 2009 0
Well done my friend! This image suggests different things to different folk. For me it suggests futuristic aircraft (Star wars!) performing loops in the sky. As others have suggested, it is the simple, minimalistic composition and lighting that draws and holds one to the image.Thomas Ehlers October 20, 2009 0
Thanks Peter, I shot this also in 03, its been raining alot and I havn't been out shooting much, so I put a couple of old pics on here. #8053480Meghan Gonski November 02, 2009 0
Nicely composed image Thomas. It reminds me of the overlapping circle graphs we had to do in history class.Sign up for an interactive online photography course to get critiques on your photos.
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